英语人>词典>汉英 : 颜色 的英文翻译,例句
颜色 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
color  ·  colour  ·  tinct  ·  tincture  ·  tinctured  ·  tinctures  ·  tincturing

facial expression
更多网络例句与颜色相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, the Netscape Navigator's color palette is


As a browser may support only a certain number of specific colors, creatinga palette from which to choose. For example, the Netscape Navigator's


For regular topology surface, intermediate surface local texture mapping are used; for irregular topology surface, subdivision surface local texture mapping are used. So different topology surface using different texture mapping methods can solve the contradiction between texture effect and processing speed when they are dealt with by single method. The three judge conditions of texture distortion in the process of mapping onto the sphere surface are discussed and the exiting algorithms of mapping are analyzed, the new algorithms of mapping onto the sphere surface are presented. In order to enhance the realistic of graphics, a new function of wood texture is presented. OpenGL is also introduced in this papers and some realization examples of texture mapping based on OpenGL under the environment of VC++ and POV-RAY are presented in some chapters.

对于简单拓扑表面,利用改进的两步纹理映射,对于复杂拓扑表面利用新的面片分割算法,初步解决了颜色纹理中速度与走样之间的矛盾;通过对球面纹理时纹理不变形的三个判断条件的研究,分析了现在各种球面纹理映射算法,并在此基础上提出了一种基于等面积的半球面纹理映射算法,明显减少了球面纹理的纹理变形;针对现有的木纹纹理中,两种表示木纹的颜色差距表现出的颜色突变问题进行研究,提出对这两种颜色进行线性插值或二次插值,使生成的木纹纹理颜色更加连续,更加逼真;在VC++环境下,通过调用Open GL的图形库及在Pov-Ray软件环境下,实现了参数化纹理、球面纹理、凹凸纹理及木纹纹理等各种算法。

To return to the table. It is evident from what we have found, that there is no colour which preeminently appears to be the colour of the table, or even of any one particular part of the table -- it appears to be of different colours from different points of view, and there is no reason for regarding some of these as more really its colour than others.


The faintest color of the bud color is yellow green. In addition, the variation-coefficient of some morphological traits is very low such as the cotyledon length, the cotyledon width, the cotyledon color, the silique length and so on. The Cluster analysis was based on the morphological data. When the genetic distance was 7.61, 21 accessions were clustered into 4 groups. The accessions of the group 1 had white petal, mezzo flower stalk and the earlier pick period, which is divided into two subgroup when the genetic distance was 5. 98. And the model was Ba39 and Ba35. The accessions in the group 2 had the very slender flower stalk and the middle pick period, that model was Ba27. The accessions of the group 3 had yellow petal, the thin flower stalk and the later pick period, that model was Ba43. The main characters of the group 4 were that it had the latest pick period and many leaves.


With maturity, the coat color may lighten, so that a born black may become any shade of gray from black to slate to silver, a born brown from chocolate to sandy. Blues and fawns also show shades from dark to light.


The description method of color characteristic contains a lot of kind, keep square diagram such as the color, the color gather, color Ju, the color comes together vector, the color related diagram etc..


In 300mg/kg JSS treatment, the yolk color was 6 degree too. While added 500mg/kg JMH into the basal diet, the egg yolk color was up to 9 degree. Supplement of oxytetracycline + JMH or chlortetracy dine + JMH in the basal diet, the egg yolk color was up to 8 and 6 degree respectively and decreased one and three color unit respectively than that of JMH treatment. Added oxytetracyclimne + JSS or chlortetracycline + JSS, the egg yolk color was up to 8 and 6degree respectively. When added arsanilic acid + JSS, the egg yolk color was up to 7 degree and improved one color unit than that of JSS treatment. When added arsanilic acid +JMH to basal diet, the egg yolk color was up to 8 degree and decreased one color unit than that of JMH treatment.


Blue is the colour of moderate, neutral, natural, pure !It is brinish blue in the most broad colour of mainland . It is clear blue in the most far reaching colour of sky . It is deep blue in the most natural colour of world. It is dream blue in the best colour of human society.


Along with the development of the natural science people deepen the color knowledge gradually, for example, written language description is not contented to the needs in some field, and the need is quantitative analysis. Color index can show the characteristics of color exactly. For adapting the development, the authors use the metal-bearing ore's color index analysis for the first time through reflectance determining and the color-imetry theory, and analyses 4 turquoises' color index in various color. So the color of turquoise is quantitated successfully.


更多网络解释与颜色相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ambient color:环境颜色

这里创建了一个新的材质,他的环境颜色(ambient color)(注:环境颜色和环境光的颜色是不同的^_^)和散射颜色值都被设置为白色. 使用白色表示他会反射所有的光线. 接下来,我们把材质赋予了device的material属性,这样direct3d就知道渲染时使用那种材质数据.

Color code:颜色代码

大众每一种车采用的颜色都有唯一的颜色代码(color code)对应,而大众原厂配件的这种补漆套装便是与其相应颜色的油漆及配方严格对应的. 除去糖果白(candywhite)外,所有的套装都分为两瓶,每瓶9毫升. 其中一瓶是与车身油漆颜色代码完全吻合的颜色漆,

line color:线条颜色

图形工具 会自动显:涂满颜色(Fill Color)图示,设定可填满物件的预设颜色,你可以使用此命在:字型(Fonts)图示,设定所选取Text 物件的字形与颜色,你也可以使用这些设:线条颜色(Line Color)图示,设定所选取物件线条的颜色,

line color:线颜色

电小电压值 Voltage MIN线颜色(Line color) 选择您喜欢的网格线的颜色,这会在覆盖起用时生效. 填充颜色(Fill color) 选择您喜欢的网格区域填充颜色,这会在覆盖起用时生效. 这个选项是为了解决当您需要或者喜欢使用某一个构图网格,

color saturation:颜色饱和度

颜色饱和度(Color Saturation)控制RGB颜色通道的饱和度. 饱和度越高,颜色越浓. 值对每个颜色通道的影响是均等的. 黑调-白调(White Clip - Black Clip)两个滑块都控制图像输出的最大值和最小值. 滑块向左移增加全图的对比. 向左移是减至最大值.

color wheel:颜色轮盘

"颜色编辑器"(Color Editor) 对话框中包含下列元素: 当前颜色 (Current Color) - 在"颜色轮盘"(Color Wheel) 中显 示的颜色. 颜色轮盘 (Color Wheel) - 用于选取颜色及其亮度级. 混合调色板 (Blending Palette) - 用于将多达四种颜色进行连续混合.

Can one colour merge into another?If yes, what colour will result:一种颜色与另一种颜色混 合在一起吗?如果可以, 那会产生什么颜色呢

The revolutionaries considered misgove... | Can one colour merge into another?If yes, what colour will result? ;一种颜色与另一种颜色混 合在一起吗?如果可以, 那会产生什么颜色呢? | The steel trusts merged...

color picker:颜色选择器

单击颜色样品后,颜色选择器(Color Picker)就会出现,在颜色选择器中可以选择需要透明的颜色. 然后拖动Transparency Setting对话框中的滑块来调整要透明化的颜色. (1)Similarity(相似......


Filter 过滤色来确定透明的颜色 | Subtractive用材质颜色减背景的颜色确定透明色 | Additive 用材质颜色加背景的颜色确定透明色

Munsell color solid:孟赛尔颜色立体

Munsell color notation 孟赛尔颜色标号 门赛尔颜色图谱 | Munsell color solid 孟赛尔颜色立体 | Munsell color system 孟赛尔颜色系统 门赛尔颜色系统