英语人>词典>汉英 : 附属 的英文翻译,例句
附属 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
appertain  ·  attach  ·  pertain  ·  appertained  ·  appertains  ·  attaches  ·  pertained  ·  pertains

pertain to · side chapel
更多网络例句与附属相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Department of anesthesiology, the second affiliated hospital of qingdao university medical college, qingdao 266042, china

作者单位:青岛大学医学院第二附属医院麻醉科,山东青岛 266042;青岛大学医学院附属医院麻醉科

An attachment, usually consisting of a shaft and two or more universal joints, which is used to transmit power from a tractor to an attached unit such as a combine or hay baler.


There are many problems in the relationship bewteen town government and village committee after the cancellation of the agricultural tax, including that the liceity of town governments facing challenges because the absence of the supply of rural public goods; the "attach-up" of town governments leading to disjunction between town governments and village committee; the bureaucratization of town governments intensifying their confrontation with the village committees; the disjunction and confrontation leading the excessive autonomy of villages; the failure of the system of "one case one meeting" strengthening the tendency of town subordination of villages.


Department of cardiology, the second affiliated hospital of guangzhou medical college,guangzhou,510260,china

作者单位:1。广州医学院第二附属医院心内科,广州 510260; 2。广州医学院第一附属医院心内科,广州 510120

Department of Joint Surgery, Qingdao University Medical College;Department of Pharmaceutics, Qingdao University Medical College;Department of Endocrinopathy, Weifang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Department of Joint Surgery, Qingdao University Medical College


Department of geriatrics, the first affiliated hospital of suzhou university,suzhou, 215006

作者单位:1苏州大学附属第一医院老年医学科,苏州 215006; 2苏州大学附属第一医院; 3苏州大学附属第三医

The present study applied fuzzy theory and Fuzzy MCDM to build a strategy which utilizes Fuzzy MCDM for accessory negotiation. This strategy calculated every accessory's fuzzy evaluation and negotiation insistency for selection and negotiation. At last, a shopping website with the function of accessory negotiation was built on the Internet in the expectation that it can make progress in both buyers' satisfaction and sellers' earnings.

因此本研究运用模糊理论与Fuzzy MCDM的机制与方法,建立Fuzzy MCDM为附属品的协商机制之策略,计算出各附属品的模糊评估值与协商坚持度,以为遴选之依据与协商之准则;最后在网路上实作建置一个具有协商附属品功能的购物网站,藉由系统的建立期能获取消费者满意度且成就商家的营业收入之双重利基。

Management of complex acetabular fractures accompanied、with colostomy,cystostomy,bedsore,contunding and infected skin near the approach


XMU has 744 full time teachers, 815 teachers specialized in medicine, among which there are 286 professors and associate professors, 73 tutors of doctoral graduate, 525 tutors of postgraduate candidate, 63 scholars and specialists who enjoy special government allowance, eighteen regional outstanding specialists, two young and middle-aged specialists who were awarded by the national Ministry of Health for their immensive contribution, four specialists have been selected for " Project of Numerous Talents", five specialists have been elected "Famous Regional Teacher".


Department of Endodontics, Hospital of Stomatology, Fujian Medical University;Department of Endodontics, Hospital of Stomatology, Fujian Medical University;Department of Endodontics, Hospital of Stomatology, Fujian Medical University;Department of Endodontics, Hospital of Stomatology, Fujian Medical University


更多网络解释与附属相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ancillary facilities:附属设施

"押记"(charge) 包括任何形式的保证,包括按揭;"附属公司"(subsidiary) 指凭藉>(第32 章) 第2 条被当作为管理局的附属公"附属设施"(ancillary facilities) 指在批租地区外提供的、附属於艺术文化的准备或提供的设施;

ancillary facilities:附属设施;附属设备

ancillary commercial facilities 附属商业设施 | ancillary facilities 附属设施;附属设备 | ancillary premises 附属房产


appendages 船体附属体 | appendant 附属物;附属权利 | appendant 附属附属权利

appendant:附属品 添加的, 附属的

appendage | 附加物, 附属肢体 | appendant | 附属品 添加的, 附属的 | appendectomy | 阑尾切除术


"下水道附属设备","Appurtenance,sewer" | "水系统附属设备","Appurtenance,water-system" | "附属工程","Appurtenant work"


appurtenance 附件;附属建筑 | appurtenant 附属的 | appurtenant structure 附属结构

collateral contract:附属合同,附属合约

collateral circulation 侧支循环 | collateral contract 附属合同,附属合约 | collateral declaration 并行说明

fellow subsidiary:同系附属公司 / 同集团附属公司

同日行使 same day exercise | 同系附属公司 / 同集团附属公司 fellow subsidiary | 名义汇率 nominal exchange rate

captive finance company:集团公司附属财务公司,集团公司附属金融公司

capitation tax人头税 | captive finance company 集团公司附属财务公司,集团公司附属金融公司 | captive insurance company 集团公司附属保险公司


"附属器官;附属体","appendage" | "附属的","appendicular" | "有附属器官的","appendiculate"