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颈 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
dere  ·  kink  ·  neck  ·  collum  ·  cervixes  ·  kinked  ·  necks  ·  cervices

trachel- · trachelo-
更多网络例句与颈相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The two neck cells of the archegonium divided to fo rm four neck cells before fertilization, this division happened prior to the div ision of the central cell, but at times they divided synchronously.


1 When thickness of the short pitch or long neck flange straight side of Type B doesn't equal to the cylinder thickness connected with it: If cylinder thickness is not larger than 10mm, and thickness difference with short pitch or long neck straight side is larger than 3mm; If cylinder thickness is larger than 10mm, and thickness difference with short pitch or long neck straight side is larger than 30% of the cylinder thickness or 5mm, Type B flange should take the slope value 1: 3, and the long neck flange should be thinned according to Chart 1, or have pile welding on the end of butt welding seam to achieve transition.

6.5.1 乙型法兰的短节厚度或长法兰的直边厚度与其相联接的圆筒厚度不等时:若圆筒厚度不大于10mm,且与短节或长直边厚度差超过3mm;若圆筒厚度大于10mm,且与短节或长直边厚度差大于圆筒厚度的30%或超过5mm时,乙型平焊法兰应按斜率1:3,长对焊法兰按图1虚线削薄,或者在对接焊缝的筒体端部按图2堆焊过渡。

PART ONEInvestigation on Hp CagA+ strain infection condition and pathogenesis risk analyze in patients of carotid atherosclerosisObjective To observate pathological changes of carotid atherosclerosis as well as Hp infection situation, examinate blood fats, blood serum hs-CRP, blood plasma YKL-40, blood serum sCD14, analyze relations between Hp or Hp CagA+ strain and carotid atherosclerosis, and explore possible mechanism of carotid atherosclerosis caused by infection.

然后进行基础动物实验,应用Hp CagA+菌株干预高脂血症大兔,建立Hp CagA+菌株感染致兔动脉粥样硬化模型,进行血清Hp抗体、hs-CRP、血浆YKL-40水平检测、斑块内Hp DNA,进一步求证Hp CagA+菌株感染和动脉粥样硬化形成的相关性,Hp CagA+菌株感染是否可促进动脉粥样硬化的形成,深入探讨其可能机制,以期为动脉粥样硬化形成的病因学研究提供实验基础,为临床治疗动脉粥样硬化提供新的策略,从而完善其防治模式。

Abstract] objective to identify the relationship between serum homocysteine and carotid artery atherosclerosis in patients with cerebral infarction and effects of foliate,methylcobalamin.methods the concentrations of hcy were determined by means of fluorescence polarization immunoassay and carotid arteries was examined with color doppler ultrasound in 165 patients with cerebral infarction.the subjects were divided into 4 groups according to the severity of lesion of carotid artery.the concentrations of hcy were compared in different groups.the patients with hyperhomocysteinemia received foliate and methylcobalamin.results when lesion of carotid artery became severer,serum hcy was higher.the intima medial thicknesses of carotid artery were significantly decreased in patients with hyperhomocysteinemia who received foliate and methylcobalamin for two years.conclusion hyperhomocysteinemia may play an important role in development of carotid artery atherosclerosis.the intervention of foliate and methylcobalamin may reduce carotid artery atherosclerosis.

摘要] 目的探讨脑梗死患者动脉病变与血清同型半胱氨酸水平的关系及叶酸、甲钴胺长期干预对其影响。方法对165例急性脑梗死患者进行血清hcy的测定及动脉超声检查,并按动脉硬化的程度分组,比较不同程度动脉粥样硬化患者hcy水平,部分高hcy血症患者给予叶酸、甲钴胺干预,随访2年。结果随着动脉病变程度的加重,血清hcy浓度呈上升趋势,高hcy血症干预者动脉内中膜厚度明显减小。结论高hcy血症对动脉粥样硬化的形成起重要作用,长期给予叶酸、甲钴胺干预可能减轻动脉粥样硬化。

RESULTS: The imaging features of CBT were masses located at the bifurcation of the carotid artery, with abundant blood supply in the tumor, the internal and external carotid arteries shifted, the bifurcation of the carotid artery increased like goldcup in DSA. The imaging features of the neurilemmoma were masses located behind the bifurcation of the carotid artery, and the carotid bifurcation was normal, no blood supply in the tumor, but carotid arteries shifted.


Long Hosel These designs are usually elongated plumber-necks and are used to create face-balancing. Although they look very similar to the standard plumber-neck design, the extra length definitely creates a different feel, which you should take into consideration before selecting a putter with this type of hosel structure. Be aware that the elongated plumber-neck design doesn't always result in face-balancing; many, in fact, are toe-balanced.

