英语人>词典>汉英 : 隆重的庆祝 的英文翻译,例句
隆重的庆祝 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与隆重的庆祝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It happened to be Yihua's birthday. Sara celebrated the red-letter day most ceremoniously.


On January 6th, feast of Epiphany in Bethlehem there is another solemn celebration this time led by the Franciscan Custos of the Holy Land.

一月六日由方济会的圣地监管 Custos 带领下在白冷隆重的庆祝主显节。

Respondent before deputy district judge c.k chan in court decree nisi on the 25th day of february 2008 the judge held that the petitioner and the respondent have lived apart for a continuous period of at least TWO years immediately preceding the presentation of the petition ;and that the marrige solemnized on the 22nd july 1999 in the people's government quinzhou city of the people's republic of china. between ...

回答的 在法院法令 nisi 的代理人区域法官 c.k chan之前在第 25个日子的 february 2008 上法官拿着上访人和应答者已经分别地为连续居住至少二年的时期立刻在前上访的发表;而且 marrige 在人的政府 quinzhou 的第 22 july 1999 上隆重的庆祝中华人民共和国的城市。

This was their grand opening and they were hosting a chic soiree to celebrate the event.


Although Russia already disintegrate , but this day of important to one is being remained for Russia time , the whole nation held solemnization ceremony by the convention up and down .


Images of half-naked, exotically painted tribesmen adorn the capital.


In 1999, WWF began supporting the nomination and gazetting of Ramsar sites in China. By Feb. 2, 2002, China had added 14 new Ramsar sites, an achievement that WWF and SFA celebrated together as the 71st Gift To The Earth.


Respondent referring to the decree made in this cause on the 25th day of February 2008 whereby it was decreed that the marriage solemnized on the 22nd day of july 1999 at qinzhou , the people's republic of china between ...

回答的在 2008 年二月的第 25个日子提及法令在这因素中制造那里一般法令婚姻在 qinzhou 在第 22个日子的 july 1999 上隆重的庆祝,中华人民共和国在。。。

But now, increasingly wealthy and busy, they are splurging on restaurant banquets.


China celebrated the opening of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai with an evening of fireworks and fanfare.


更多网络解释与隆重的庆祝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


国庆60周年纪念日(anniversary)还有一个月的时间,北京将举行隆重热烈的庆祝活动. 那么,将会有哪些活动呢?看看下面这篇文章你就知道了.


基督教有两大圣节,即"圣诞节"(Christmas)和"复活节"(Easter). 圣诞节即是主耶稣道成肉 身,降世为人的日子,即每年的公历十二月二十五日,教会信徒在这一天举行隆重的庆祝活动,以纪念耶稣降生. 复活节为了纪念主耶稣受死、埋葬、第三天从死里复活,


...- 蒙古国概况 国 名: 蒙古国 (Mongolia) 独立日: 3月13日(1921年) 国庆日: 7月11日(1921年) 宪法纪念日: 1月13日(1992年) 春节: 蒙语称白月,日期与我国藏历新年相同,是蒙古民间最隆重的节日,以前称为牧民节,只在牧区庆祝.


solemnisation /隆重的庆祝/ | solemnise /隆重地庆祝/使显庄严/ | solemnity /庄严/严肃/一本正经/仪式/祭典/


solemnise /隆重地庆祝/使显庄严/ | solemnity /庄严/严肃/一本正经/仪式/祭典/ | solemnization /隆重的庆祝/举行仪式/庄严化/


solemnity /庄严/严肃/一本正经/仪式/祭典/ | solemnization /隆重的庆祝/举行仪式/庄严化/ | solemnize /隆重地庆祝/庄重地举行/使显庄严/

solemnization:举行仪式; 庄严化; 隆重的庆祝 (名)

solemnity 庄严; 庄重; 严肃; 正经 (名) | solemnization 举行仪式; 庄严化; 隆重的庆祝 (名) | solemnly 庄严地; 正式地; 严肃地; 神圣地 (副)


solemnization /隆重的庆祝/举行仪式/庄严化/ | solemnize /隆重地庆祝/庄重地举行/使显庄严/ | solemnly /庄严地/正式地/

and when your honours mean to solemnize the bargain of your faith:而当尊敬的你们二位要 隆重庆祝,互换誓言之时

I wish you all the joy that you can... | and when your honours mean to solemnize the bargain of your faith,|而当尊敬的你们二位要 隆重庆祝,互换誓言之时 | I do beseech you even at that time, I may be mar...