英语人>词典>汉英 : 颜色调和 的英文翻译,例句
颜色调和 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tone  ·  tones

更多网络例句与颜色调和相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Especially have the bead light texture, super and thin silk the slippery soft powder formulation, the stereoscopic particle has the excellent color adhesive strength, the hour of daubery is delicate and soft, ordering the bright eyes in a twinkling, holding out for long time brilliant one whole day.


For use on white and certain color background; not on colors which do not give adequate definition to or clash with the logotype is


I think, when all of the colors mixed together, that is the most wonderful life.


When designing a website one of the most important task to remember is colour co-ordination.


For the moment, I decided to use simple browns and pinks for the skin tones.


Allow the colors to mix in the eye by variegating them.


In 1930 Adams was so impressed by the US photographer Paul Strand, whose photographs emphasized beauty of tone and sharp detail, that he adopted Strad's approach, called "straight photography".


The invertebrates use some colors to scare off potential predators and other hues to blend in with their surroundings.


The invertebrates use some colors to scare off potential predators and other hues to blend in with their surroundings.


更多网络解释与颜色调和相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

harmonious colours:颜色调和

消暑解热,明目怡神 relieving heat and sunstroke, refreshing and beneficial to the ey... | 颜色调和 harmonious colours | 益气强壮,延缓衰老 bracing up the whole system and strengthening it, delaying senil...


"调和"(HARMONY)的要义在于"物以类聚". 如果说颜色简单大分为百种(事实上依不同饱和度、彩色、明度可分为无数色),就如同大家族中不同个性不同行业的成员,不同的个性和行业形成不同小群体,在一起能和谐相处的必然是心性兴趣相合的人群,


中国画以水墨为主,成为一种"单色画"(monochrome). 中国画家反对色彩的浓艳,而主张色与墨的调和,所谓"色不碍墨,墨不碍色"[244],颜色不过是用以取气,点染精神,至多是画中的一种陪衬与烘托而已. 中国画之所谓"淡",其所以成为中国画特征之一的原因,

Color Proof:打样

按照打印的网目调形态可以将现今市场上的数字打样划分为常规数字打样(Color Proof)和网点数字打样(Screen Proof). 常规数字打样是采用连续调和调频网表达层次,注重强调对颜色的真实复制,而无法满足对网目调微观结构以及相应细节的描述.

swear by:以(...名义)起誓, 以(人格)担保; [口]非常信赖; 肯定, 确定

swear at 咒骂; [俚](颜色)和...完全不调和 | swear by 以(...名义)起誓, 以(人格)担保; [口]非常信赖; 肯定, 确定 | swear for 保证, 担保


冠军洞石 (travertine)可产生与天然洞石相似之孔洞纹理效果,表面纹路流畅,色彩柔和,孔洞逼真;冠军洞石其整体颜色调和,花纹过渡自然,弥补了天然洞石的缺点;采用2次下料工艺结合冠军独有熔洞技术,恢复天然石材纹理;冠军洞石与生俱来的高贵气质,


区别在于油漆桶所填充的颜色是直接从滴管工具中获得的,而填充工具所填充颜色泊坞窗(Color Docker Window):打开颜色泊坞窗,可以通过颜色滑棒(Slider)、查看器(Viewer)和色板(Palettes)来实时调整对象的轮廓关于群组(Group)的交互调和:于是由剪贴板进行转换,

swear against:指控(某人)并起誓所控属实

not enough to swear by 一点点, 微不足道的 | swear against 指控(某人)并起誓所控属实 | swear at 咒骂; [俚](颜色)和...完全不调和