歌词 "Heaven Must Be Wondering Where You Are" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Heaven Must Be Wondering Where You Are



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Some where up there beyond the blue 有人的地方在那里超越蓝色

Surely by now somebody's missin' you 当然,现在有人在想念你

I found the angel they must be lookin' for 我发现,他们必须追寻的天使

Heaven must be wondering where you are 天无绝人会问你在哪里


When I look into your eye's 当我看着你的眼睛的

It's so plain to see 它是如此清楚地看到

Nothin' here on earth describes what you mean to me 没什么在地球上介绍你的意思我

Out of this world when I hold you in my arms 离开这个世界时,我抱你在怀里

Heaven must be wondering where you are 天无绝人会问你在哪里


Lucky me to be the one to find 幸运的我是一个以查询

Someone like you this side of paradise 有人喜欢你天堂的这一边

I know how lost I'd be without here sweetheart 我知道我会怎么会丢在这里没有心上人

Heaven must be wondering where you are 天无绝人会问你在哪里


Some where up there beyond the blue 有人的地方在那里超越蓝色

Surley by now somebody's missin' you Surley现在某人的想念你

I found the angel they must be lookin' for 我发现,他们必须追寻的天使

Heaven must be wondering where you are 天无绝人会问你在哪里


I found the angel they must be lookin' for 我发现,他们必须追寻的天使

Heaven must be wondering where you are 天无绝人会问你在哪里

歌词 Heaven Must Be Wondering Where You Are 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/heaven-must-be-wondering-where-you-are/