英语人>词典>汉英 : 鼓膜 的英文翻译,例句
鼓膜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
drumhead  ·  eardrum  ·  timbal  ·  tympan  ·  tympanum  ·  myringa  ·  tympana  ·  eardrums  ·  tympanums  ·  myrinx

tympanic membrane · membrane tympani · tympan- · tympano-
更多网络例句与鼓膜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results As the graft materials in tympanoplasty, tragus perichondrium and temporal muscular fasciae are effective to enhance the efficiency of drum membrane and audile of patients.

结果 应用耳屏软骨膜及颞肌筋膜作为鼓膜移植材料,两者在提高鼓膜成活率和患者听力方面均效果良好。

If your Eustachian tube is clear, the eardrum will move slightly, but if it is blocked, the eardrum will remain still.


Methods 109 patients(109 ears) with perforations of the ear drum were recruited from November 2007 to March 2009 . The patients were divided into 3 groups according to the size and position of perforations of the ear drum: 31 accepted myringoplasties with a fat plug , 43 accepted perichondrium via endotoscope, and 35 accepted fascia musculares via an operating microscope.


Each was 12 times.The temperature in rectum,esophagus and tympanum was detected in turn.Results:Of 11 cases,required mediantime of reaching 40℃ in tympanum,esophagus and rectum was 81 min,81 min and 42 min respectively after heating;Above 41℃,it was 72 min,72 min and 72 min.


Granular myringitis is a disease which treatment method. This report rcveals that treating granular myringitis with surgery may achieve high successful rate (100%, 14 cases /14 cases). So the surgical treatment is one of the most effective methods to cure the granular myringitis, if we ignore its complexity and accidental perforation of ear drum during the surgery (28%, 4 cases/ 14 cases).

肉芽性鼓膜炎发生的原因迄今未明,且仍未有单一种的治疗方法可治愈所有的此类病例,然而本研究结果显示以手术去除鼓膜上的肉芽组织的方法,虽然较复杂且有导致手术中鼓膜意外穿孔的机率(28%,4/14 cases),但是术后成功率高(100%,14/14 cases),故手术疗法为治愈肉芽性鼓膜炎的好方法之一。

From 1982 to 1988, 14 cases (8 females and 6 males) with granular myringitis had been operated under local anesthesia, and used an operation microscope to remove all the granulation tissue which existed over the ear drums. After we had removed the granulation tissue over the ear durms, we had performed free ear canal skin autograft for 8 cases – group A, and we had performed temporalis fascia with free ear canal skin autograft for 4 cases (small perforation was made by accident during the surgery due to large granulated area,﹥50%)– group B, but we had covered silastic sheet over the denuded drum surface for the other 2 cases –group C.


Six cases from control group suffered secondary infection,none was from myringoplasty group.Conclusion: Myringoplasty is an ideal method for traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane.


Objective The aim of this study is to determine the efficacy and safety of topical tetracaine anesthesia for out patient with myringotomy and myringotomy with a tube.

目的 研究分泌性中耳炎病人门诊行鼓膜切开、鼓膜激光和鼓膜置管使用丁卡因表面麻醉剂的效果和安全性。

Methods 109 patients with otitis media effusion (115ears)were undergone myringotomy and YAG-laser with or without tube with 8% topical tetracaine in office between 1997 to 2004 year which reviewed retrospectively.


This study suggests the topical tetracaine anesthesia for out patient with myringotomy YAG-laser with or without tube is effective and safe and economical.......


更多网络解释与鼓膜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tympanic membrane:鼓膜

鼓膜:鼓膜(tympanic membrane)介于鼓室与外耳道之间,为向内凹入、椭圆形、半透明的膜性结构;高约9mm、宽约8mm、厚约0.1mm. 鼓膜的前下方朝内倾斜,与外耳道底约成45°~50°,故外耳道的前下壁较后上壁为长. 新生儿鼓膜的倾斜度尤为明显.


基本上属于弦音器官,具有表皮变成薄膜状贴在气管膨大部分(气囊)--"鼓膜"(tympanum)的特征,由于鼓膜的共鸣而对音波敏感. 弦音器官不是直接连接鼓膜,对鼓膜振动,是连接在二次振动的第二膜(气管膜)上. 因为鼓膜的存在以及机能上的类似,


myringa 鼓膜 | myringitis 鼓膜炎 | myringodermatitis 鼓膜外层炎


myringo-camera 鼓膜照相机 | myringodectomy 鼓膜切除术 | myringomycosis 鼓膜霉菌病 霉菌性鼓膜


myringitis 鼓膜炎 | myringodermatitis 鼓膜外层炎 | myringomycosis 鼓膜霉菌病


myringodermatitis 鼓膜外层炎 | myringomycosis 鼓膜霉菌病 | myringoplasty 鼓膜成形术

myringomycosis:鼓膜霉菌病 霉菌性鼓膜炎

myringodectomy 鼓膜切除术 | myringomycosis 鼓膜霉菌病 霉菌性鼓膜炎 | myringoplasty 鼓膜成形术 鼓室成形术



myringoplasty:鼓膜成形术 鼓室成形术

myringomycosis 鼓膜霉菌病 霉菌性鼓膜炎 | myringoplasty 鼓膜成形术 鼓室成形术 | myringorupture 鼓膜破裂

myringotome:鼓膜刀 鼓膜切开刀

myringoscope 鼓膜检查镜 鼓膜镜 | myringotome 鼓膜鼓膜切开刀 | myringotomy 鼓膜切开关 鼓室切开术