英语人>词典>汉英 : 隔离种群 的英文翻译,例句
隔离种群 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
isolate  ·  isolates

isolation population
更多网络例句与隔离种群相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The function of population isolation is stated by the analyzing the domain of attraction of local optimum.


This concept views species as a group of interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups.


For the first time, this study conducted a series of field sampling in multiple locations over several years and demonstrated that the B and Q biotypes first invade areas with high frequency of transport through human movement of plant materials, and then rapidly spread into surrounding areas and displace indigenous genotypes, and in parallel with displacement significant changes in sex ratio occurred in the mixed populations. Crossing experiments demonstrated that in the B. tabaci species complex there are many genetic groups that are completely or nearly completely isolated in reproduction. Apart from behavioural mechanisms, difference in host plant suitability and insecticide susceptibility between whitefly biotypes may also play important roles in the displacement of indigenous whiteflies by alien whiteflies in Zhejiang.


Biological species concept This concept views species as a group of interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups.

Gene flow 生物种的概念生物种概念认为种是一组可以相互杂交的自然种群,它们与其他种群间具有繁殖隔离。

In fact, in reallife, the prey species will be usually a?ected by the patchy environment, oncethe food in their patch is exhausted or there are abundant natural enemies intheir patch, they will leave in search for new habitats or refuges, at the sametime, the predator species also will be confined in a isolated patch, when thereis little food to feed on or the last prey is eaten the predators will depart andbecome predator dispersers.


In fact, in reallife, the prey species will be usually a?ected by the patchy environment, oncethe food in their patch is exhausted or there are abundant natural enemies intheir patch, they will leave in search for new habitats or refuges, at the sametime, the predator species also will be confined in a isolated patch, when thereis little food to feed on or the last prey is eaten the predators will depart andbecome predator dispersers.


Sphaerocephala had more genetic differentiation owing to small populations and universal isolation among populations. 2. It was an effective method to research kinships among species by RAPD.


Skinks collected in April of 2003-2005 from seven geographically separated populations were used to study (1) geographic patterns of variation in life-history traits,(2) the effects of proximate factors on reproductive output, and (3) the effects of incubation temperature on hatchling phenotypes.


To detect potential influence from geographical isolation upon population differentiation in small mammals, the skulls of Tibetan pikas among three isolated populations in western Sichuan Province were systematically compared.

为探讨地理隔离对小型兽类种群分化的影响,本文系统比较了四川西部3个隔离藏鼠兔Ochotona thibetana种群在头骨形态上的异同。

Results of interpopulation crossing test of mating, fertilization rate, embryo growth and hatchability under the condition of cage feeding indicated that:(1) due to difference in body size, morphology, habits and characteristics and reproducing season, crossing fertility between wild Japanese quail in China and domestic quail population was lower than that of intrapopulation mating, but fertilized egg through reciprocal crossing could be incubated and produced F1 without prezygotic isolation;(2) crossing of wild male quail ?female small-type domestic quail produced the best effect among all combinations of reciprocal crossings.


更多网络解释与隔离种群相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




(由2007年第130号法律公告修订)"物品"(thing) 包括任何动物及植物,不论属活体的或死体的;"物种"(species) 指任何动物或植物的物种或亚种,或该等物种或亚种在地理上隔离的种群;">"(Appendices) 指附录I、附录II及附录III;


这些在通过创始者种群的狭口(bottleneck)时比在一个稠密而又大的物种中通过缓慢的选择过程更容易实现. 某一新物种是通过地理物种形成和染色体物种形成而产生的说法并没有矛盾. "边缘隔离"这一提法用于种群密度小和扩散能力大大降低的物种时就多少有些含糊不清.


一个物种通常可以包括许多种群,不同种群之间存在着明显的地理隔离,长期隔离的结果有可能发展为不同的生态种(ecospecies),甚至产生新的物种. 如油松从河南、山东向北分布到辽宁,内蒙,其分布比较广阔,显然不能说它们是一个种群,


irritate 激怒、使急噪;刺激 | irritation 愤怒 | isolate 使隔离、使孤立;隔离种群


自然界只有 "种" (species) 是真实存在的, 而所谓的亚种是物种分布时因地理隔离而出现 "岛屿式分布" 的集合种群. 这些集合种群之间由于长期进化和分化存在一定的遗传差异, 但尚未产生生殖隔离, 所以归属在一个种之下,


在不同斑块中的猴群(group),基因流已经被打断;在同一板块内的猴群,还享有较充分的基因流,构成了亚种群(subpopulation). 不同猴群(group)间的遗传距离,与地理距离没有相关性,而与人类活动区(隔离)的存在呈显著相关,




当年,隔离政策把居民和旅客分为4种人种群:白人(Whites)、黑人(Blacks)、有色人种(Coloureds)和印度人(Indians)或亚洲人(Asians). 除了白种人外,其他人的公民权都被剥夺,黑人更成为自己部落"黑人家园"(Bantustan)的"公民",


"孤礁","isolated reef" | "隔离种群","isolates" | "隔离","isolation"