歌词 "Mr. Bad Man" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Mr. Bad Man


歌词相关歌手:AMOS, TORI

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

He's a bad man 他是一个坏男人

Mr. Bad Man 恶男先生

And she had enough of him 她受够了他

So the wolves try to dry her eyes 于是,狼尽量擦干她的眼睛

'cause the bad man made her cry “造成坏男人让她哭


But everyday I know that 但我每天都知道

I may just be closer 我可能只是接近

To the sea of frozen words 要冷冻的话海

Words that even soldiers 也就是说,即使战士

Would lay down their swords for 就放下了剑

And they come in every color 而且他们在每一种颜色

And flavor too doo doo doo doo 和味道太斗斗斗斗

And flavor too doo doo doo doo 和味道太斗斗斗斗


There's a gold star 有一颗金色的星星

On a gendarme 在一个宪兵

So she asked him 于是,她问他

"Hey can you hold my song? “嘿,你能握住我的歌吗?

It's the one piece that I got left 这是我就剩一块

So hide it well" she said 因此,隐藏得很好“,她说


He's a bad man 他是一个坏男人

Mr. Bad Man 恶男先生

And she had enough of him 她受够了他

So the wolves try to dry her eyes 于是,狼尽量擦干她的眼睛

'cause the bad man made her cry “造成坏男人让她哭


But everyday I know that 但我每天都知道

I may just be closer 我可能只是接近

To the sea of frozen words 要冷冻的话海

Words that even soldiers 也就是说,即使战士

Would lay down their swords for 就放下了剑

And they come in every color 而且他们在每一种颜色

And flavor too doo doo doo doo 和味道太斗斗斗斗

And flavor too doo doo doo doo 和味道太斗斗斗斗

歌词 Mr. Bad Man 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/mr-bad-man/