歌词 "Just For Old Time Sake" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Just For Old Time Sake



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Just for old time sake 只是旧时代的缘故

Won't you give my heart a break 你会不会给我的心脏休息

Let's get together again 让我们再相聚

Let's relive the time 让我们重温一次

I was yours and you were mine 我是你的,你是我的

Life was so wonderful then 生命是如此的奇妙


I know, I know the day I let you go 我知道,我知道我让你走的那天

I made my greatest mistake 我做了我最大的错误

If you loved me then 如果你爱我,然后

You could love me once again 你可以再爱我一次

Won't you try just for old time sake 你会不会尝试只是旧时代的缘故

歌词 Just For Old Time Sake 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/just-for-old-time-sake/