英语人>词典>汉英 : 非常地 的英文翻译,例句
非常地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
awfully  ·  bally  ·  confoundedly  ·  considerably  ·  corking  ·  deadlier  ·  deadly  ·  deathly  ·  deuced  ·  enormously  ·  extra  ·  extremely  ·  fearfully  ·  frightfully  ·  heaps  ·  horribly  ·  hugely  ·  inordinately  ·  mightily  ·  monumentally  ·  parlous  ·  plaguy  ·  remarkably  ·  roasting  ·  shockingly  ·  swinging  ·  terribly  ·  terrifically  ·  tremendously  ·  uncommon  ·  walloping  ·  whopping  ·  damagingly  ·  uncommoner

right-down · to the extreme · too too · damn well
更多网络例句与非常地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is pretty cool and has a kind of an aura.


Life at the Hayholt had been a grand and easeful thing: the people kind, the accommodations wonderfully comfortable.


Thank you very,very much for the Evening Primrose Day Cream and Organic Facial Mist that received from you recently.


Lead glass contains typically 18–35 mol % lead oxide, while modern lead crystal, historically also known as flint glass due to the original silica source, contains a minimum of 24% PbO.[2] Lead glass is desirable due to its decorative properties.


But she very special ground fears, hand make in spite of oneself defy state, the purpose gives the teacher push.


Notice that we say,"The world ," as opposed to,"your parents'house." Your parents love you very, very much, Class of 2002, but at this stage in their lives, if they could choose between living with you and living with a Labrador retriever4, they quite frankly would go with the Labrador retriever.


This movie was sinfully『荒唐地;无理地』 fun to make, and Albert Finney is my friend, and my pleasure to act with.


Khadgar nodded, and Medivh continued, But your assumption that their victims are weak-willed is inerror, though again an error that is well-intended. There are more than enough venal farmhands who


When the ugly girl got to church in the morning, she was mighty pleased to find her husband so handsome, and so well turned-out.


When you recall the story of John the Baptist, he was very successful, very famous, very charismatic.


更多网络解释与非常地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Charmingly absent-minded, but very, very influential:让人着迷 有点健忘 但是非常非常地有支配力

Your father is a very influential person.|你父亲是个非... | Charmingly absent-minded, but very, very influential.|让人着迷 有点健忘 但是非常非常地有支配力 | He hides his true seriousness, my dear,|他是个...

confoundedly:非常地, 十分地, 恼人地

confounded | 糊涂的, 困惑的, 讨厌的(轻微的诅咒用语) | confoundedly | 非常地, 十分地, 恼人地 | confraternity | 团体, 帮会, 协会

deadly:非常地;极其地;死了似的. 例如

She stopped dead . 她突然停了下来. | deadly 非常地;极其地;死了似的. 例如: | I was deadly sleepy . 我非常困.


deuced /非常/ | deucedly /非常地/过度地/极/ | deuteragonist /当配角的人/

frightfully:可怕地; 非常地 (副)

frightful 可怕的, 非常的, 惊人的 (形) | frightfully 可怕地; 非常地 (副) | frightfulness 可怕; 讨厌; 丑恶 (名)


huge /巨大的/庞大的/非常的/大/巨/巨大/庞/庞大/ | hugely /巨大地/非常地/ | hugeness /巨大/庞大/广大/


Common sense triumphed in the end. 人的理智終於戰勝了一切 | 39.mightily 強而有力地;非常地(=very) | mighty 有利的;非常地(=very)


terrific /可怕的/猛烈的/厉害的/极佳的/非常的/ | terrifically /非常地/极端地/可怕地/ | terrified /怖/恐惧的/

terrifically:极端地, 非常地 (副)

terrific 非常的, 可怕的, 极端的 (形) | terrifically 极端地, 非常地 (副) | terrified 恐惧的; 受惊吓的 (形)

wondrously:令人惊奇地; 非常地 (副)

wondrous 令人惊奇的, 非常的 (形) | wondrously 令人惊奇地; 非常地 (副) | wonky 动摇的, 靠不住的, 摇晃的 (形)