英语人>词典>汉英 : 风湿病 的英文翻译,例句
风湿病 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Ra  ·  rheumatism  ·  rheumatics  ·  rheumatosis  ·  rheumatismus

更多网络例句与风湿病相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To determine the risk of sustained amenorrhea in premenopausal women with systemic lupus erythematosus receiving intermittent pulse cyclophosphamide therapy.


METHODS: We studied 107 RA patients receiving disease-modifying antirheumatic drug therapy who were judged by their consultant rheumatologist to be in remission and 17 normal control subjects.


The purpose of this study was to elucidate the effect of biologic agent therapy on "Quality of Life" and "Depression Levels" of patients with rheumatoid arthritis in comparing with conventional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs therapy.


And the incidences of neurological lesions and arthritis were more common in ARPA positive SLE patients.


Methods The serum levels of BAFF in rheumatic disease patients and normal controls were determined by ELISA.


Brown, the unemployed worker, was on his beam-ends with rheumatism.


Some diseases may be cured by western medicine, but they may cause disability in work or life or transfer into other malignant diseases or permanent disability; some may have short-term effect with potential serious hurt. For example, it is a quick effect using glucocorticoids chemical medicines to cure rheumatism, relieve pain, diminish inflammation, once stopping the medicine, it is apt to recur. And it may cause corpulence, osteoporosis, disability in work or life, even paralysis and unquenchable rheumatism by long-term use.


Our country already joined World Trade Organization, we had to hold the opportunity, grasped the opportunity, observed the internationalization the game rule, caused these to hit "the secret prescription handed down in the family" to gain fame by deceiving people, take seeks to make a profit as the goal,frequently without end entraps the common people "the highly skilled doctor, the famous doctor" does not have the place to stick an awl, let truly have the Chinese characteristic the rheumatism therapeutics to benefit the patient, let have the Chinese characteristic the rheumatism therapeutics to move towards the world.


METHODS: A 16-item questionnaire (65 subcomponents) was developed, pretested, revised, formatted, and mailed to rheumatologists residing in Australia. Responses were obtained from 136 rheumatologists (response rate 58%).

制定一份含16条项目的调查问卷(65个子项),对其进行预测试、修订并定型,再将其寄给定居澳大利亚的风湿病学家,从136名风湿病学家处获得返馈信息(回应率58 %)。

METHODS: A multidisciplinary expert committee was convened as a task force of the EULAR Standing Committee for Clinical Affairs, comprising 18 members including rheumatologists, cardiologists, internists and epidemiologists, representing 9 European countries.


更多网络解释与风湿病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


抗封锁antiblocking | 抗风湿病药antirheumatic | 抗腐蚀incorrodibleslushing

antirheumatic:治疗风湿药剂 治疗风湿病的, 防风湿病的

antiresonant type | 反谐振式 并联谐振式 | antirheumatic | 治疗风湿药剂 治疗风湿病的, 防风湿病的 | antiroll | 抗摇晃 抗侧倾 防滚


AR 过敏性反应;急性排斥反应;抗原比率 | ARD 自身免疫性风湿病 | ARDS 急性呼吸窘迫综合征

rheumatic arthritis:关节风湿病

rheumatic arteritis 风湿性动脉炎 | rheumatic arthritis 关节风湿病 | rheumatic fever 急性风湿病

Rheumatic fever:急性风湿病

rheumatic arthritis 关节风湿病 | rheumatic fever 急性风湿病 | rheumatic granuloma 风湿性肉芽瘤

rheumatic pericarditis:风湿病性心包炎

rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心病 | rheumatic pericarditis 风湿病性心包炎 | rheumatism 风湿病

rheumatic pericarditis:风湿病性心苞炎

rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心病 | rheumatic pericarditis 风湿病性心苞炎 | rheumatism 风湿病


\\"风湿病\\",\\"rheumatic fever\\" | \\"风湿病,偻麻质斯\\",\\"rheumatism\\" | \\"风湿性\\",\\"rheumatoid\\"

rheumatoid nodule:风湿病样小结

rheumatoid factor 类风湿因子 | rheumatoid nodule 风湿病样小结 | rheumatologist 风湿病学家


rheumapyra 急性风湿病 | rheumarthritis 关节风湿病 | rheumatic arteritis 风湿性动脉炎