英语人>词典>汉英 : 黄金 的英文翻译,例句
黄金 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

yellow dirt · yellow metal
更多网络例句与黄金相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of gold reserves as a general currency and hedging instruments, tools in the cold state of the economy under the gold standard is based on the role of participation in the economy, in this state, the growth rate of gold production and overall economic growth rate is basically the same, mutual adaptation, and thereby laying the natural basis of the gold standard, ie, gold, gold standard is a perfect reflection of the natural properties of gold.


China's gold reserves with this morning, I still exchanges that China significant changes in gold reserves because of the reasons for the high foreign exchange reserves, and restructuring of the foreign exchange reserves, but the growth rate of great changes in December 2002 ago there were probably more than 1900 oz, or about more than 600 tons of gold, over the past two years great changes took place, especially after 2007, has increased to 33.89 million ounces, that is, increased to 14.6 million tons of gold, in the original basis increased by 75% Gold reserves have entered more than a kiloton, into fifth in the world.


The absolute solution of Jiaojia ERP is put forward, the system models are established, and the solution are explained in detail. The business program of Jiaojia gold mine is reengineered based on the theory of "business centers", and the program-oriented compressed organization is framed. The index group and the solution of mine total quality management are setup. Then the optimize program of SCM and its components are designed on the guidance of "Horizontal Integration". The data of Jiaojia gold mine are reengineered based on the data warehouse technology. The information integration can be available after the establish of the business oriented databases, the subject integration oriented data marts, the application oriented data warehouses, the code databases and metadata, as weil as the OLAP system. The mathematics models and data mining modes are set up to function for the decision support of ERP system. The model of programming Master Production Schedule driven by geological resources and marked is figured out, so as to the models for material requirements planning and other decision supports are set up. The models provide service in forms of model storehouse, method storehouse, and algorithm tools center. The agent center is introduced to process the models' organizing, service, as well as self-study. The function system of Jiaojia gold mine ERP is figured out. By combining the development characteristics of Clients/Server and Browse/Server, the general framework and every sub systems are described in detail, including the function, structure, arrangement, modality, and so on.


Company perennial production or processing of gold tile, gold glass mosaic, gold wallpaper, gold fruit plate and other tableware gold decoration materials and supplies high-grade gold.


Look at the dishes he's ordered - Roasted Pigling with gold dressing, Roasted Lobster with Gold Dressing, Roast Chicken with Gold Dressing, Roast Duck with Gold Dressing, Fruit Salad with Gold Dressing, French Fries Coated in Sugar Syrup, with Gold Dressing… so much gold for a single dinner!


With a background of heated gold investment, most new passionate investors came into the market without simply understanding the gold investment. This made many investors lost their capital when first stepped into the market. In addition, many gold exchange types are specialized in enlarging guarantee sum. Compared with investment in stock market, investors who invested in types characterized in enlarging guarantee sum would likely to face more risks and challenges. Those risks could enlarge investors' one-year loss in stock market to one-day loss in gold market. Nowadays, Chinese gold market can be differentiated into material gold market, paper gold market, in-stock gold and future gold market. Because of the enlarging system in international gold market, investors may lose to the bottom in one day if he or she chose a guarantee sum dealer with an highly enlarging system. Of course, this is an ultimate example. In gold market, the type with the least risk is material gold, such as gold memorative silver coin, material piece of gold and gold brick. Material gold investment enjoyed its popularity among middle or large cities located in the middle and eastern part of China.


With a background of heated gold investment, most new passionate investors came into the market without simply understanding the gold investment. This made many investors lost their capital when first stepped into the market. In addition, many gold exchange types are specialized in enlarging guarantee sum. Compared with investment in stock market, investors who invested in types characterized in enlarging guarantee sum would likely to face more risks and challenges. Those risks could enlarge investors' one-year loss in stock market to one-day loss in gold market. Nowadays, Chinese gold market can be differentiated into material gold market, paper gold market, in-stock gold and future gold market. Because of the enlarging system in international gold market, investors may lose to the bottom in one day if he or she chose a guarantee sum dealer with an highly enlarging system. Of course, this is an ultimate example. In gold market, the type with the least risk is material gold, such as gold memorative silver coin, material piece of gold and gold brick. Material gold investment enjoyed its popularity among middle or large cities located in the middle and eastern part of China.


