英语人>词典>汉英 : 骚扰 的英文翻译,例句
骚扰 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ado  ·  annoy  ·  annoyed  ·  harry  ·  infest  ·  infestation  ·  stramash  ·  annoys  ·  harried  ·  harries  ·  harrying  ·  infested  ·  infesting  ·  infests

to-do · wear on · to-dos
更多网络例句与骚扰相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

S own sake:出于对某人本身的兴趣;for one's own sake:为了自己的利益2.be safe from:免受》I don't like being affected by spam, the social impact of many criminal activities facilitated by unauthorized access to others' IT systems, and living in fear of being a target of identity fraud.


Adopt combination of the figures,Character and test data together,introduce the mechanism,explain how the disturbance voltage and disturbance power from electrical hair drier,and give the reference circuit about restraining the disturbance.


If you've been the victim of sexual harassment, you should immediately notify your supervisor. If your supervisor is the harasser, you should go to the supervisor's superior.


If you've been the victim of sexual harassment, you should immediately notify your supervisor. If your supervisor is the harasser, you should go to the supervisor's superior. If your company has a grievance procedure for sexual harassment claims, you should use it.


H:The harasser often perceives their target as easy, albeit sometimes a challenge


I propose that sex-based harassment is fundamentally motivated by the harasser's desire to protect or enhance his or her own sex-based status, a desire that stems from the fact that social status is stratified by a system of gender hierarchy.


Department of Education, which administers Title IX, school districts should be held responsible for harassment by educators if the harasser "was aided in carrying out the sexual harassment of students by his or her position of authority with the institution."


Denying prevents the melee from getting past the crucial first 5 levels, in addition to being easily harassed by range (especially with orbed range bypassing creep aggro).


And then, the prominent problems about uncorrect action of protective relays for disturbance are discussed.


And then, the prominent problems about uncorrect action of protective relays for disturbance are discussed. Furthermore, the immunity of different ports in protective device has been thoroughly studied in this desertion.


更多网络解释与骚扰相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acc R:恐吓/骚扰/欺凌

ACC 恐吓/骚扰/欺凌 7 | ACC-R 恐吓/骚扰/欺凌 7 | ADC 无毒品、无烟草学校 7 -8


小女孩做的事不曾骚扰(annoy)任何人,她们很快拧干了衣服重新穿上--像船过水无痕,什么麻烦(trouble)都没有留下. 不能想象,如果当天校长一声吼骂,会给那次快乐的海滩之旅带来多么愁惨尴尬的阴影. 那些小女孩会永远记得自己当众丢了丑,

disturbance field strength:骚扰场强

散射窄带(射频)分量 spurious narrow-bandwidth (RF) components | 骚扰场强 disturbance field strength | 骚扰电压 disturbance voltage

烦恼,骚扰(harass 骚扰):harassment n

embodiment n 化身;体现(embody 体现) | harassment n 烦恼,骚扰(harass 骚扰) | enactment n (法令)颁布(enact 颁布)

I'm not harass:我没有骚扰

Oh, so I'm not the only one you're harassing.|啊 这么说我不是你 唯一骚扰的人 | I'm not harass--|我没有骚扰 ... | I have to deliver these.|我是去交报表

harassment:骚扰 骚扰

handgun 手枪 手枪 | harassment 骚扰 骚扰 | harbor a criminal 窝藏罪犯 窝藏罪犯


1) 政府应清晰地向 法、执法人员和处家 的专业人仕解释"骚扰"(molest)具体的本会同意在法意 上,"骚扰"(molest)一词可包括身体和精神及心 虐待. 既然专业人士认 "骚扰"(molest) 一词的具体内容,以免在执法和推 教育层面上产生培训及宣传的工作上清晰的解释"骚扰"(molest) 一词的涵意

persecution n.1:迫害,虐待 2.纠缠,骚扰

persecute vt.1.迫害,虐待 2.纠缠,骚扰 | persecution n.1.迫害,虐待 2.纠缠,骚扰 | prosecute vt.1.对...提出诉讼,告发,检举 2.继续从事

conducted emission:传导骚扰测试

? Radiated Emission -辐射骚扰测试 | ? Conducted Emission-传导骚扰测试 | ? Harmonic-谐波电流骚扰测试

Stop harassing me:别来骚扰我

5 How can I make you stop harassing me? 我怎么才能让你别来骚扰我? | 1 Stop harassing me! 别来骚扰我! | 2 I warn you to stoop! 我警告你停止(对我的骚扰)!