Long Hosel:外观看来,这跟第一种杆是一样的,但是他的杆柄较长,这是为了增加杆面平衡所做的设计,较长的杆提供了不一样的手感,不过在选择这种推杆之前,还是要建议多尝试看看,这样的长也就增加了杆头根部的重量,所以平衡了第一款中提到的杆趾部加重,也就是小弟二部曲中提到的"平衡式"推杆。

Result: Among 40 cases of hyperpiesia, there are 32 cases with arteria carotis atherogenesis in different extent, and its incidence is 80%; Among 32 cases of cerebral vessels diseases: Twenty-one cases had arteria carotis atherogenesis, and its incidencewas 66%. Among 18 cases of diabetes complicated with hyperpiesia, 13 cases had arteria carotis atherogenesis, and its incidence was 72%; Among 6 cases of diabetes, 2 cases had arteria carotis atherogenesis, and its incidence was 33%.

结果 40例高血压患者中,32例动脉有不同程度的粥样斑块形成,发病率80%;32例脑血管病变患者,21例动脉有不同程度的粥样斑块形成,发病率66%;糖尿病合并高血压18例糖尿病患者中,13例动脉有不同程度的粥样斑块形成,发病率72%;6例糖尿病患者中,2例动脉有不同程度的粥样斑块形成,发病率33%。

Result: Among 40 cases of hyperpiesia, there are 32 cases with arteria carotis atherogenesis in different extent, and its incidence is 80%; Among 32 cases of cerebral vessels diseases: Twenty-one cases had arteria carotis atherogenesis, and its incidencewas 66%.

结果 40例高血压患者中,32例动脉有不同程度的粥样斑块形成,发病率80%;32例脑血管病变患者,21例动脉有不同程度的粥样斑块形成,发病率66%;糖尿病合并高血压18例糖尿病患者中,13例动脉有不同程度的粥样斑块形成,发病率72%;6例糖尿病患者中,2例动脉有不同程度的粥样斑块形成,发病率33%。

METHODS: Rabbit models of autogenous vein graft were generated in both groups. After anaesthesia, a median incision was made at the neck to dissociate external jugular vein and common carotid artery of the left side. Following blood flow was blocked at the upper and down sides of the common carotid artery, blood vessels were transected to collect 4.0-5.0 cm external jugular vein at the left side, and placed among the common carotid artery at the same side after inversion. End-to-end anastomosis was performed using discontinuous ecstrophy.


The uppermost internode of Changxuan 3S smarted from flag leaf sheath at 22℃, 24℃ and 26℃, and the length of elongated uppermost internode increased with the decreasing temperature.

在敏感期分别进行22℃、24℃、26℃和28℃ 4种人工温度处理,28℃条件下穗节间伸长受阻,出现包现象;22~26℃条件下穗伸出长度都为正值,不包,且穗伸出剑叶叶鞘的长度随温度降低而增加。

更多网络解释与颈相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gooseneck ventilator:鹅颈形通风筒鹅颈式通风筒

gooseneck ventilator 鹅形通风筒 | gooseneck ventilator 鹅形通风筒鹅式通风筒 | gooseneck S形弯管鹅形通风管鹅钩吊杆的鹅形的

You're gonna get a half nelson. - Ohh:我给你来个半扼颈(半扼颈 从对手背后反扣其颈背) - 嗷

You're gonna get socked. Ow! Ow!|等着瞧 嗷... | - You're gonna get a half nelson. - Ohh.|- 我给你来个半扼(半扼 从对手背后反扣其背) - 嗷~~~ | - Ninja claw! Ohh! - Hey! [ Laughs ]|- 看我的忍术!嗷! ...

journal box:轴颈箱轴颈轴承

journal box 轴箱 | journal box 轴箱轴轴承 | journal collar 轴

jugular process:颈静脉突,颈静脉突

jugular nerve 静脉神经,静脉神经 | jugular process 静脉突,静脉突 | jugular pulse 静脉搏动,静脉搏动


李淳说,蛇龙(Plesiosaur)分成短和长两大类. 我们以前看到的图画中大多是表现长的蛇龙. 而随着BBC纪录片巨作>及其衍生作品>将"滑齿龙"(Liopleurodon)捧成了短龙中的"大红人". 如今,

cervicodynia:颈痛 颈痛

cervicocranialsyndrome 颅综合征 颅综合征 | cervicodynia 痛 | cervicolumbarphenomenon 腰现象 腰现象

pretracheal layer:颈筋膜气管前层,颈筋膜气管前层,颈筋膜中层,颈筋膜中层

pretightening up force 预紧力 | pretracheal layer 筋膜气管前层,筋膜气管前层,筋膜中层,筋膜中层 | pretranslation program 预翻译程序

neck canal cell:颈沟细胞,颈沟细胞

neck bush ==> 衬布司,内衬套 | neck canal cell ==> 沟细胞,沟细胞 | neck chain ==> 链,

external carotid nerves:颈外动脉神经,颈外动脉神经

external carotid arteriography ==> 外动脉造影术,外动脉造影术 | external carotid nerves ==> 外动脉神经,外动脉神经 | external carotid plexus ==> 外动脉丛,外动脉丛

carotid sinus branch of glossopharyngeal nerve:颈动脉窦支,颈动脉窦支

carotid sinus baroreceptor ==> 动脉窦压力感受器,动脉窦压... | carotid sinus branch of glossopharyngeal nerve ==> 动脉窦支,动脉窦支 | carotid sinus depressor reflex ==> 动脉窦减压反射,动脉窦...