歌词 "Choices" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I was walking alone thru a side show 我独自走通一个侧面展示

With passion and pain on each side. 用激情和痛苦,每边。

Something inside me was calling 我心里在呼唤

For a chance to stay alive. 有机会生存下去。


At the time I didn't know what was calling 当时我不知道是什么在呼唤

As my head was buried in grief. 由于我的头埋在悲痛。

Today I heard what was crying. 今天,我听到哭了。

My FREEDOM calling me 我的自由给我打电话


And we all make our choices 我们都做出我们的选择

Like a blind man feels his way, 就像一个盲人的感觉他的方式,

And the choice I've made is simple: 而我所做的选择很简单:

Passion over pain. 激情过的痛苦。


When I got to the end of the side show 当我到了一边表演的结尾

And looked back to where I had been, 而回头,我一直,

My eyes filled with teardrops of loneliness 我的眼睛充满了泪水寂寞

For the ones who will never be free 对于那些谁永远是免费的


And we all make our choices 我们都做出我们的选择

Like a blind man feels his way, 就像一个盲人的感觉他的方式,

And the choice I've made is simple: 而我所做的选择很简单:

Passion over pain. 激情过的痛苦。


I thought of the children in the side show 我在一面展现想到孩子

As they wandered around so confused. 当他们转悠了这么糊涂。

Some day they'll make their decision 有一天,他们会做出自己的决定

But which one will they choose? 但是他们会选择哪一个?


And we all make our choices 我们都做出我们的选择

Like a blind man feels his way, 就像一个盲人的感觉他的方式,

And the choice I've made is simple: 而我所做的选择很简单:

Passion over pain. 激情过的痛苦。

歌词 Choices 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/choices-8/