英语人>词典>汉英 : 韵 的英文翻译,例句
韵 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
rhyme  ·  rhymes  ·  rimed  ·  rimes  ·  riming

更多网络例句与韵相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The paper deals with phonetic symbolism and phonological rhetoric devices : onomatopoeia, homoeotoleuton, alliteration, assonance, consonance and the comprehensive application of various sorts of phonological rhetoric devices .


Assonance 类韵 Assonance means The repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds, especially in stressed syllables, with changes in the intervening consonants, as in the phrase tilting at windmills.


In order to express pity of war as its theme,the poet foregrounds,in the phonetic,rhythmic,and rhetoric aspects,features such as the prominence of onomatopoeia ,the combination of para rhyme,consonance,alliteration and assonance,and the use of prosopopoeia and synecdoche.


In front of 15 days using a rhyme head on the full level tone, and then after ten上声rhyme head, then was head rhyme去声five; then use the Gregorian calendar, added the last - a "rhyme head table" in not the "World", on behalf on the 31st, so that the word with 31 representatives of 31 days, respectively.


In the third place, on the base of observing in brief systematical looks of OTRM, studying the important points such as form、classify、melody constituationg and Shi Fang Yun 十方韵 system, thus separate those nonnatural elements step bt step and show clear main nucleus of OTRM, so that close to observe the nature of melody form of OTRM.


Christopher Marlowe was the first English author to make full use of the potential of blank verse, and also established it as the dominant verse form for English drama in the age of Elizabeth I and James I. The major achievements in English blank verse were made by William Shakespeare, who wrote much of the content of his plays in unrhymed iambic pentameter, and Milton, whose Paradise Lost is written in blank verse.


In chapter three we mainly deal with the rhyme and their separation and reunion by the mathematical statistics,so as to slove the different guess about rhyme-bases in "zhongyuanyinyun" by phonologist and the quality of the "rusheng-ends".


It goes on to adopt the four categories of"Neutral Prosody, Positive Prosody, Negative Prosody, and Mixed Prosody"and four sub-categories of prosodic meanings in order to classify and analyze the semantic prosodies revealed by the concordances of major commissive verbs, and thus to judge the behaviors of the major commissive verbs and the characteristics of the speech act of commissives.


It is shown that although the phonotactics of the onglides and the neighboring elements does not provide crucial evidence for the status of the glides, postconsonantal onglides are structurally closer to the nucleus based on their weight-carrying behavior in stress assignment.


Gripper and carry it in its teeth and drum sounds dental students'rooms simultameous, enterprises'high, the power-on machine speed slower, easy to hear "" slapthe slapthe slapthe clossed of sound, though the sound is not big, but it is clear and crisp, if sound become vague, it is best to check both ends of the work of big spring and needle roller bearings are short of lubricating oil.


更多网络解释与韵相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一行三拍、四拍的较常见;押,假如是由四行组成一节的诗,常见的式有:双叠(AABB)、交错(ABAB)、连环(ABBA)、三行(AABA)、和随(AAAA)④. 比如:


alliterate 押头 | alliterate 用头体作 | alliteration 头

alliterate:用头韵体作, 押头韵

allistatin | 蒜制菌素 | alliterate | 用头体作, 押头 | alliterating word | 对偶词


因为"头"容易与"头法"(alliteration)相混淆. 句首是指每个诗行的起首字母押式. 头法则是指在一系列联系的或者紧密相关的词或音节中重复使用第一个相同的辅音或元音的式.


求:高考/英语作文中常用的压头(alliteration)的词组. . 求:高考/考研英语作文中常用的压头(alliteration)的词组. . 求:高考/考研英语作文中常用的压头(alliteration)的词组. .

alliterative:头韵的, 头韵体的

analog inputoperation 模拟输入操作 | erygrisin 红灰菌素 | alliterative 头的, 头体的


如:汉语和英语的押都是重复元音和元音后面的部分,但由于英语中元音后面的部分远比汉语中的复杂,其押的形式也比汉语丰富,主要包括:头(alliteration)、半(assonance)、尾(consonance)和视(eye rhyme).


"玩的就是辅(Consonance),类(Assonance). 头,辅,类在英语中的运用可谓举不胜举,下面将对三者作简要分析:据Oxfard Advanced Learner's Dictionary对头(Alliteration)的解释,


作为中国汽车影音行业知名品牌的飞(FREEWAY)也参加了此次交易会. 会场上前来飞展位咨询、参观的客商络绎不绝,使得飞品牌的知名度在全国各地消费者心目中进一步扩大,同时也增强了飞在中国汽车影音行业的影响力度.


如果我们遵循着诗的律学来分析诗歌,我们就应该研究什么是""(rhyme),什么是全(perfectrhyme)和半(half rhyme). 我们必须纪录在一首诗中反复出现的声音,虽然,某些诗歌的效果是依靠十分复杂的用计划.