英语人>词典>汉英 : 障碍的 的英文翻译,例句
障碍的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
impedient  ·  HANDICP  ·  HCAP

更多网络例句与障碍的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Disturbances of the sense of smell are frequent.It is estimated to be 19.1%(hyposmia 13.3%,anosmia 5.8%) in adults aged 20 years and older,and 24.5%in adults aged 53 years and older.


It was also observed that immediate effect by acupurcture on SEP was mostly toansient, the improment of abnormal wave form cauld last for more than a half hour, which indicated that immediate effect by acupuncture on cerebrovascular disease was reversible and functional.


A review of the literature in Taiwan revealed a lack of recent systematic analysis on dysphasia. The purpose of this article was to discuss dysphasia within the concept analysis framework provided by Walker and Avant (2004). This article verified and confirmed the conceptual characteristics of dysphasia; identified antecedents and consequences; and elaborated on previous cases (including model, borderline, contradictory, and related cases).


Oxer : A single fence consisting of two elements which make a spread jump, such as parallel oxers.


A group of patients with personality disorder who grew up in families with strong Confucianism background, well educated and professionally successful, yet lacked the basic ability of empathy were discussed from the view of narcissism in psychodynamics. This article tried to describe how Confucianism influenced on the formation of this type of personality disorder and which characteristics in Confucianism could serve to be the basis of this type of personality disorder within family interaction.


K9 O4 N-~ T. s; S* C :A group of patients with personality disorder who grew up in families with strong Confucianism background, well educated and professionally successful, yet lacked the basic ability of empathy were discussed from the view of narcissism in psychodynamics. This article tried to describe how Confucianism influenced on the formation of this type of personality disorder and which characteristics in Confucianism could serve to be the basis of this type of personality disorder within family interaction.


The Confucianism background of Narcissistic Personality Disorder :A group of patients with personality disorder who grew up in families with strong Confucianism background, well educated and professionally successful, yet lacked the basic ability of empathy were discussed from the view of narcissism in psychodynamics. This article tried to describe how Confucianism influenced on the formation of this type of personality disorder and which characteristics in Confucianism could serve to be the basis of this type of personality disorder within family interaction.


Matlab做的-themselves in a set of known obstacles to the environment, with potential field do path planning, the starting point, targe...


These obstacles are made up of trustless information of technology and management.


Results:eighty-one of 129 MODS patients had gastrointestinal failure and the morbidity of gastrointestinal failure was 62.8%,in whom 54 patients received rhubarb therapy and 33 patients(61.1)were all eviated.Whereas only 7(25.9%) out of 27 patients suffered from gastrointestinal failureinnon-rhubarb treatment group were improved.There was as ignificant difference between the two groups(P.01).Furthermore,28(51.9%) out of 54 MODS patients accompanied by gastrointestinal dysfunction were survive dafter rhubarb treatment,whereas 6(22.2%) of 27 MODS patients suffered from gastrointestinal dysfunction were survived in non-rhubarb treatment group.


更多网络解释与障碍的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

follicularly challenged:毛囊障碍的;秃顶的

flexitarian 弹性的素食主义者 | follicularly challenged 毛囊障碍的;秃顶的 | follow suit 言听计从

impedient:阻碍的; 障碍的 (形)

impede 妨碍, 阻碍; 阻止 (动) | impedient 阻碍的; 障碍的 (形) | impediment 妨碍; 障碍物; 阻碍 (名)

obstructed construction:[消]有障碍的结构<指建筑物的梁等建筑构件影响火灾热气流动或洒水喷头控制火或灭火

obsolete fire extinguisher|报废的灭火... | obstructed construction |[消]有障碍的结构<指建筑物的梁等建筑构件影响火灾热气流动或洒水喷头控制火或灭火 | obstruction to distribution |[消]影响灭火剂应用的障...

obstructed construction:有障碍的结构<指建筑物的梁等建筑构件影响火灾热气流动或洒水喷头控制火或灭火

obsolete fire extinguisher 报废的灭火器 | obstructed construction 有障碍的结构<指建筑物的梁等建筑构件影响火灾热气流动或洒水喷头控制火或灭火 | obstruction to distribution 影响灭火剂应用的障碍物


snag 障碍 | snagged 多障碍的 | snaggletooth 断齿


agalactosis 乳液缺乏症 | agalactous 人口喂哺的;乳液分泌障碍的 | agalorrhea 泌乳停止


\\"发音障碍;口吃;无关节\\",\\"anarthria\\" | \\"发音障碍的;无关节的\\",\\"anarthrous\\" | \\"尖尾鸭\\",\\"Anas acuta \\"

aregeneratory:无再生能力的, 再生障碍的

areg | 沙土荒漠 沙质沙漠 | aregeneratory | 无再生能力的, 再生障碍的 | aremenian stone | 青金石


impediment /妨碍/障碍/ | impedimental /妨碍的/障碍的/ | impedimeter /阻抗计/

conked:出障碍的, 停止的

conk out || 故障, 突然失灵 | conked || 出障碍的, 停止的 | conker || 七叶树果实