歌词 "I'm Satisfied With You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I'm Satisfied With You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You don't dress up in satin, you don't wear diamond rings, but I'm satisfied with you. 你不打扮缎,你不戴钻戒,但我很满意你。

You look just like an angel but you haven't got wings, but I'm satisfied with you. 你看起来就像一个天使,但你没有翅膀,但我很满意你。


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

I'd rather have you just the way that you are 我宁愿你只是你的方式

Than change you for somebody new. 不是改变你脱胎换骨。

Maybe I could do better if I reach for the star, but I'm satisfied with you. 也许我可以做的更好,如果我到达的明星,但我很满意你。


You're not made of candy but you're sweet as you can be, so I'm satisfied with you. 你不是做糖果的,但你甜蜜,你就可以了,所以我很满意你。

I just can't see no reason why you bother with me, but I'm satisfied with you. 我看不出有什么理由,你打扰我,但我很满意你。


I often wonder if it's all a mistake, it's hard to believe that it's true, 我常常在想,如果这一切都弄错了,很难相信这是真的,

But if I'm only dreaming, I sure don't want to wake 但如果我只是在做梦,我当然不想醒来

'Cause I'm satisfied with you. 因为我很满意你。


[Chorus] [合唱]


But I'm satisfied with you. 不过,我很满意你。

歌词 I'm Satisfied With You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i_m-satisfied-with-you/