歌词 "Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Please don't talk about me when I'm gone 请不要谈论我的时候我走了

Honey, though our friendship ceases from now on 亲爱的,虽然我们的友谊从现在开始停止

And if you can't say anything uptight 如果你什么都不能说紧张

It's better not to talk at all, is my advice 这是最好不要说话了,是我的意见


We're parting, you'll go your way, I'll go mine 我们分手,你走你的路,我会去矿

I have just this to do 我就是这样做的

Give a little kiss and hope that it brings 给一个吻,希望它带来

Lots of love to you 许许多多的爱你

Makes no difference how Jerry carries on (but I'll make it, baby!) 没有什么区别杰里如何进行(但我会做到最好的,宝贝! )

Please don't talk about me when I'm gone 请不要谈论我的时候我走了


Please don't talk about me, honey, when I'm gone 请不要谈论我,亲爱的,当我走了

Though our friendship ceases from now on 虽然从现在开始,我们的友谊不再

And if you can't say anything real nice 如果你什么都不能说真正的好

You better not talk at all, is Jerry's advice 你最好不要说话了,是杰里的意见


We're parting, you'll go your way, I'll go mine 我们分手,你走你的路,我会去矿

I have just this to do 我就是这样做的

Here's a little kiss, I hope it brings 这里有一个小吻,我希望它带来

Lots and lots of love to you 很多很多的爱给你

Makes no difference how I carry on 没有什么区别我怎么进行

Please don't talk about me 请不要谈论我

Please don't talk about me 请不要谈论我

Please don't talk about me 请不要谈论我

Please don't talk about me 请不要谈论我

Please don't talk about me 请不要谈论我

Please don't talk about me, honey 请不要谈论我,亲爱的

Please don't talk about me when I'm gone 请不要谈论我的时候我走了

歌词 Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/please-don_t-talk-about-me-when-i_m-gone-3/

歌词 Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone 的作者与版权信息:


Sammy H. Stept, Bee Palmer


WB Music Corp.