歌词 "Lover In Disguise" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Lover In Disguise



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There's a secret that I know about the lady that I love so 还有,我知道,我爱这样的淑女秘密

And I'm the only one she's shown her secret to 我就是她表示她的秘诀只有一个

She's gentle and she's kind 她的温柔,她的那种

She's proper and refine 她是正确的,并细化

But she lets down more than her hair 但她让跌逾她的头发

Alone in our room 独自一人在我们的房间


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Cause she's more than a lady 因为她不仅仅是一位女士

And there's a fire that burns behind those eyes 还有的火,燃烧的眼睛背后

She's more than a lady 她不仅仅是一位女士

And every night when we lay down 每天晚上,当我们放下

And she slips off her satin gown 她滑出她的缎袍

Oh, she proves she's a lover in disguise 哦,她证明了她在变相的情人

She's a lover in disguise 她是变相的情人


When we go out somewhere 当我们走出去的地方

The men may stop and stare 男人可能会停下来凝视

But they see she's a lady 但他们看到她是一个小姐

So they leave her alone 因此,他们丢下她一个人

She's more than she seems 她比她似乎

And in their wildest dreams 并在他们最疯狂的梦想

They could never dream of what it's like to take her home 他们做梦也想不到的是什么感觉带她回家


[Chorus] [合唱]


She's a lover in disguise 她是变相的情人

She's a lover in disguise 她是变相的情人

She's a lover in disguise 她是变相的情人

歌词 Lover In Disguise 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lover-in-disguise/

歌词 Lover In Disguise 的作者与版权信息:


Alan R. Mevis


Jack And Bill Music Co.