英语人>词典>汉英 : 顾客 的英文翻译,例句
顾客 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
accounts  ·  client  ·  clients  ·  constituency  ·  customer  ·  patron  ·  shopper  ·  trade  ·  constituencies  ·  traded

更多网络例句与顾客相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The strategic model is from the realization result that product center changes to customer center, maximal utilize customer purchase behavior and other information. The paper has expounded relationship among Value asset, Brand Equity and Value of customer loyalty. The dissertation recommends a customer centre operation, which can help to more efficient find customer, keep customer loyalty and operate customer asset.


In this paper, fuzzy theory, Markov chain and RFM model are integrated to evaluate customer lifetime values. This approach calculates the profit contribution of customers in every purchasing situation. Firstly, customer purchasing state is updated contiguously by fuzzy theory and RFM model with transition matrix which represents the probabilities among purchasing states. Then the profit contribution of each period is computed by using revenue and cost data. Finally, the profit contribution of each customer is accumulated through some discounting consideration. This will construct the final customer lifetime values.

本研究结合模糊理论、马可夫链、和RFM(recency, frequency, monetary; RFM)模式,配合折现模式来计算顾客终身价值,其中模糊理论及RFM模型定义顾客之购买状态,马可夫链则推算顾客在每期购买状态改变的机率,然后推估出顾客在每期交易的转换机率,再结合产品的收益与成本资料,算出顾客在各期对公司的利润贡献,最后将各期的利润贡献折现加总,计算出各种购买状况下的顾客价值,利用此顾客价值就可指出哪些是对企业有利的顾客

This paper tries to do the research of analyzing the relation of the customer loyalty and the customer satisfaction under the electronic commerce shopping environment, and th...


This article first studies the current outlook of Guangzhou Telecom and proves the usefulness and essentialness of customer satisfaction theory. Secondly, it analyzes the customer base of Guangzhou Telecom and introduces the index, degree, and test of customer satisfaction for external and internal customers. Finally, based on the three components of customer satisfaction theory, mind satisfaction, behavior satisfaction, and visual satisfaction, it discusses a complete solution on how to implement restructuring and development strategies in Guangzhou Telecom.


The experiment results show that GP can produce accurate, completed and consistent target customers profile rules, the CCRM platform using Web Services as the information technology architecture base is technically feasible, and the result of experiment shows that enterprises' adopting CCRM model can generate positive impact on their CRM performances in the stage of customer acquisition within EC environment.


Data were collected from 201 customers in Northern Taiwan. Results showed that salesperson's customer in-store positive moods on customers purchase intentions was indirect through the mediating processes of customer in-store positive moods and perceived service quality, recommendation on customers purchase intentions was indirect through the mediating processes of perceived product quality, and ingratiation on customers purchase intentions was indirect through the mediating processes of customer in-store positive moods and perceived service quality.


Our projections were based on the successful launch of Manx products through Gordon Brown outlets.

本课主题 Management Themes 阅读下面关于一项出了问题的投资报告读后请讨论后面的问题机密报告关于收购戈登布朗有限公司事宜背景材料两年前戈登布朗有限公司被以 250 万英镑的价格收购戈登布朗有限公司是英格兰东北部一家专营办公家具的家庭公司曼克斯办公设备公司认为收购戈登布朗公司是在该地区扩大顾客数量的一种有效途径结果两年后戈登布朗的经营仍未盈利去年亏损 25 万英镑尽管进行了大量改进并彻底转变了管理方式该公司所拥有的顾客数量和业务量还是逐步下降分析我们已找出下列原因 1 戈登布朗在本地区是一个家庭公司的形象改进不仅改变了公司的上层管理也改变了公司的特点顾客对改进后的公司缺乏认识 2 戈登布朗的产品主要是传统的办公家具面是曼克斯办公设备却属于现代风格系列没有制定明晰的产品战略来促销这两种风格迥异的产品结论更多请进大家学习网http://club.topsage.com 1 2 若我们的目标旨在扩大英格兰东北部的顾客群我们早该考虑到戈登布朗公司顾客们的需求若我们想改变公司面貌使其开始盈利我们必须在今后更加关注消费者需求 1 1 讨论问题若你当初处在曼克斯公司的位置你怎样对待这次收购 2。

Connected with the example of SAISC, develop the studies from three aspects. First, it should be defined that the theory of CSAS(customer satisfaction alarm system) is based on the relation between demisable profit and customer satisfaction.


