英语人>词典>汉英 : 随机逼近 的英文翻译,例句
随机逼近 的英文翻译、例句


stochastic approximation
更多网络例句与随机逼近相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to the study of the stochastic approximation theory, a new optimization method of yield is given.


Using the stochastic approximation theory, a rigorous analysis of the convergence properties of the algorithm was presented.


The dissertation focuses on performance gradient estimation and SRO algorithm of DES aswell as other related topics,such as modeling of DES and discrete event simulation,performancemeasure Hessian matrix estimation,Stochastic Approximationand so on.General Semi-Markov Processis adapted to describe behaviour of DES and discrete eventsimulation.A general result is obtained and applied to analyze strong consistency of performancegradient Perturbation Analysisestimator.Conditions for effectiveness of InfinitesimalPerturbation Analysisare also discussed.New PA algorithms,such as server PA,PA usingDirac generalized function,job sequence PA etc.,are proposed to deal with discreteparameters.Furthermore,strategies of combining PA algorithms with certain iterative rules areanalyzed widely in order to optimize DES parameters and some SRO algorithms are constructed toslove DES optimization problems.


Finally, it has been proved that a step learning function, which satisfies the condition of LMS algorithm, could make network weight converge with probability 1 to the feature vector.


Adopt the arithmetic of synchronization disturbance random approach presented by Spall to train the Neural Network Controller by the output error of system.


Then, the stochastic approximation method is applied to determine the optimal control parameters.


1Because some conditions can not be fulfilled,one can not applythe known results in stochastic approximation directly.


Then, an online optimization algorithm that combines policy gradient estimation by learning and stochastic approximation is derived.


Then by utilizing the features of this model an online optimization algorithm that combines policy gradient estimation and stochastic approximation is derived.


A new structure of neural network control system is introduced, its availability to accomplish feedbaek linearization and pole placement in the sense of stochastic approximation is proved, and the accuracy estimate is also discussed.


更多网络解释与随机逼近相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

approximation method:逼近方法

一次近似系统:linear approximation system | 逼近方法:Approximation method | 随机逼近:stochastic approximation method

successive approximation method:逐次逼近法

随机逼近:stochastic approximation method | 逐次逼近法:Successive approximation method | 序列逼近法:the method of successive approximation

stochastic approximation method:随机逼近

逼近方法:Approximation method | 随机逼近:stochastic approximation method | 逐次逼近法:Successive approximation method

Dvoretsky's stochastic approximation theorem:随机逼近定理

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Dvoretsky's stochastic approximation theorem Dvoretsky:随机逼近定理

Durbin's test Durbin检定 | Dvoretsky's stochastic approximation theorem Dvoretsky随机逼近定理 | Dwass-Steel test Dwass-Steel检定

stochastic approximation:随机逼近

stochastic 随机的 | stochastic approximation 随机逼近 | stochastic automaton 随机自动机

stochastic approximation:随机近似法

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accelerated stochastic approximation:加速随机逼近

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stochastic approximation procedure:随机逼近程序;随机近似程序

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stochastic approximation learning system:随机逼近学习系统

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