英语人>词典>汉英 : 非常时刻 的英文翻译,例句
非常时刻 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与非常时刻相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He must have sensed my anxiousness because at that very moment he gave me a warning that was almost a scolding .


What they did not know was that the local barkeep had trained for this very moment his entire life.


It's here that Zhu Jia's more recent work "Never Take Off"(2002), showing an endlessly uncertain and unsuccessful take-off of an airplane, turns out to be the most pungently accurate exposure of the condition of our lives: the gravity of doubt is invincible… In fact, it's crucial to see that Zhu Jia's work emerged in a very particular context.


Purchasing power of the common man is not very encouraging at this point of time.


Speculatively taken, the soul must be created before it can be infused and sanctified but in reality, the soul is created snd sanctified at the very moment of its infusion into the body.


But Humes' ultimate point is well taken: at the very moment when the government began abdicating its responsibilities to the environment, the eco-barons stepped in.


When you experience it, it's being computed at that very moment," Goodman continued."


Traffic generation strategies start at the very moment you are conceptualizing an idea for the website itself.


Raj : Paul , there is so much that is jelling at this very instant that if you knew , you would chuckle with us at your very question .


The Green Berets became a very real distinction of excellence among special forces at that very moment.


更多网络解释与非常时刻相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


因此,他宁愿用"意识"(Mind)替代"灵魂"(Soul),然而,他同时又愿意声称事实上是非常主观的一种陈述确实是由"意识"(Mind)构成的,自然是由"普通的意识"(Universal Mind),在关键时刻上是由"绝对的"(Absolute)意识组成的.

The Blessing:祝福

这个角色对于正进入成年期的孩子尤为重要. 青春期的结束是非常重要的. 孩子需要在某个特定的时刻宣布:"我不再是小孩,我已经是成年人了. "传统上标志着这一转折的重要事件,便是得到父亲的祝福. 斯曼丽和特莱特在他们合著的书>(The Blessing)中描绘了

Immortalize an aspect of the mind:我的生命从此永恒安定

Moments of a very special kind 等待非常时刻的来临 | Immortalize an aspect of the mind 我的生命从此永恒安定 | Moving past limits of those of us 超越我们的极限之濒

In an emergency,please call 110:出现紧急情况,请拨110 报警电话求助

emergency n.紧急情况,不测事件, 非常时刻 | In an emergency,please call 110. ;出现紧急情况,请拨110 报警电话求助. | emphasize vt.强调,着重, 加强...的语气




答案就是我们拉格娜(Laguna)海洋度假村提供的"礼券",这张礼券不仅包含于平时普通的一些项目活动,同时还附带住宿费和饮食费,真得是非常超值. 在这种特殊的时刻,我们要不要考虑把这么一份特别的礼物送给我们身边特别的人呢?

Okay, here's the "sitch," all right:好吧,现在是这种情况

How can I make you understand?.|我怎么才能让你明白呢 | Okay, here's the "sitch," all right?.|好吧,现在是这种情况 | I'm at a real crucial "mome" in my life...|我正处在一个生命中非常关键的时刻

Immortalise an aspect of the mind:让信念从此永恒和安宁

Moments of a very special kind 等待非常时刻的来临 | Immortalise an aspect of the mind 让信念从此永恒和安宁 | Moving past limits of those above 超越前人的极点限定

Immortalise an aspect of my mind:让信念从此永恒和安宁

Moments of a very special kind 等待非常时刻的来临 | Immortalise an aspect of my mind 让信念从此永恒和安宁 | Moving past limits of those above 超越前人的极点限定

Virtual carnivores:虚拟"肉食动物" 亚非拉

[2008.10.16]The last word最后一搏 美国 | [2008.10.02]Virtual carnivores 虚拟"肉食动物" 亚非拉 | [2008.09.04]Nervous Intervals非常时刻 精粹