英语人>词典>汉英 : 非常骄傲的 的英文翻译,例句
非常骄傲的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与非常骄傲的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He's also really cocky but, like, in a cute way.


Before today, I had never found that our school has so many great teachers and great students,I just used to thought that Yantai No.1 Heigh School was a very common school,but now,Im proud of our school and Im really proud of being a student of Yantai No.1 High School,so thanks again.


First thing you wanna know about hippogriff is that they're very proud creatures.


But we can all be proud of our achievements, we can all be immensely proud.


Lieutenant Governor, you said you were proud of the Global Volunteers. Are you going to be one of them?


The Prime Minister had been to Afghanistan on his way to Beijing - the Afghan bronze medallist in Taekwondo was their first ever medallist, he said, and was a huge source of pride.


He was so proud when he received his hat and mittens.


I'm very, very proud, because this is the most important tournament.


Because the centaurs are very proud creatures and see wizards more or less as inferior.

& &由于半人马感到非常骄傲的动物,看看奇才或多或少低人一等。

I know that many AI patchers spend many hours trying to fix thisFastbreak Bug. I am quite proud of this feature. I am pretty sure that nobody has achieved this high level of gameplay and fastbreak mechanism.

作者说:我知道现在很多的AI 补丁手都在用很多的时间来修正快攻的问题,我非常骄傲这个特点,我非常确定没有人达到了我这个AI 的高水平快攻战术和游戏的可玩性。

更多网络解释与非常骄傲的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

youdid a good job:(你干得非常好. )[国际最通用的表扬

1.you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒. )[每天都可以用!] | 2. youdid a good job. (你干得非常好. )[国际最通用的表扬!] | 3. we're so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲. )[最高级的表扬!]

feature film:电影

但是我们都被镇住了:你拍了一部真正标准的电影(feature film)!在那时,这可是我们大多数人可望而不可及的. 不过时间不长,至少对我来说. 我也还记得另一次相逢,深夜在慕尼黑Arri剧院. 你给一群朋友与熟人放映一部你刚刚完成并非常为之骄傲的影片.

That, Ron, is a hippogriff:罗恩,这是一只鹰马

Hagrid, exactly what is that?.|海格,这到底是什么东西? | That, Ron, is a hippogriff.|罗恩,这是一只鹰马 | First thing you wanna know is they're very proud creatures.|首先你们要记住,他们是非常骄傲的生物

like anything:无可比拟的,非常

She is anything but beautiful.她貌不出众. | (3) like anything 无可比拟的,非常. | He was proud like anything.他骄傲得不得了.

as plain as pikestaff:显而易见 一目了然 一清二楚

as mad as a March hare 疯狂得象三月里(发情)的兔子 | as plain as pikestaff 显而易见 一目了然 一清二楚 | as proud as peacock 不可一世 非常骄傲

power station:电站

电站(Power Station):和所有RTS一样,它为战争提供必要的电力供应. 维泰奇人 一、概况 维泰奇人(Vitechy)是故事情节中一个非常重要的种族,但在对战中不能选择维泰奇人,这个种族拥有令人骄傲的科技力量. 对于维泰奇人(Vitechy)来说,

Stuck up their nose:都非常骄傲

But all of her friends不料她的朋友们 | Stuck up their nose都非常骄傲, | They had a problem with his baggy clothes她们对他的服饰很有意见.


" 姐姐Kate Ledger: "希斯,我们都知道你创造了一个非常特别的小丑,你甚至谈到过会因为这个角色来到这里. 我们真的希望你能在这里,但是我们依然很骄傲地代表你美丽的女儿马蒂尔达来领取这个奖. 谢谢你们. " 最佳女配角(Supporting Actress)


贝多因人藐视其它所有品种的马,例如北非跟沙漠外围的柏布马(Barb)以及土耳其马(Turk),就完全不被骄傲的贝多因人看在眼里. 贝多因人育马的过程和方法非常晦涩不明,这使得当东方善战的武士和他们英勇的坐骑大举入侵、横扫欧陆的时候,

He starts college next year:明年它就要上大学了

My God! Look how big he got.|我的天,它长这么大了 | He starts college next year.|明年它就要上大学了 | You must be very proud.|你一定非常骄傲