英语人>词典>汉英 : 项 的英文翻译,例句
项 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
nape  ·  nucha  ·  term  ·  nuque  ·  termed  ·  terming  ·  nuchae

K-term · scruff of neck · trachel- · trachelo-
更多网络例句与项相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results show:(1) the total explanatory of four main variables in HBM is 22% which achieves significant level;(2) the effect of HBM in health behavior has significant differences while different sources, research designs, types of behavior, ways of performance, and types of independent variables;(3) sources, research designs, types of behavior, types of dependent variables, and types of independent variables need to rely on the interactions with other variables to moderate effect sizes;(4) no matter what sources, research designs, types of behavior, ways of performance, and types of independent variables are, perceived barriers of taking action are the strongest variable.


Arithmetic progression: starting from the second, an increase each by the former posed a constant sequence, such as the odd-numbered 1,3,5,7 ... geometric progression: from the second onwards, each of which is th power of the number of previous ...


Among them, the national first prize for an invention, the second prize winner in two, three, one of the四等奖; the National Natural Science Award for a second prize; the National Science and Technology Progress Award 4, second and third 36 items; Department, 235 provincial awards.


The study shows that the longitudinal component of the pressure force is mainly balanced by the vertical eddy frictional term and the lateral component of the pressure force is mainly balanced by the Coriolis force.


The method includes establishing one reverse mapping list comprising list items; reading the mapping data recorded in the data block state list item area to the list items during system initialization; checking reverse mapping list and finding the data block in Flash memory during reading some logic block; and writing the updated data into the empty data area of one new data block, writing the mapping data between the new logic block and the new data block into the state list item area and updating the mapping data of the corresponding list item in the reverse mapping list during writing some logic blcok.


To celebrate this victory, Pelops and Princess of Zeus in Olympia in front of the temple held a grand wedding, arranged at the chariot, the arena等项game, and this is the first ancient Olympic Games, has become ancient Pelops legends of the founder of the Olympic Games.


Candidates. The institute has undertaken a number of research projects with grants from several foundations and government agencies home and abroad since 1998. Those key projects including 1 Ministry of Education key grant, 4 Chinese NSF grants, 4 Chinese NPOPSS grants, 1 FAO granted project, 1 joint CIDA project with Canada and 1 joint USIA project with USA make the institute to be front in this field.


We performed a simulative test, which confirms that wavelet analysis can separate annual wobble and Chandler wobble. Our results show that this method can be used in astronomical geodynamies effectively. This paper is divided into two parts. The first is about statistic characteristic of polar motion. Polar motion includes secular motion, long period fluctuations, Chandler wobble, annual wobble and high frequency wobble. The secular motion is 3.4mas/year and towards 760W meridian. Long period fluctuations have difference periods in x-axis and y-axis. They are 31.7-year and 24-year in x-axis and 28.5-year and 22.9-year in y-axis. These 2~? decades fluctuations have an amplitude of about 30 mas , and are very nearly linearly polarized, with the observed motion of pole being almost entirely along a line between 360E and 1440W. There is a 55.4-year wobble whose amplitude is 9 mas. The amplitude of the interannual fluctuations is about 4? mas. The amplitude of long period fluctuations decreased after 1970. The annual wobble is a steady wobble. It retrograde wobble is only 1/20 of prograde wobble in amplitude.

本文的工作主要分为两部分:第一部分是通过分析POLE97序列,我们对极移的统计特性有了一个较全面的认识,极移主要包括趋势、长周期、Chandler、周年和高频:趋势的方向是西经76°,速度为每年3.4mas;长周期中Markowitz 在X、Y两个方向有不同的周期,它们分别是:X方向的两个周期是31.7年和24 年,Y方向的两个周期为28.5年和22.9年它们叠加在一起是一个线偏振运动,最大振幅约为30mas,偏振方向在西经144°和东经36°之间;极移的长周期波动中还存在一个 55.4年周期的圆周运动,振幅约为9mas;十年尺度变化的振幅在4~6mas之间,在Y 方向十年尺度的成份比较多,它们的周期在X方向和Y方向不是对应的;从七十年代年开始长周期变化的振幅明显降低;周年是一个振幅稳定的摆动,在X、Y两个方向的振幅略有差别,逆向运动振幅大约为顺向运动振幅的1/20;Chandler摆动的振幅自1900年以来经历了几次较大的变化,其中包括1915年和1955年两次极大值,振幅分别达到0&。25和0&。28,以及1925~1940期间小于0.09的过程,Chandler在X、Y 两个方向的振幅几乎完全相等,其逆向运动振幅不到顺向运动振幅的1/50。

