歌词 "Heaven" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:APARTMENT 26

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The exit passes you by 出境通行证由你

As they proceed to dance 当他们继续跳舞

A shadow disrupts my light 影子扰乱我的光

Eternally almost over 永远接近尾声

Can you still hear me down there? 你仍然可以听到我在哪儿?

I set my sites at the core 我把我的网站为核心

There is not enough here for us all 没有足够的在这里为我们大家

In heaven everything is fine 在天堂一切都好

You've got your good things, and I've got mine 你有你的好东西,我也有我

In heaven this could be divine 在天上,这可能是神

So much better kept in your mind 所以,更好的保持你的头脑


You tore apart the inside 你撕除内

Leaving the outside clean 离开外清洁

I'm shouting at the brick wall 我默默的看着砖墙

Just to hear my own echo 只听见自己的回声

Each and every day 每一天

Taken the wrong way. 采取了错误的方式。


[Chorus] [合唱]


Who knew? 谁知道?

Illusions that re-define 幻想重新定义

So much safer kept in your mind. 这样就安全多保持在你的心中。


[Chorus] [合唱]


In heaven 在天堂

In heaven everything is fine 在天堂一切都好

Everything is fine 一切都很好

歌词 Heaven 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/heaven-12/

歌词 Heaven 的作者与版权信息:


Matthew Shafer, David K. Lynch, Billy Maddox, David Leslie Moore, R. J. Ritchie


Songs Of Polygram Int. Inc., Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp., Bobkind Music, Thirty Two Mile Music, Gaje Music Inc.