英语人>词典>汉英 : 风险报酬 的英文翻译,例句
风险报酬 的英文翻译、例句


risk premium · premium for risk
更多网络例句与风险报酬相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Investment portfolio theory is financial assets, financial assets investment divisibility, mobility and features such as compatibility, so investment in financial assets, do not have to consider the scale of investment, the investment of time constraints, as well as the number of investment projects and other factors, as long as the taking into account the relevance of financial assets, risk, reward and their mutual relations, and on the basis of risk - reward the choice to invest in financial assets to achieve the optimal choice.


The target price helps you figure out your risk to reward ratio, and it gives you an exit point in your trade.


Among all important conclusions, it is the most essential one that the systematic arrangement of innovative enterprise which characterized with informationalization, Fictionalization and weballization should be realized as some inevitable require-ments when innovative enterprise seek for E-efficiency and I-efficiency.


Nevertheless, Taiwanese firms with higher brand equity enjoyed a higher stock return and lower risk than those with lower brand value. In sum, brand value has stronger influence on risk reduction than return improvement for Taiwanese branding companies.


This is a good risk to reward ratio.


At Berkshire, wanting our fees to be meaningless to our directors, we pay them only a pittance. Additionally, not wanting to insulate our directors from any corporate disaster we might have, we don't provide them with officers' and directors' liability insurance (an unorthodoxy that, not so incidentally, has saved our shareholders many millions of dollars over the years). Basically, we want the behavior of our directors to be driven by the effect their decisions will have on their family'snet worth, not by their compensation. That's the equation for Charlie and me as managers, and we think it's the right one for Berkshire directors as well.


The results indicate that,in the process of knowledge sharing in enterprise under incomplete information,if employees are risk neutral,then he should take all risk and become real principle,there is no incentive;if employee is risk evadable,then enterprise should design incentive mechanism by the pattern of fixed pay plus profit distribution in order to employee to take some risk,Pareto optimality isn't reachable.


Therefore, various theoretical and several empirical studies suggest that nonsystematic risk should also have some explanatory power with regard to expected return. In this paper we will use an OLS test and Quantile Regression Model to detect these relationships.

然而许多理及实证研究却认为非系统性风险应对期望报酬有些许的解释能力,故在这篇文中我们将利用OLS及Quantile Regression Model来检测期望报酬率、系统性风险与非系统性风险之间的关系。

The inevitable levering of asset structures to double or quadruple returns relative to risk-free assets?


Teaches how to think strategically and size up the competition and the risk-reward ratio of each situation swiftly and objectively.


更多网络解释与风险报酬相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

venture capitalist:风险投资家

风险投资家(venture capitalist)是非常特殊的一群人,他们怀里揣着支票簿,四处打探标的,购买的不是商品,而是想法和团队. 他们勇于承担风险(risk),甚至主动追求风险,把报酬寄放在二十个月之后,寻求二十倍的回收,虽然如愿的几率仅有二十分之一不到.

risk discount factor:风险折扣因素

Risk capital 风险资本 | Risk discount factor 风险折扣因素 | Risk Dremium 风险报酬、风险价值、风险补偿

Efficient Frontier:效率前缘

为了更清楚地呈现他的这一重要思想,他又发展出了"效率前缘"(efficient frontier)的理论来解释报酬和风险之间的正相关关系. 他说:"身为一位经济学家,我试图用坐标来说明报酬和风险两者之间的关系,预期报酬和风险分别在坐标的两轴,

Reinvestment risk:再投资风险

另外,通膨风险(inflation risk)、再投资风险(reinvestment risk)、赎回风险(call risk)与事件风险(event risd)等亦均影响债券报酬,不过纵使影响因素高度复杂,债券相对股票仍属低波动资产,於投资组合中仍扮演不可或缺之地位.

Sharp Ratio:夏普指数

举例来说,夏普指数(Sharp Ratio)代表相对於无风险投资,投资人所承担每一单位风险,所能获得的超额报酬表现;而Alpha值则代表评估扣除大盘系统风险后,由於基金经理人操作策略可赚取超额报酬的能力,后二者较高者,

risk tolerance:风险容忍度

你是否愿意接受投资的损失? 许多人并不,因此选择低波动性的投资. 另外一些人愿意承担额外的风险,因为它可能获得更多的报酬. 这是非常重要的,投资者不仅需要了解自己的风险容忍度(risk tolerance)还要知道哪些投资适合自己的风险偏好.

year track record:三年的良好业绩

risk premium,风险溢价; 风险酬金; 风险报酬; 风险费; 风险升水,, | 3 year track record,三年的良好业绩,, | moral hazzard,道德风险,,

nonsystematic risk:非系统风险

『信息指针』为改良式的崔纳指针,将投资组合的超额报酬(Alpha)除以投资组合的非系统风险(Nonsystematic Risk)所得的值就是信息指针,用以衡量每单位的非系统风险(主动风险)可得到的超额报酬(主动报酬),简言之,就是衡量基金的选股能力.

perceived value:认知价值

此处的认知报酬与净认知报酬等同于Zeithaml(1988)定义的认知利益(Perceived Benefit)与认知价值(Perceived Value). 关于"风险"这个词的来源,有好几种不同的说法. 吉登斯(Anthony Giddens)对此曾经做过解释[1]:风险概念"看来最初是在两个背景下出现的:它起源于探险家们前往前所未知的地区的时候,

Risk premium:风险溢酬

风险溢酬(Risk Premium)的背后涵义风险溢酬或风险贴水(Risk Premium )就是投资者承担风险所要求的额外报酬. 举例来说,假设台湾股市过去20年来的平均报酬率是20%,而中央政府公债殖利率是5%,则台湾股票投资的风险溢酬=20%-5%=15%.