英语人>词典>汉英 : 预料 的英文翻译,例句
预料 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anticipation  ·  expectation  ·  prep  ·  presuppose  ·  prevenience  ·  prolepsis  ·  prepped  ·  preps  ·  presupposed  ·  presupposes  ·  presupposing  ·  prolepses  ·  expectations

更多网络例句与预料相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We had been sure she was in Chicago, so her sudden appearance was a bolt out of the blue.


We had been sure she was inchicago, so her sudden appearance was a bolt out of the blue.


E.g. We had been sure she was in Chicago, so her sudden appearance was a bolt out of the blue .


From.如:we had been sure she was in chicago, so her sudden appearance was a bolt out of the blue.


The American disease control and the prevention center are responsible for the science and public health business act assistant director to extend Chatt to indicate that, a diagnosis case night of between large rise, is because the State authority tests starts to have the result, she asserts by no means the epidemic situation big eruption, but she expected, because also has very many cases to need to analyze, in addition local authority's most recent data, the expectation future two day-long diagnosis cases will be able a more remarkable rise.


It is instead a response to the unforeseen expressiveness of the Other who faces and addresses me.


The cyclone is expected to decelerate as it nears the ridge axis, and now a recurvature is expected as it is likely that NIDA will be strong enough not to be guided by the low-level northeasterlies.


There are things a repatriating citizen can do to anticipate the major shocks of returning home. But it is often the things you can't expect that make the sadness most difficult to deal with -- you can't anticipate the little things you will miss the most from the place you left behind.


Cantly greater numbers of living larvae were found in sugar maple than in the other tree species; however,more were found in red oak and fewer in green ash than expected,considering relative numbers of oviposition sites. After 90 d,mean mass of living larvae did not differ signi?cantly among tree species.


This kind of mysterious power in Cao Yu's Drama is showed as:uncanny polts,complicated connection ,complicated conflicts ,accidents and fatal coincidences which against expectation.Secondly, This kind of mysterious power also can't be change and resist.


更多网络解释与预料相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


D 正确.预料(anticipate) 是一种内部审计师能够用来在广泛讨论中保持焦点话题的方法.它设想内部审计师已在事前做过准备工作,并准备好机智聪明地倾听谈话.因为事前有准备,所以内部审计师的思维处理信息速度能够比大多数人说话的速度快,


anticipater /超前预防器/ | anticipative /预料的/ | anticipator /预期者/先发制人者/

anticipatory:预料的, 预想的

sodden bread 未烤透的面包 | anticipatory 预料的, 预想的 | biformin 双形蕈素 双形真菌素


anticipator 预期者 | anticipatory 预料的 | anticlerical 反圣职者的

anticipatory positioning:预料性定位

annual requirement purchasing arrangement 年度采购需求企图 | anticipatory positioning 预料性定位 | anti-pollution legislation 反污染立法

As we apprise:就如同预料的一样

Our enemy shall fall 我们的敌人将会倒下 | As we apprise 就如同预料的一样 | To claim our fate 去宣布我们的命运

as is expected:正如预料的那样

as was expected 正如预料的那样 | as is expected 正如预料的那样 | as can be seen 看得出来

as is expected:正如所预料的那样

expect sb to do sth 期盼某人做某事 | as is expected 正如所预料的那样 | to meet parents' expectations 不辜负父母的期望

in the lap of the gods:在神的掌管之中(难以预料)

I don't know whether to accept or refuse. 我不知道是要接受还是拒绝. | in the lap of the gods 在神的掌管之中(难以预料) | Whether or not he succeeds is in the lap of the gods. 他能否成功尚难以预料.


prolepsis /预期/预料/预辩法/ | proleptic /预期的/预料的/预辩法的/ | proletarian /无产阶级的/无产者/