歌词 "Warriors Of The Sun" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Warriors Of The Sun


歌词相关歌手:BAEZ, JOAN

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

We are the Warriors of the Sun 我们是太阳的勇士

We are the Warriors of the Sun 我们是太阳的勇士


If it's true about no more water but the fire next time 如果这是真的对没有更多的水,但火势下一次

Will the children of the eighties be ashes or live to their prime 将八十年代的孩子是骨灰还是活到风华正茂

If we don't heed reasonable people and their warnings of days to come 如果我们不听从理性的人与天的警告来

We'll all be incinerated Warriors of the Sun 我们都被烧掉太阳勇士


We'll be there to feed the hungry and to tend to the sick 我们将在那里饥民,并趋向于病人

We'll be there when the night gets black and the going gets thick 我们会在那里当夜晚变得黑吃不了厚

We'll be there to carry your feeble, your hopeless and your weary ones 我们将在那里进行的软弱,你的绝望,你疲惫的人

We are the Warriors of the Sun 我们是太阳的勇士


The black angel of Memphis is by our side 孟菲斯的黑天使是我们身边

He walked and he talked in truth until the day that he died 他走了,他谈了真相,直到他死的那天

He said, "It ain't what you can do for me, ah, but what can I do for thee?" 他说, “这不是你能为我做啊,但我能做些什么你呢? ”

And he took us to the mountaintop and he set us free 他把我们带到了山顶,他把我们免费


We are the Warriors of the Sun 我们是太阳的勇士

We may be crazy 我们可能是疯了

And it may be our final run 它可能是我们最后的奔跑

We are the Warriors of the Sun 我们是太阳的勇士


Everybody knows that the whale is smarter than we 大家都知道,鲸鱼比我们更聪明

Probably that's why we call him the king of the sea 也许这就是为什么我们叫他海中之王

We're killing everything on dry land, why don't we just let the fishes be 我们在陆地上杀了一切,为什么我们不只是让鱼成为

Some of us are Greenpeace Warriors of the Sea 我们中有些人是海绿色和平勇士


We are the Warriors of the Sun 我们是太阳的勇士

We are the Warriors of the Sun 我们是太阳的勇士

We are the Warriors of the Sun 我们是太阳的勇士

We are the Warriors of the Sun 我们是太阳的勇士

歌词 Warriors Of The Sun 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/warriors-of-the-sun/

歌词 Warriors Of The Sun 的作者与版权信息:


Joan Baez


Gabriel Earl Music