歌词 "Old Love" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Old Love



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I want old love, the kind that takes years 我想旧爱,这需要几年的那种

To turn to gold, love, burnished and seared 转向黄金,爱情,抛光和烧鹅

On the high wire, by rain, wind and sun 在高线,雨,风和阳光

With the hard times forgiven and done 有了困难的时候原谅,做


I want old love, the kind that seeps in 我想旧爱,渗出的那种

It isn’t cold, love, it’s never brittle or thin 这不是感冒,爱,它是永远不会脆化或薄

It’s the long kiss, it’s the curl of a sigh 它的长吻,这是一个叹息的卷曲

Down a hallway, in the middle of the night 沿着走廊,在半夜


I want old love, the kind that can see 我想旧爱,可以看到实物

Through the holes, love, that live underneath 通过孔,爱,生活之下

All our false cheer, bravado and pride 我们所有的假欢呼,虚张声势和自豪感

Through the old fears we carry inside 通过老担心我们进行内部


I want old love, the kind that can say 我想老的爱情,可以说的那种

What it knows, love, and what it learned on the way 什么都知道,爱情和它所学到的道路上

In that one voice, familiar and strange 在那一个声音,熟悉又陌生

Only old love remembers your name 只有老爱记得你的名字


I want old love, the kind that holds on 我想旧爱,持有的那种

When it’s told, love, that all hope is gone 当它说,爱,所有的希望都破灭

Against all odds, wagers and prayers 排除万难,投注和祈祷

To the wall love, to the furthest somewhere 在墙壁上的爱情,到什么地方最远


I want old love, the kind that takes years 我想旧爱,这需要几年的那种

To turn to gold, love, burnished and seared 转向黄金,爱情,抛光和烧鹅

On the high wire, by rain, wind and sun 在高线,雨,风和阳光

With the hard times forgiven and done 有了困难的时候原谅,做

歌词 Old Love 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/old-love/