歌词 "Chaffeur Blues" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Chaffeur Blues



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Won't you see my chauffeur 你会不会看到我的司机

Won't you see my chauffeur 你会不会看到我的司机

I want him to drive me 我要他开车送我

For he drives so easy, that I can't turn him down 对于他开车很容易,我不能拒绝他

I want him to drive me downtown 我要他开车送我闹

But I don't want him 但我不希望他


To be ridin' these girls 要坐车的这些女孩

But I don't want him 但我不希望他

To be ridin' these girls all around 要坐车的这些女孩各地


I'm gonna steal me a pistol, shoot my chauffeur down 我要去偷了我一把手枪,拍我的司机下来

Going to let my chauffeur 打算让我的司机


Drive me around the world 开车送我在世界各地

Then he will be my lover boy, I will be his girl 然后,他将成为我的情人的孩子,我会是他的女孩

Going to let my chauffeur 打算让我的司机

Drive me around the 开车送我周围的

歌词 Chaffeur Blues 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/chaffeur-blues/