There were six patens of invention in this study, and three of them were approved, one opened, two in applicating for. The achievement obtained the second rate award of national scientific technology invention. 39 pieces of paper were published on the domestic or over sea academic journals or magzines.


Since the National 10th " 15Five-Year Plan ", the company has drafted and made 32 national sector standards; Obtained 66 national patents for invention and practical new patents; Developed 98 new products; Obtained 16 progress prizes in science and technologyat provincial and ministerial levels; 46 products fill in the blank of domestic production; 20 products are classified as the national-level new products, got the new record of Chinese enterprise; Light rig, large-ton well service hoist, multi-functional cable testing vehicle, etc. are classified as "national high-tech industrialization moving project "," National Torch Plan ".


更多网络解释与项相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

binomial theorem:二项定理,二项展开式

binomial test | 二检验 | binomial theorem | 二定理,二展开式 | binomial trials | 二试验

bp RegDeleteKeyA:删除现有项下方一个指定的子项

bp RegCreateKeyExA 在指定下创建新的更复杂的方式 | bp RegDeleteKeyA 删除现有下方一个指定的子 | bp RegDeleteValueA 删除指定下方的一个值

bp RegDeleteKeyA:删除现有项下方壹个指定的子项

bp RegCreateKeyExA 在指定下创建新的更双杂的方式 | bp RegDeleteKeyA 删除现有下方壹个指定的子 | bp RegDeleteValueA 删除指定下方的壹个值

continuous variable:连续变项

的特质是指变是「变数」(Variables)还是「常数」(Constant); 变数是指人、地或事的特质,它能设定一个以上的数值,会随著各种情况而改变的,如:跑百米成绩、身高、体重......体育测验测量的变型式可分为:连续变(continuous variable)和间断变(dis

control variable:控制变项

1.对于控制变(control variable)的理解,不可以『以辞害义』. 控制变在假设验证的作用,乃是放到回归方程式中,其结果则是会降低主要解释变(也就是你研究架构中X自变)对于依变的变异解释量. 当X自变的变异解释量因控制变的加入而降低之后,

debit and credit advices:贷方与借方帐目说明; 收支帐目说明; 借项和贷项通知单

debit;借、借方、借记、记入....借方;; | debit and credit advices;贷方与借方帐目说明; 收支帐目说明; 借和贷通知单;; | debit balance;结欠; 结差; 借方余额;;


(Debit) 和 贷 (Credit) 是会计基本的知识, 如果把借金额填写在资产, 成本或支出的科目会提高这些科目的值, 填写在负债, 股本或收入的科目会减少这些科目的值.把贷金额填写在这些科目会有相反的效果,

deposit account:押金账项

第9条将允许作为原始抵押物的押金账(deposit account)中有担保利益. 被担保方在押金账中只能通过"控制"求得保全. 该条款将排除多数消费者的押金账. 押金账被排除在"一般无形物"(general intangible)的定义之外.


在"订单"(PurchaseOrder)或""(Items)元素内定义新的未命名复杂类型元素时,会在架构中创建附加嵌套. 一个订单内可能有很多,在每内又可能有许多附加元素(如价格、尺寸等等). 在下面的过程中,将向purchaseOrder关系表添加""(Items)元素,

modern pentathlon:现代五项运动

中国性感模特演绎现代五运动(modern pentathlon)之击剑性感模特演绎现代五运动(modern pentathlon)之游泳性感模特演绎现代五运动(modern pentathlon)之越野跑性感模特演绎现代五运动(modern pentathlon)之射击 时间:2008-09-28