英语人>词典>汉英 : 颂歌 的英文翻译,例句
颂歌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
canticle  ·  carol  ·  doxology  ·  epithalamion  ·  epithalamium  ·  laud  ·  Magnificat  ·  mantra  ·  caroled  ·  carolled  ·  carolling  ·  carols  ·  doxologies  ·  epithalamiums  ·  lauded  ·  lauding  ·  lauds  ·  Carol  ·  anthems  ·  odes  ·  caroling

更多网络例句与颂歌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A Christmas carol is acarol whose lyrics are on the theme of Christmas, or the winterseason in general.


He will write a modern ode for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in the same ancient Greek language which Pindar has used.


Angelakos will continue this great history of ode which occurred 2500 years before. He will write a modern ode for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in the same ancient Greek language which Pindar has used.


The psalmody singing in the Christmas Day is called " Christmas Carol ".


This is reflected in the legend or story of Kalo or the Taro plant as told in the Hawaiian creation chant or Kumulipo (coo-moo-lee-poe).

这反映在被夏威夷人传述的创世颂歌或& Kumulipo &(译注:中文译为库木里坡,发音为 coo-moo-lee-poe ,是夏威夷人创作的一首颂歌,于十八世纪中叶左右由卡-里玛毛创作,为的是记住祖先及其讲述的与生命的起源相关的传说)中的芋头的传说或故事中。

Guerilla carolling… sing x-mas carols on people answering machines.


Guerilla carolling…Sing x-mas carols on people answering machines.


Guerilla carolling…Sing x-mas carols on people answering machines.


After playing ladys-maid to the new-comer, and putting my cakes in the oven, and making the house and kitchen cheerful with great fires, befitting Christmas-eve, I prepared to sit down and amuse myself by singing carols, all alone. regardless of Josephs affirmations that he considered the merry tunes I chose as next door to songs.


Probably from a later edition, fifty-five homilies on "the Acts" as preserved by stenographers, IX, 13 sqq.

, 55颂歌&行为&(如保存了速记员,第九章, 13 sqq ),并颂歌&,对所有书信的圣保禄&

更多网络解释与颂歌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在全球的复兴计划却一刻也没有停下脚步,10月份以来,Yahoo斥资1亿美元在全球开展了新一轮品牌推广活动,其新推出名为"颂歌"(Anthem)的视频广告以"It's You!

Daily AntheM:爱的颂歌

11. Permanent永久 | 12. Daily AntheM爱的颂歌 | 13. The Time Of My Life时候到了


确实,这首歌是在西蒙加芬克加入了"颂歌"(Canticle)部分的演绎之后才开始风靡全球的,但主歌>(Scarborough Fair)的词、曲、甚至吉他伴奏指法都是西蒙在英国民谣圈盘桓时期从英国民歌手马丁卡西(Martin Carthy)那里拷贝来的.


教徒们在音乐的伴奏下唱着圣歌(hymn)、颂歌(carol)、念着赞美诗,表达他们对耶稣复活的欢乐和喜悦心情. 复活节的教堂烛光通明. 据说,烛身象征着耶稣的圣体,烛芯是耶稣的灵魂,烛光表示耶稣神性和人性的统一. 在复活节里,

Christmas Carol:圣诞颂歌

佟秀培将弹奏巴托克( Bartok )的"圣诞颂歌"(Christmas Carol). 佟秀培就读尔湾Santiago Hills小学三年级,在尔湾Opus 119音乐学院学弹钢琴已有两年半,日前在美国艺术协会国际音乐比赛中,展现高超琴艺,荣获十岁以下年龄组钢琴比赛冠军.

Galician Carol:加利西亚圣诞颂歌

06 Cantigueiras 狂舞 | 07 Galician Carol 加利西亚圣诞颂歌 | 08 Dancing With Rosina 共舞萝丝娜

caroler:欢唱[颂歌] 的人

carol /欢乐之歌/颂歌/鸟的啭声/欢唱/啭/唱颂歌赞美/ | caroler /欢唱[颂歌] 的人/ | caroller /欢唱[颂歌] 的人/

BWV242 - Christe Eleison - Masses and Magnificat Settings:(基督颂歌)

BWV241 - Sanctus in D Major - Masses and Magnificat Settings... | BWV242 - Christe Eleison - Masses and Magnificat Settings (基督颂歌) | BWV259 - Ach, was soll ich Suender machen - Vocal Works (啊,我犯...

A Christmas Carol:圣诞颂歌

市中心的"美国莎士比亚中心"剧院是世界上唯一一座复原当年莎翁在伦敦的布莱克弗赖尔斯(Blackfriars)剧场的艺术场所,每年的此时,狄更斯的名剧"圣诞颂歌"(A Christmas Carol)都在这里上演数场,令这个山区小镇一时成为全美文化的一个焦点,


caroler /欢唱[颂歌] 的人/ | caroller /欢唱[颂歌] 的人/ | carom /母球连撞二球之一击/碰击而反跳/一击连撞二球/