英语人>词典>汉英 : 颌 的英文翻译,例句
颌 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
jaw  ·  jowl  ·  jowls

更多网络例句与颌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results The 7 patients with micrognathia after arthroplasty of tempromandibular joint ankylosis were corrected. The face was improved.


Besides the traditional contents of oral surgery, such as extraction of teeth, alveolar surgery, preprosthetic surgery, TMJ disorders, jaw injuries and salivary gland diseases, additional sections such as microvascular surgery, cosmetic surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, head and neck tumour surgery, and Traditional Chinese Medicine are also appurtenant parts of typical oral and maxillofacial surgery of China.


Some serious skeleton abnormals as above before the Han Tu, descend before the Han Tu and open Han etc. needed to be carried on before the awkward age arrives to correct and cure the development that then can stop wrong Han in early days, the guide tooth, Han bone grew as usual.


Serious wear of natural teeth do great harm to tooth , periodontal tissue , oro-maxillofacial system, muscular tissue, temporomandibular joint . As a result, dentin hypersensitiveness , pulpitis , periodontitis, food impaction and dysfunction of TMJ may appear .


METHODS: Fifty cases of complicated mandibular fracture received ten intermaxillary traction titanium screws and conducted intermaxillary fixation before operation; then the patients underwent open reduction and internal fixation; after operation intermaxillary traction was performed for 2-4 weeks.


The characteristics of skull bones are; underdevelopment of paramostoid process of the occipital bone; unjointing of zygomatic process from its arch with no supraorbital foramen; formation of semiglobal structure by petrous temporal bone;no naso -maxillary notch between nasal bone and nasal process of premaxilla; unobvious facial surface of lacrimal bones;well-developed nasal process of premaxilla; no facial crest of maxillae's exterior;...


Results:ISS couldn't show the difference between single and mu ltiple maxillofacial fracture in injury severity (P>0.5),but RISS could (P <0.000 5).Conclusion:RISS is more accurate in evaluation of maxil lofacial fracture severity than ISS.Key words Jaw;Face;Injuries of maxillofacial region;Injury severity score

本文在对大量面创伤病案回顾性研究的基础上〔2〕,重新对我院面外科近来收治的116例面创伤病例进行了研究,以简明损伤定级法(abbrevia ted injury scale,AIS)为蓝本〔3〕,提出一种改进计算面部创伤严重度评分的方法(revised injury severity score,RISS)。

objective the purpose of this study was to summarize our experience of the application of internal rigid fixation with miniplate to treatment of mandibular fractures.methods a retrospective analyisis of clinical data of 67 cases,who had experienced the anatomic reduction and rigid fixation by using miniplate.with the help of maxillomandibular distraction pre operation and post operation and temporary maxillomandibular fixation during operation,the fracture bones were smoothly reduced and fixed.results clinical and radiographic examination showed that all cases gained good clinical results and precise anatomic alignment of fracture postoperatively without infection,malocclusion,bone malunion or other complications.conclusion mocortical miniplate fixation of the mandible is a reliable and effective techinique providing rigid fixation and an ideal modality for the treatment of mandibular fractures.combined with maxillomandibular fixation.

对67例下骨骨折患者的临床资料进行回顾总结,所有患者应用小型接骨板行坚固内固定治疗。其中7例颏部骨折,12例颏旁骨折,16例颏孔区骨折,9例体部多发性骨折,5例体部粉碎性骨折;18例合并其他部位骨折。所有患者术前经临床检查和影像学检查明确骨折的位置和骨折线的数目后,分段牙弓夹板结扎、间弹性牵引,使移位的骨折段逐渐复位;术中经口内切开复位、细钢丝间结扎、小型接骨板坚固内固定;术后行临床检查和影像学复查,必要时间弹性牵引7~10 d。结果所有患者手术切口ⅰ期愈合,治疗效果满意;临床检查所有患者牙合关系良好、面部对称;影像学复查证实骨折线对位良好。结论经口内切开小型接骨板坚固内固定辅以间固定治疗下骨骨折效果可靠,术后并发症少,是一种理想的手术方法。

Further more, this method showed that facial swelling could be quantified and was a noninvasive, efficient, reliable and reproducible method of measuring facial swelling following bimaxillary orthognathic surgery.


Methods: Eight cases with jaw deformity were treated in past years. The type of deformity, the management of the cases, and the effects of orthognathic treatment were summarized in this paper.


更多网络解释与颌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


病,牛放线菌病 jaw,big | 垂(狂犬病之麻痹期) jaw,drop | 闭 jaw,lock


病,牛放线菌病 jaw,big | 垂 jaw,drop | 闭 jaw,lock


gnathic /颚的/ | gnathion /端点/下点/颏下点/ | gnathite /颚形附器/


16 gnath | gnathion 下点 | agnathia 无畸形

intermaxillary anchorage:颌间安抗,颌间锚基

intermaxillary 下颚间片的 | intermaxillary anchorage 间安抗,间锚基 | intermaxillary balance 间平衡

intermaxillary contracture:颌间挛缩

intermaxillary balance 间平衡 | intermaxillary contracture 间挛缩 | intermaxillary force 间力

intermaxillary ligation:颌间结扎法

intermaxillary force 间力 | intermaxillary ligation 间结扎法 | intermaxillary space 间隙

hyomandibular rays:舌颌条;舌颌鳍条

软骨 hyomandibular cartilage | 舌条;舌鳍条 hyomandibular rays | 舌腹甲;舌腹板 hyoplastron

orthognathic surgery:正颌外科学

以研究和诊治牙面畸形(dento-maxillofacial deforonities)为主要内容的正外科学(orthognathic surgery)是口腔医学与口腔面外科学的一个新分支学科.我国的正外科学在20世纪80年代逐渐兴起,现已步入较成熟阶段.近年来,

orthognathic surgery:正颌外科

骨发育异常引起的骨的体积.形态以及上下骨之间及其与颅面其他骨骼之间的关系异常.和随之伴发的牙 关系及口系统功能异常与颜面形态异常.以研究和诊治牙面畸形为主要内容的学科为正外科(orthognathic surgery).它是一门新兴的综