歌词 "Dead Sound" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Dead Sound



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Hear the sound of falling love 听到爱着的声音

As I wonder where you are 我不知道你在哪里

Hits the ground with a dead sound 击中地面用沉闷的声音

Know you ain't got far 知道你是不是得了远


Too stupid and sissy like 太愚蠢,像娘娘腔

To say that you want out 说,你想出来的

You make the eyes of a million girls 你让一百万个女孩的目光

And think you'll make them shout 并认为会让对方喊


Dead sound 沉闷的声音

Dead sound 沉闷的声音

Dead sound 沉闷的声音

Dead sound 沉闷的声音


I used to take you on every time 我常带你每次

That sparkle turned to black 这火花变成黑色

I used to drag you through my streets 我用拖你通过我的街道

When you came crawling back 当你来到爬回来


Your cheap words that you bought on sale 你买出售的便宜的话

Won't help you through tonight 会不会帮助你渡过今晚

You make the eyes of a million girls 你让一百万个女孩的目光

And think that's what they like 并认为这就是他们喜欢


Dead sound 沉闷的声音

Dead sound 沉闷的声音

Dead sound 沉闷的声音

Dead sound 沉闷的声音


And now you go through a million girls 现在你经过一个百万女孩

And try to pick what's right 并尽量挑选什么是正确的

When nigtfall comes and you're still alone 当nigtfall来了,你还是孤独

Do you feel it deep inside 你觉得它内心深处


It's oh so cold on the other side 这是哦,对对方如此冷漠

Where thoughts can turn you down 哪里的想法可以拒绝你

You make the eyes of a million girls 你让一百万个女孩的目光

But I see no girl around 但我看不出有什么身边的女孩


Dead sound 沉闷的声音

Dead sound 沉闷的声音

Dead sound 沉闷的声音

Dead sound 沉闷的声音

歌词 Dead Sound 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/dead-sound/

歌词 Dead Sound 的作者与版权信息:


Sune Wagner


Juvenile Delinquent Music