英语人>词典>汉英 : 领取 的英文翻译,例句
领取 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

take sth out · go and get
更多网络例句与领取相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A recent bill reforming the government ' s antipoverty programs limited many welfare recipients to only two years of benefits.


To take, produce require balanced and equilibrium of product category of production quantity proportionally Toyota, i.e. total assembly line process get spare part, take, get various spare part even before every, mix flowing to produce.


Where cash dividend that is declared to be distributed but not received or interest on bonds due but not received is include, the amount should be determined according to the book value of the debt, less the dividend or interest receivable and plus any tax payments.


If you are a recipient, please state type of Bursary, Scholarship and/or School Pocket

是Yes 如果您已领取助学金、奖学金或零用钱计划,请注明其名称、领取日期及款额。

We also asked that all welfare recipients with children age three or older be required to participate in a work program designed by the states, that each welfare recipient have a caseworker committed to a successful transition to self-sufficiency, that efforts to collect child-support payments be intensified, and that a new formula for cash assistance be established consistent with each states cost of living.


From January, the centenarian longevity allowance enhances from each month 200 Yuan to each person of each month 300 Yuan.


The labor target does not have any coerciveness. Whoever has the ability receives it and whoever receives it is responsible for its organization and implementation.


For domestic Journalists, the hand-out location is the Press room, north of the First Floor.


For domestic journalists and journalists from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the hand-out location is the Press room, north of the First Floor.


The government budget will be significantly relieved because only 18 % of the average farmer's income comes from the direct payment compared to 42.09 % of that comes from the current rice price support program. When more restricted case B is introduced, the government's contribution to the farmer's income can be lessened to only 16 % in the most restricted case without scarifying the farmer's income.


更多网络解释与领取相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

baggage claim:领取行李

>>2个相似问题近几年非法移民潮猖獗,澳洲的入境检查也越来越严格. 当检查人员在您的护照上盖上入境章时,就表示一切无误,核准入境. 第三步: 领取行李(Baggage Claim) 在领取托运的行李时,要核实自己的行李,以

register contention:(抢占否领取器)

Register Renaming(否领取着重定名) | Register Pressure(否领取器不敷) | Register Contention(抢占否领取器)


pensioner 领取养老金者,剑桥大学的自费生 | outpensioner 院外领取年金的人 | reversioner复归权者,有继承权者


pensionable terms 可享退休金条款 | pensioner 领取退休金人员;领取抚恤金者;退休公务员 | Pensioners and Elderly Employment Register 退休公务员及年长求职者登记册


'作为系争合同的买方,被申请人拥有领取(receive)首份合同规定的货物的权利而它确已领取并接受(accept)了货物. 被申请人享有了首份合同项下的权利. 申请人作为卖方确已履行了首份合同规定的交货义务,但并未获取相应的权利.

register renaming:(否领取着重定名)

Remark(芯片频率重标识) | Register Renaming(否领取着重定名) | Register Pressure(否领取器不敷)

pensionable age:合资格领取抚恤金的年龄

pensionable 可享退休金;可享抚恤金 | pensionable age 合资格领取抚恤金的年龄 | pensionable age limit 可领取抚恤金年龄限制


cashing date 现金领取日期 | cashing 现金领取 | cash-on-delivery customer 现金交货客户

pensionable age limit:可领取抚恤金年龄限制

pensionable age 合资格领取抚恤金的年龄 | pensionable age limit 可领取抚恤金年龄限制 | pensionable child 可领取抚恤金的子女

register pressure:(否领取器不敷)

Register Renaming(否领取着重定名) | Register Pressure(否领取器不敷) | Register Contention(抢占否领取器)