英语人>词典>汉英 : 骑警 的英文翻译,例句
骑警 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ranger  ·  trooper  ·  mounties  ·  troopers

更多网络例句与骑警相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The judge said he rejected the evidence of D'Ambrosio because it had numerous deficiencies and instead accepted the evidence of Lowe and two other officers involved in the incident....


Chautauqua County District Attorney David Foley said he was not aware of a trooper describing such a conversation.

Chautauqua 国家管区律师 David Foley 说他不知道到一个骑警描述的这么一次交谈。

On the run near Elmira in central New York, he was stopped in a stolen car early on the morning of June 10 and opened fire on Trooper Sean Brown, who was hit once and recovered from the wound.

逃跑过程中在纽约中心附近的 Elmira ,在6月10日一大早,他停下来偷了一辆车,并向骑警 Sean Brown 开枪, Sean Brown 曾受伤并已从伤情中恢复了。

In popular culture, Fiedler's Freudianism certainly could be applied to the Lone Ranger and Tonto.


Maxwell, rescue coordinator for the volunteer Palm Spring Mounted Police Search and Rescue team, grabbed his climbing gear and medical kit.


You call yourself a Mountie.


Along the way, the kids learn how to share and use good manners from a French magician, a Canadian Mountie and a Mexican pinata-maker.


A mountie may work in the Headquarters building in Ottawa, sitting at a desk like any other clerk. He may pilot a patrol plane across the snow-deserts in the north, where it is impossible for any other sort of vehicle to go.


Pure common sense would suggest that Europe should reconsider the strategic costs of only playing Tonto to the American Lone Ranger.


Pure common sense would suggest that Europe should reconsider the strategic costs of only playing Tonto to the American Lone Ranger.


更多网络解释与骑警相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Drow Ranger:黑暗游侠 ranger 森林管理员,巡逻骑警

Enpowering Haste 神行太保 hasten 催促,促进 | Drow Ranger 黑暗游侠 ranger 森林管理员,巡逻骑警 | Ursa Worrior 熊战士 ursine 熊的,像熊的

Drow Ranger:黑暗游侠 ranger 森林治理员,巡逻骑警

Enpowering Haste 神行太保 hasten 催促,促进 | Drow Ranger 黑暗游侠 ranger 森林治理员,巡逻骑警 | Ursa Worrior 熊战士 ursine 熊的,像熊的

horseback police:骑警

期货交易deal in futures; futures business/trading; forward business | 骑警horseback police | 棋迷chess fan


想成为加拿大骑警(Mountie)吗?那就做好测谎准备吧!问题相当直截了当,包括你是否与动物发生过性交,喝醉后干过的最坏的事以及是否严肃想过要自杀. 加拿大皇家骑警(RCMP)称,如今恐怖行为以及其他严重犯罪正在渗入警务人员行列,


金黄的橡树,橘红的柿子树,醉人的勃艮第红葡萄酒,火红的枫树还有皇家骑警(Mountie)猩红的外衣,让人完全陶醉在这诗情画意的风景中,久久不能忘却. 加拿大国家电视塔(CNTower)是世界第一高塔,乘坐电梯只需58秒钟,你就能眺望整个多伦多.


whisk 打蛋器 | mountie 骑警(或是警察) | rake 耙子

Lost Universe:迷失太空/神经妙探无敌舰/失落的宇宙/宇宙特警/宇宙刑警/宇宙骑警

907 Lost Chapter of the Stars - Birth 星界的斷章(博英社) | 908 Lost Universe 迷失太空/神经妙探无敌舰/失落的宇宙/宇宙特警/宇宙刑警/宇宙骑警 | 909 Louie the Rune Soldier 魔法战士李维

Road Warriors:铁血骑警

伴我纵横 Rhythm of Destiny (1992) | 铁血骑警 Road Warriors (1987) | 枭城喋血 Hing dai (1986)

Dudley Do-Right:年《骑警杜德雷>

2001年<<神鬼愿望>>Bedazzled | 1999年<<骑警杜德雷>>Dudley Do-Right | 1999年<<木乃伊>>The Mummy

Super Troopers:超级骑警

此后 他们又推出了<<超级骑警>>(Super Troopers)和<<恐怖俱乐部>>(Club Dread)两部影片 均取得不俗反响. 2001年的讽刺影片<<超级骑警>>在圣丹斯电影节首映后又参展伦敦和柏林电影节 并夺得了汉普顿电影节的最佳影片奖;