英语人>词典>汉英 : 面包 的英文翻译,例句
面包 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bread  ·  breadstuff  ·  panis  ·  breading  ·  breads  ·  Lehem

the staff of life · staff of life
更多网络例句与面包相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On formal dinning occasion it's good manner to take some butter from the butter dish with your bread knife and put it on your side plate. Then butter the pieces of the roll use this butter.


Bread:面包 Store bread in a breadbox or on the counter.


The Proper Way to Eat Bread 吃面包的正确方法 In a proper Western restaurant, the bread plate is always on your left with your butter knife on it.


Sliced Bread 切片面包 The most common form of bread in Americaethe mass-produced white, soft doughy bread in plastic bags with a shelf life of weeks is likely a major component of obesity and diabetes.


Sicilians craft thousands upon thousands of grano duro loaves, some weighing twenty pounds, in the shapes of flowers, fruits, baskets, suns, moons, cats, fish, angels, butterflies, beads, shoes, trees, rats, roosters, birds, stars.


Experiment results indicate the more desirable orange-pomace bread can be produced if the orange pomaces are not washed in water, the sample is oven-dried and the particle diameter distribution of the orange pomaces in use is less than 250 μm. Due to the fact that the water-absorption ability of orange pomaces is strong, we may want to mix pomaces with the oil of the recipe first during the process of making orange-pomace bread and add the mixture later to the formation of the structure of gluten. Under the condition that orange pomaces account for 14% of the ingredients, the adjusted optimal condition calls for extra 2% of oil, 3% of water and 4% of gluten, the amount of yeast is increased to 2% and the fermentation time is 2 hours. The orange-pomace bread made under this condition has a specific volume of 5.19 cm3/g and receives a rating of 9.5 point. It is close to the American-style sweat bread of the control group. It is also found that the addition of orange pomaces can help slow down the rise in hardness, gumminess and chewyness of the bread during the time it is in storage.

实验结果显示,柳橙果渣於制备过程不经过清水漂洗、利用烘箱乾燥样品、使用粒径分布尺寸小於250 μm之柳橙果渣对於制作柳橙果渣面包有较理想之结果,另外由於柳橙果渣吸水性强,於制作果渣面包时需将柳橙果渣先与配方中之油脂混合,待面团搅拌成筋后再加入。14%柳橙果渣添加量下,配方上调整的最适条件为额外添加2%油脂、3%水量、4%面筋,并将酵母量增加为2%,发酵时间为2 h,所制作出之柳橙果渣面包比体积为5.19 cm3/g,评分为9.5分,接近控制组美式甜面包,并且发现添加果渣制作面包可以减缓面包於储藏期间硬度、胶性度、咀嚼度上升之程度。

When it comes to bread, Davie, and co-author, nutritionist Dr Joanna Mcmillan Price, have given five star ratings to pumpernickel, sourdough breads made with whole grain or rye and the heavier wholegrain breads made from wholewheat flour and added grain. Wholemeal, however, doesn't rate so highly - neither does multigrain bread, which Davie and McMillan Price say is made with white flour with a few grains added.

当谈到面包时,Davie和另一名合著者,Joanna Mcmillan Price博士,已予黑面包,全谷物或黑麦发酵面包,以及全麦粉加谷物制成的较重的全麦面包五星级别,全麦面粉却没有得到如此高的级别--杂粮面包也没有,Davie和Mcmillan Price说,杂粮面包是用白面加谷物做成的。

In 1882, Weston 17-year-old from his boss to buy GH Bowen bread production line, according to his experience, he believed that a wholesale bread bakery shop will be sold directly to users would lead to greater profits, because at that time bread manufacturing industry is very depressed, Bowen quickly agreed to his request, and then he bought off all the equipment Bowen, Weston began producing its own bread and open up their markets, so the first Weston store up the success of the operation.

1882年,年仅17岁的威斯顿决定从他的老板 G.H。 Bowen买下面包生产线,根据他的经验,他认为一个面包批发店将面包直接销给用户会带来更大的利润,由于当时的面包制造行业很不景气,Bowen很快就同意了他的要求,而后他断断续续的购买了Bowen的所有设备,威斯顿开始生产自己的面包,开拓自己的市场,就这样第一家乔治威斯顿商店成功的经营起来。

This study also makes orange-pomace bread out of orange pomaces and examines conditioning factors including the amount of orange pomaces added, different pomaces preparation processes, the ways pomaces are added, the particle diameter distribution of pomaces and the amount of water, oil and gluten added, changes of the amount of the yeast; and the time it takes for the flour to be fermented.


When it comes to bread, Davie, and co-author, nutritionist Dr Joanna Mcmillan Price, have given five star ratings to pumpernickel, sourdough breads made with whole grain or rye and the heavier wholegrain breads made from wholewheat flour and added grain. Wholemeal, however, doesn't rate so highly - neither does multigrain bread, which Davie and McMillan Price say is made with white flour with a few grains added.

当谈到面包时, Davie 和另一名合著者, Joanna Mcmillan Price 博士,已给予黑面包,全谷物或黑麦发酵面包,以及全麦粉加谷物制成的较重的全麦面包五星级别,全麦面粉却没有得到如此高的级别--杂粮面包也没有, Davie 和 Mcmillan Price 说,杂粮面包是用白面加谷物做成的。

更多网络解释与面包相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


面包则以棍子面包(baguette)及可颂面包(croissant)为主,当然也有可能搭配埚牛卷(或另名为葡萄乾面包pain aux raisins)及迷你巧克力面包(pain au chocolat)等.

brash bread:燕麦黑面包;破碎面包

brany bread黑面包,麸皮面包 | brash bread燕麦黑面包;破碎面包 | bread面包,面食,面包制品


breadboard | 擀面板,案板电路试验板 | breadbox | (存放面包或蛋糕等的)面包箱,面包盒 | breadcrumb | 面包屑做面包的面团


breaded | 涂面包屑后烹制的 | breadfruit | 面包果树面包果 | breading mix | (炸鱼肉前)滚上面包屑或面粉时的混合操作


在法国非常受喜爱的"牛角面包"(CROISSANT)并不是源起于法国,而是来自其它国度的"舶来品". 严格说起来,在法国,面包面包,即为法国人所谓的Pain,如国人熟悉的法国面包(Baguette);对这个如弯月型的面包造型的来历,众说纷纭,


面包瓤(crumb)是用来表示面包内部的专业术语. 通过观察面包瓤的泡状结构的形成方式、颜色和大小,有经验的面包师就能够判断出这块面包的水化度(hydration)、面粉种类、酵母用量以及揉面和整形的方式. 而通过观察面包的形状和外皮,

bread crumb:面包屑;面包瓤;面包碎屑

bread面包,面食,面包制品 | bread crumb面包屑;面包瓤;面包碎屑 | bread dough制面包的面团,发酵面团

bread crumb:面包瓤, 面包心 面包碎屑

bread crop || 谷类作物 | bread crumb || 面包瓤, 面包面包碎屑 | bread grain || 做面包的粮谷

Which would you like for bread?White or wholewheat:你想要什么口味的面包?白面包或全麦面包

A sandwich,please. 请给我一份三明治. | Which would you like for bread?White or wholewheat?你想要什么口味的面包?白面包或全麦面包? | Whole wheat,please.请给我全麦面包.

French bread:法国面包

早餐一般总有面包,分软的甜面包,如软面包(soft roll)、丹麦面包(danish)或牛角酸积新月形面包(croissant)合影的咸味面包,如法国面包(French bread)、烤面包片(toast).