歌词 "Nobody Listens" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Nobody Listens



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Hey mister, don't point at me! 嘿老总,不要点我!

You shout rhetoric nonsense like a Pavlovian model responding to his questions! 你喊豪言壮语废话就像巴甫洛夫的模型回应他的问题!


Hey teacher, arrogance is bliss! 嘿老师,傲慢是福!

You spend your time turning water into life as if you were God's foreman! 你花你的时间水变成生活中,如果你是神的工头!


Is it any wonder things seem so awry? 这是否很奇怪的事情都显得很歪?

We swim in sea of confusion and don't have to think to survive 我们畅游在混乱的大海,不必考虑生存

So nobody listens! 所以没有人听!


Hey Recluse, Dont shout at me! 嘿隐士,不要喊我!

You proclaim yourself expert by extensions of the methods detailed in your magazines! 你宣称自己的专家通过在你的杂志上详细描述的方法扩展!


Hey downer, Don't prey on me! 嘿卧地不起,不要牺牲我!

We've all got bum raps that torment us day to day that we hoist on our own shoulders! 我们都得到了流浪汉斥责一天,折磨我们,我们吊在自己肩上的一天!


Is it any wonder people pass you by? 难怪人们通过你的?

Your plea for understanding is heard as desperate lies! 你的乞求理解听到的绝望的谎言!

So nobody listens! 所以没有人听!


I can't help you 我帮不了你

I can't help you 我帮不了你

I can't help you 我帮不了你

I can't help you now 我帮不了你,现在


Is it any wonder things are so inane? 这是否很奇怪的事情是如此的愚蠢?

So many quests for compassion are just for someone's personal gain 只是对某人的个人利益这么多的任务同情


So nobody listens! 所以没有人听!

Nobody listens to you!! 没人听你的!

歌词 Nobody Listens 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/nobody-listens/

歌词 Nobody Listens 的作者与版权信息:


Greg Graffin


Polypterus Music