英语人>词典>汉英 : 隆起的部分 的英文翻译,例句
隆起的部分 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
swell  ·  swells

更多网络例句与隆起的部分相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cantle:The raised rear part of a saddle.


Thus provided is a wheel having lighter weight and higher rigidity and fashionability compared to a wheel only having a solid rim part consisting of the bead seat, a hump and a slope wall and not having the ornamental wall or cavity.


If the fingermark does not disclose ridge detail when viewed under a reading glass, the chances are that its value in identification is nil when photographed.


The term "Master's Glaive" refers to part of the monument — examined closely, the strange statue or mound in the center appears to be a snail shell-like skull, with a massive weapon imbedded in the crown.


A rounded part or protuberance, especially of the body


Where a lot of other machines might have ports and protrusions along their edges, the Air has none -- it swoops inward from the edge to the base with only two spots for plugs, a new, 90-degree angled MagSafe power connector on the left underside, and a clicky, extremely sturdy-feeling foldable door that is impossible to open while resting on the table, and basically requires picking the entire machine up.


The crowd became denser every moment, and like water that overflows its boundaries, began to mount the walls, to surge round the pillars, to rise up and cover the cornices, the window-sills, every projection and every coign of vantage in architecture or sculpture.


An individual characterized by relative prominence of the abdomen and other soft body parts developed from the embryonic endodermal layer.


An individual characterized by relative prominence of the abdomen and other s of t body parts developed from the embryonic endodermal layer.


The garden, which was slightly arched, had in its centre, on the summit of a hillock, a fine pointed and conical fir-tree, whence ran, as from the peaked boss of a shield, four grand alleys, and, ranged by twos in between the branchings of these, eight small ones, so that, if the enclosure had been circular, the geometrical plan of the alleys would have resembled a cross superposed on a wheel.


更多网络解释与隆起的部分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

right atrium:右心房

所有沟内均有血管走行并被脂肪组织覆盖右心房(right atrium)位于心的右上部,腔大壁薄,其向左前方突出的部分称右心耳(right auricle),内面有许多并行排列的隆起肌束,称梳状肌.

right auricle:右心耳

右心房(right atrium)位于心的右上部,腔大壁薄,其向左前方突出的部分称右心耳(right auricle),内面有许多并行排列的隆起肌束,称梳状肌. 当心功能发生障碍时,心耳处可因血流缓慢而形成血凝块,一旦脱落形成栓子,可堵塞血管.


raised bog 隆起藓沼:藓沼(bog)的一种特殊类型. 分布于有适量降水的潮湿盆地. 泥炭的聚集量,中心部分较四周为多,中心部分高出自然地下水面,形成突起浅小丘. 由于只能依赖降水,所以丘顶植物营养物质特别少. 由于可有流水补充,


下颌骨(mandible)位于上颌骨下方,分为水平部分的体和两侧垂直的支. 体呈弓状,下缘光滑,上缘生有下牙槽. 外面光滑,前方正中部向前的隆起叫颏隆凸,由此向外侧,在对第三颗牙槽下方处有颏孔. 在体的内面中线处有尖锐的突起叫颏棘,其下方两侧各有一线窝



sebaceous nevus:皮脂腺痣

皮脂腺痣(sebaceous nevus)是局限性表皮发育异常,以皮脂腺增生为特点. 本病常发生于出生时或幼儿期. 好发于头面部和颈部. 皮损呈局限性稍隆起的斑块,淡黄或黄褐色,边缘清楚,常为单个,偶见多发或泛发,有些呈线状排列;头皮皮损处可部分或完全秃发.

brachiate:有交互对枝的; 有臂的 (形)

brachialgia 臂神经痛 (名) | brachiate 有交互对枝的; 有臂的 (形) | brachium 肱; 臂状部分隆起; 翅膀或肢 (名)


精阜(verumontanum)是尿道前列腺部后壁正中隆起的尿道嵴最突出的部分. 精阜由富有平滑肌的海绵体组织构成,宽高各约3毫米,两旁有多个前列腺导管的开口. 精阜的中央有一细小的盲腔叫前列腺小囊和一对射精管开口. 前列腺小囊是胚胎发育过程中的残留痕迹,

Vestibulum nasi:鼻前庭

1.鼻前庭(vestibulum nasi)是由鼻翼围成的部分. 鼻前庭内面被以皮肤,生有鼻毛,有阻挡灰尘的作用. 其后上方有一弧形隆起,称鼻阈,是皮肤与粘膜的交界处,又是与固有鼻腔的分界线. 2.固有鼻腔(cavum nasi proprium)即通常所称的鼻腔. 前至鼻阈,


4.地质力学名词:重叠(overlaying)是指在大规模上升或下降地区,一个较老的构造体系之上叠置另一较新构造体系的全部或部分的复合现象. 前者隆起的部分显得被加强,但实际并未得到加强;而沉降的部分显得被削弱,实际也未削弱.