英语人>词典>汉英 : 隐蔽的 的英文翻译,例句
隐蔽的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
covert  ·  masked  ·  private  ·  privy  ·  secluded  ·  secret  ·  sequester  ·  shady  ·  ulterior  ·  veiled  ·  larvate  ·  nycterine  ·  secre  ·  privies  ·  sequestering  ·  sequesters  ·  shadier  ·  coverts  ·  larvaceous

更多网络例句与隐蔽的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She tried to follow me, but I lost her in a secluded alleyway.


Asteria and Bajazet decide to kill themselves with concealed poison.


And why not arm this deadly but well-hidden booby trap,goblin friend.


In times of war, it was very common for people to set booby traps around where no one could see them.


It was very secret place in a cave.


It was a very secret place in a cave.

它是在 一个山洞里非常隐蔽的地方。

A single layer of cheesecloth is to be draped loosely over the entire enclosure.

40.5 异常试验期间,设备放在一个有白色薄纸隐蔽的地方,表面是软木材。

Hyperspace travel using hidden dimensions that have yet to be sensed would fall into this category.


Aint Croix was a sparse and bare island where was the central seat of triangle trade zone with an unnoticed harbor providing an awesome shelter for the going and coming pirates' goods-loaded vessels. In January 1717, British soldier defeated the buccaneers and the survivors of the war was near the margin of death and was saved by the two sloops fleeing to Virgin Gorda.

t、 Croix在海盗的黄金时期还只是一个荒无人烟的小岛,由于处于三角贸易区的中心位置,又有一个不为众人所知的隐蔽的港口,所以为过往的海盗提供了非常完美的隐蔽场所。1717年1月,英国的士兵在此击败了海盗约翰,战争的幸存者在这里几乎被饿死,恰巧另外两个海盗单桅船救了他们并一起逃往了Virgin Gorda。

St. Croix During the Golden Age of Piracy, St. Croix was an unclaimed, largely abandoned island with a protected harbor and a good position on the Triangular Trade—perfect for a passing pirate hideout. In January 1717, a British man-of-war shelled pirate John Martel and his crew here; the survivors were left stranded and starving until two other pirate sloops arrived and absconded with them to Virgin Gorda.

St。 Croix在海盗的黄金时期还只是一个荒无人烟的小岛,由于处于三角贸易区的中心位置,又有一个不为众人所知的隐蔽的港口,所以为过往的海盗提供了非常完美的隐蔽场所。1717年1月,英国的士兵在此击败了海盗约翰,战争的幸存者在这里几乎被饿死,恰巧另外两个海盗单桅船救了他们并一起逃往了Virgin Gorda。

更多网络解释与隐蔽的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

conceal concealed:隐蔽的

concavity 凹度 | conceal concealed 隐蔽的 | conceal conduit 暗管


concave 凹;凹形的 | concealed 隐蔽的 | concealed air conditioner 暗装的空调器


computerized ride control (悬架)计算机乘坐(舒适性)控制 | concealed 隐蔽的,内[隐]藏式的,暗的 | concealed headlamps 内藏式前照灯(可移出前照灯或打开灯前盖板)


coverage 范围 | covert 隐蔽的 | covert behavior 内隐行为


丝蚴 larva,filariform | 幼虫的,隐蔽的 larval | 隐蔽的,隐匿的 larvate


Look 看 | Nook 偏僻隐蔽的角落 | Rook (国际象棋的)车


secondlyad第二(点);其次 | secreta秘密的;隐蔽的 | secretaryn秘书;书记;大臣


subterranean weakness 掩盖缺陷 | subterranean 地下的;隐蔽的;地下洞穴;地下工作的人 | subterraneous outcrop 掩盖露头


幼虫的,隐蔽的 larval | 隐蔽的,隐匿的 larvate | 隐热 larvate fever

Hidden enemy is more fearful than open enemy.-Cicero:隐蔽的敌人比公开的敌人更可怕. -西塞罗

Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.-Will Durant教... | Hidden enemy is more fearful than open enemy.-Cicero隐蔽的敌人比公开的敌人更可怕. -西塞罗 | No pains, no gains.有付出咎由自取...