英语人>词典>汉英 : 题献给 的英文翻译,例句
题献给 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dedicate  ·  dedicates  ·  dedicating

更多网络例句与题献给相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The large Chinese characters on the red spread banner above her are "to learn from Ma Yuge to give love to someone else"("学习马宇歌把爱心献给他人"); the other two display panels are the complimentary close and brief introduction to Ma Yuge by HuijiaSchool.


He had sold the last of his furniture, then all duplicates of his bedding,his clothing and his blankets, then his herbariums and prints; but he still retained his most precious books, many of which were of the greatest rarity, among others, Les Quadrins Historiques de la Bible, edition of 1560; La Concordance des Bibles, by Pierre de Besse; Les Marguerites de la Marguerite, of Jean de La Haye, with a dedication to the Queen of Navarre; the book de la Charge et Dignite de l'Ambassadeur, by the Sieur de Villiers Hotman; a Florilegium Rabbinicum of 1644; a Tibullus of 1567, with this magnificent inscription: Venetiis,in aedibus Manutianis; and lastly, a Diogenes Laertius, printed at Lyons in 1644, which contained the famous variant of the manuscript 411, thirteenth century, of the Vatican, and those of the two manuscripts of Venice, 393 and 394, consulted with such fruitful results by Henri Estienne, and all the passages in Doric dialect which are only found in the celebrated manuscript of the twelfth century belonging to the Naples Library.


He had sold the last of his furniture, then all duplicates of his bedding,his clothing his blankets, then his herbariums prints; 8ttt8.com he still retained his most precious books, many of which were of the greatest rarity, among others, Les Quadrins Historiques de la Bible, edition of 1560; La Concordance des Bibles, by Pierre de Besse; Les Marguerites de la Marguerite, of Jean de La Haye, with a dedication to the Queen of Navarre; the book de la Charge et Dignite de l'Ambassadeur, by the Sieur de Villiers Hotman; a Florilegium Rabbinicum of 1644; a Tibullus of 1567, with this magnificent inscription: Venetiis,in aedibus Manutianis; lastly, a Diogenes Laertius, printed at Lyons in 1644, which contained the famous variant of the manuscript 411, thirteenth century, of the Vatican, those of the two manuscripts of Venice, 393 394, consulted with such fruitful results by Henri Estienne, all the passages in Doric dialect which are ssbbww.com found in the celebrated manuscript of the twelfth century belonging to the Naples Library.

他把最后的几件木器也卖了,随后,凡属多余的铺盖、衣服、毛毯等物,以及植物标本和木刻图版,也全卖了;但是 dddTt 他还有些极珍贵的藏书,其中有些极为稀有的版本,如一五六○年出版的《历史上的圣经四行诗》,皮埃尔·德·贝斯写的《圣经编年史》,让·德·拉埃写的《漂亮的玛格丽特》,书中印有献给纳瓦尔王后的题词,贵人维里埃-荷特曼写的《使臣的职守和尊严》,一本一六四四年的《拉宾尼诗话》,一本一五六七年迪布尔的作品,上面印有这一卓越的题铭:"威尼斯,于曼奴香府",还有一本一六四四年里昂印的第欧根尼·拉尔修①的作品,在这版本里,有十三世纪梵蒂冈第四一一号手抄本的著名异文以及威尼斯第三九三号和三九四号两种手抄本的著名异文,这些都是经亨利·埃斯蒂安②校阅并取得巨大成绩的,书中并有多利安方言的所有8 tt t8.com 章节,这是只有那不勒斯图书馆十二世纪的驰名手抄本里才有的。

In future, Beethoven's writing "Piano Trio in the Grand Duchy" These dedicated benefactor.


Landor, a book of an unusual destiny.


Prelude, Allegro, and pastorale was written in 1941 and dedicated to Rebecca's brother Hans, a well known biochemist, and his wife Frieda.

前奏、快板和田园曲》(Prelude, allegro, and pastorale)是在1941年创作的,题献给蕾贝卡的兄弟汉斯,一位著名的生物化学家--还有他的太太弗里达。

He had sold the last of his furniture, then all duplicates of his bedding,his clothing and his blankets, then his herbariums and prints; but he still retained his most precious books, many of which were of the greatest rarity, among others, Les Quadrins Historiques de la Bible, edition of 1560; La Concordance des Bibles, by Pierre de Besse; Les Marguerites de la Marguerite, of Jean de La Haye, with a dedication to the Queen of Navarre; the book de la Charge et Dignite de l'Ambassadeur, by the Sieur de Villiers Hotman; a Florilegium Rabbinicum of 1644; a Tibullus of 1567, with this magnificent inscription: Venetiis,in aedibus Manutianis; and lastly, a Diogenes Laertius, printed at Lyons in 1644, which contained the famous variant of the manuscript 411, thirteenth century, of the Vatican, and those of the two manuscripts of Venice, 393 and 394, consulted with such fruitful results by Henri Estienne, and all the passages in Doric dialect which are only found in the celebrated manuscript of the twelfth century belonging to the Naples Library.


I am dedicating the book to her, and she is pleased.


I'm dedicating the book to her.


I have devoted a whole book to ultimate meaning, to the poetry of science, and to rebutting, specifically and at length, the charge of nihilistic negativity, so I shall restrain myself here.

我将一本书(拆解彩虹, Unweaving the Rainbow )题献给终极意义,献给科学的诗意,并目标明确地,用长篇大论反驳对于虚无负面的控诉,所以我将言止于此。

更多网络解释与题献给相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dedicate vt.1:题献词于(著作等)上2.(to)把(一生等)献给,把(时间、精力等)用于

vt.使成瘾,使入迷 | dedicate vt.1.题献词于(著作等)上2.(to)把(一生等)献给,把(时间、精力等)用于 | contradict vt.1.反驳,否认...的真实性2.与...发生矛盾,与...抵触

John Milton:约翰. 米尔顿

第二对开本首次收录了英国著名诗人约翰 米尔顿(John Milton)题为 "献给伟大戏剧诗人莎士比亚的挽歌" 的诗,这是米尔顿1630年在剑桥读书期间创作的. 鉴于第一对开本几乎都已存在国际级图书馆,且标价超过六百万美金,



te deum:感恩赞

他在给指挥家赫尔曼.莱维(Hermann Levi)的一封信中谈到,他要把他的合唱管弦乐作品<<感恩赞>>(Te Deum)题献给上帝,"因为在维也纳,是他把我从痛苦中解救了出来".