The first part is literature review of relevant Customer Value Theory. In the following part, research questionnaires about customer value in health and fitness entertaining and straight rebuy tendency are designed concerning to existing survey methods and combined with the status quo and features of health and fitness entertaining enterprises. The third part is surveys and analysis about the status quo of custom value in bodybuilding clubs in Nanjing. Six common factors, named as "sentimental value","consumption cost","product value","service value","expected value", and "function value", are concluded as the elements of customer value in health and fitness entertaining after factor analysis and are discussed in the fourth part. In the fifth part, influences of the various elements of customer value on customers' straight rebuy are obtained by Logistic regression analysis. The sixth part is about the relationship between customer individual attribute and customer straight rebuy reached through partial correlation analysis.


Sales To achieve agreed monthly sales and average transaction value targets for area of responsibility To communicate sales targets and achievement against targets to the sales team on a daily basis To be proactive in identifying selling opportunities and putting in place initiatives that will help achieve and exceed the sales targets Product Knowledge To be able to provide the customer with product information that will enable them to make an informed decision about the item they wish to purchase To be able to communicate confidently the unique selling points and the features and benefits of the product To actively use this product knowledge to provide mix and match ideas for the customer and to up-sell to maximize the sales value Team Leadership To demonstrate and reinforce the Lane Crawford Vision And Values at all times and provide the necessary leadership to gain commitment from retail sales team To identify and execute ways to increase employee's loyalty, satisfaction and pride with the Lane Crawford experience To provide on job training to new hires to ensure they meet the required standards in all aspects of their job within the 3 month probation period To provide on job coaching to ensure that sales associates are able to consistently deliver and exceed the Lane Crawford service standards To train sales associates in product knowledge and mix and match To monitor and review performance of team with the DSM, identifying individuals who are ready for promotion or require performance improvement plans Manage performance of team on a daily basis and take appropriate action with those who fall below standard (in consultation with DSM/HR Department) Housekeeping To ensure daily housekeeping standards are maintained at all times through effective staff scheduling To maintain visual merchandise presentation in line with VM Standards Manual To prevent stock and pilferage by being alert and informing manager/security of potential issues To ensure cashiering function is performed to a high degree of accuracy To ensure stock is continually replenished to ensure a full range of items are available for the customer


更多网络解释与顾客相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Customer Service Manager:顾客服务经理

customer satisfaction 顾客满意程度 | customer service manager 顾客服务经理 | customer service officer 顾客服务主任

o DG:开具红字发票给顾客的凭证. (收款凭证)

o DR,开具发票给顾客的凭证. (收款凭证) | o DG,开具红字发票给顾客的凭证. (收款凭证) | o DZ,向顾客收款的凭证. (收款凭证)

Customer incurred cost:顾客引发成本

Customer feedback information 顾客回馈信息 | Customer incurred cost 顾客引发成本 | Customer operation cost 顾客作业成本

customer intimacy:顾客亲密度

customer demand 顾客需求 | customer intimacy 顾客亲密度 | customer loyalty 顾客忠诚度

customer loyalty:顾客忠诚

(6)顾客忠诚(Customer Loyalty) 顾客忠诚是模型中最终的因变量. 它有2个观察变量;顾客重复购买的可能性和对价格变化的承受力,顾客如果对某产品或服务感到满意,就会产生一定程度的忠诚,表现为对该产品或服务的重复购买或向其他顾客推荐.

customer loyalty:顾客的忠诚度

留住率(Customer Retention),顾客的忠诚度(Customer Loyalty)及顾客获利(1) 利用资讯科技搜集顾客资讯以追踪、预测顾客偏好(Preference)的能力(3) 利用资讯科技与管理阶层(Line Managers)合作、支援其决策的能力(4) 利用资讯科技赢取新顾

customer need:顾客需要

把产品(Product)转为顾客需要(Customer Need),是因为认识到顾客进行交换,真正需要的不是某个实体形态的产品,而是需要它带来的利益或价值,就是我们常说的"顾客不是需要一个钻头,而是一个孔";这就要求企业关注通过交换能够给顾客带来多少利益,

customer retention:顾客保留

(2)CS经营关注顾客终生价值,通过实现顾客满意来建立顾客忠诚(Customer Loyalty)和顾客保留(Customer Retention). (3)CS经营是以信息为支撑的经营模式,它要求实时把握顾客及其需求的信息,并根据信息进行决策. (4)CS经营是动态互动型经营,

customer retention:顾客维系

顾客维系(customer retention)是指企业通过采取一系列手段和方法留住现有顾客的营销活动,不断地根据顾客的特点针对性的调整和推出适合顾客变化需求的产品与服务,是这一阶段的重点.

customer satisfaction:顾客满意

3、CS经营法:就是为了获得顾客满意,对自己公司提供的商品、服务、企业形象等进行定期,持续性的调查,并根据结果,迅速改善顾客不满意之处,以追求更高顾客满意度的经营活动. 让顾客满意"(Customer Satisfaction)经营的发展与促进,是商品供大于求市场发展的必然结果.