英语人>词典>汉英 : 阿门 的英文翻译,例句
阿门 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
amen  ·  AMon

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Each hole on the course is named after the tree or shrub it is best known for, and the 'Amen Corner' is one of the most iconic sections of any course in the world.


Baldwin had depicted three distinct father images in his three works which were created in different phases of his life-Go Tell It on the Mountain, The Amen Corner and If Beale Street Could Talk. All these father images got their prototypes from the Bible and Baldwin's own life.


And when I got home ... before I said amen


By him, and in him, all the promises of God are yea and amen.


In the name of God, Amen.


It's a love without end, amen, it's a love without end, amen.


" We find the same contentions arising in that called in the present denominationalism, and each one crying,"Lo, here is Christ - Lo, this is the manner of approach - Lo, unless ye do this or that ye have no part in Him.


Ammons along with Ashbery and Merrill, and he has lately come to identify Henri Cole as the crucial American poet of the generation following those three.


Akhenaten is the name of a Pharaoh of Egypt who is also known as Amenhotep IV.


Last night I dreamed I died and stood outside those pearly gates.


更多网络解释与阿门相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Grand Am:大阿门

Grand Am 大艾姆 | Grand Am 大阿门 | Grandeur 壮士

Hiding within THE AMEN CORNER:隐匿于阿门困境

you are losing yourself. 你正在失去你自己 | Hiding within THE AMEN CORNER. 隐匿于阿门困境 | You snatch at every sound. 你夺走了所有声音


实际上也是在与至尊主沟通. >成书于释迦牟尼显世之前,他不可能不知道这部经典. 因此,他将此字引入佛教咒语,其真正的用意不言而喻. 不仅是佛教,基督教中的"阿门"(Amen)以及伊斯兰教中的"阿敏"(Amin)也源于此.

All: Amen:阿门

Pee-pee vagina.|尿尿的阴道 | ALL: Amen.|阿门 | Father?|神父?


This is the Gospel of the Lord. Amen.|引自主的福音,阿门 | MOURNERS: Amen.|阿门 | Ned.|奈德

Amen cadence:阿门终止

"安布罗斯调式","Ambrosian modes" | "阿门终止","Amen cadence" | "安奈舞曲","Amener"

MARY: Amen:阿门

In the name of the Holy Trinity, amen.|以圣父圣子圣灵的名义 阿门 | MARY: Amen.|阿门 | More lines on my face.|脸上的皱纹又多了

MAN: Amen:阿门

Just like this.|就像现在这样 | MAN: Amen.|阿门 | And I'm so glad we're having|a rehearsal on it now.|我很高兴我们现在排练过了.

Amon Amarth:阿门 阿玛斯

Arch Enemy 大敌 | Amon Amarth 阿门 阿玛斯 | Bathory 巴塞瑞


实际上也是在与至尊主沟通. <<博伽梵歌>>成书于释迦牟尼显世之前,他不可能不知道这部经典. 因此,他将此字引入佛教咒语,其真正的用意不言而喻. 不仅是佛教,基督教中的"阿门"(Amen)以及伊斯兰教中的"阿敏"(Amin)也源于此.