With a background of heated gold investment, most new passionate investors came into the market without simply understanding the gold investment. This made many investors lost their capital when first stepped into the market. In addition, many gold exchange types are specialized in enlarging guarantee sum. Compared with investment in stock market, investors who invested in types characterized in enlarging guarantee sum would likely to face more risks and challenges. Those risks could enlarge investors' one-year loss in stock market to one-day loss in gold market. Nowadays, Chinese gold market can be differentiated into material gold market, paper gold market, in-stock gold and future gold market. Because of the enlarging system in international gold market, investors may lose to the bottom in one day if he or she chose a guarantee sum dealer with an highly enlarging system. Of course, this is an ultimate example. In gold market, the type with the least risk is material gold, such as gold memorative silver coin, material piece of gold and gold brick. Material gold investment enjoyed its popularity among middle or large cities located in the middle and eastern part ofChina.


It was repeatedly suggested to the Directors of the Reichsbank that they should cash their own notes not in gold but in thalers (which would have been well within the letter of the law) and payout gold only at a premium, with the object of hindering the export of it.

帝国银行的董事会反复接到这样的建议:他们不应当用黄金,而应该用&元&提现银行的纸币——完全符合法律条文,并且,人们兑付黄金时,要有一定的贴水( at a premium,有两个意思,一是银行兑付出,必须是兑换者有急迫的需求时。经济学的用语,此句即为黄金对&元&升水,必须补黄金以一定的差额),其目的在于妨止黄金的外流。

Because the original design of our imagination is the direction to the development of market maker in the form of participation in the market, because the Shanghai Gold Exchange is still no clear blueprint for the development of some new out, I expect the Shanghai Gold Exchange, even though he has not been for gold futures, but he still has many talents Potential, he used the original nation's largest cash trading platform that advantage, I suggest he should, as markets like London, the development arm of a road through the market maker in OTC transactions done, so we originally domestic gold investment companies can legally participate in the open market, so we have two domestic gold market coexist, is a futures market, is a spot market, the original investment in gold companies, I think now it is in transition towards services, information of this transition.


更多网络解释与黄金相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Monetization of Gold:黄金的货币化

这一作法称为"黄金的货币化"(Monetization of Gold),即将黄金从非货币用途转引至货币用途. 黄金的非货币化(Demonetization of Gold)则正好相反. 世界各国的黄金储备基本上是保持稳定不变的.

gold on paper:黄金券;纸黄金

gold market 黄金市场 | gold on paper 黄金券;纸黄金 | gold, silver and platinum held in physical form 实金、实银及实白金

gold on paper:黄金券;纸黄金sHX中国学习动力网

gold market 黄金市场sHX中国学习动力网 | gold on paper 黄金券;纸黄金sHX中国学习动力网 | gold, silver and platinum held in physical form 实金、实银及实白金sHX中国学习动力网

gold points:黄金输送点

因此,在金本位下,外汇牌价(foreign-exchange quotations)不会大幅波动,而只会在两个黄金输送点(gold points)(即黄金出口点和黄金进口点)之间作相应的(按两国货币的法定黄金比例关系)窄幅波动.

Gold Plundered From You:被抢走的黄金数量(被别的玩家打败所损失的黄金)

Gold You Found 你发现的黄金数量 (探索Island所得) | Gold Plundered From You 被抢走的黄金数量(被别的玩家打败所损失的黄金) | Moves Remaining 剩余机动力

Gold Plundered From You:被抢走的黄金数目(被别的玩家打败所损失的黄金)

Gold You Found 你发现的黄金数目 (探索Island所得) | Gold Plundered From You 被抢走的黄金数目(被别的玩家打败所损失的黄金) | Moves Remaining 剩余机动力

Gold clause:黄金条款,黄金结算条款 gold clause 黄金条款,黄金结算条款

1835 1 gold card 金卡 gold card 金卡 | 1836 1 gold clause 黄金条款,黄金结算条款 gold clause 黄金条款,黄金结算条款 | 1837 1 golden parachute 优厚退职金 golden parachute 优厚退职金

黄金条款,黄金结算条款 gold clause 黄金条款,黄金结算条款:gold clause

1835 1 gold card 金卡 gold card 金卡 | 1836 1 gold clause 黄金条款,黄金结算条款 gold clause 黄金条款,黄金结算条款 | 1837 1 golden parachute 优厚退职金 golden parachute 优厚退职金

gold refiner:黄金精炼机,黄金精炼炉

gold quartz 含金石英 | gold refiner 黄金精炼机,黄金精炼炉 | gold reserve 黄金储备

gold tranche:黄金部分; 黄金份额

gold substitution account;代替黄金账户;; | gold tranche;黄金部分; 黄金份额;; | Golden Crescent;金新月;;