英语人>词典>汉英 : 阿拉伯人 的英文翻译,例句
阿拉伯人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Arab  ·  wog  ·  Arabs  ·  Arabians  ·  wogs

更多网络例句与阿拉伯人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was a longtime advocate of a morally exemplary binational Jewish-Arab state, believing a Jewish-minority population would be superior to Jewish domination over Arabs.


We can be skeptical of the great friendship supposedly existing between commercial farmers and their agricultural laborers and tenants, but it is hardly doubtful that the priciples of exclusion of Arabs from Jewish-owned land, and denial of employment in Jewish-owned enterprises, were detrimental to intercommunal relations.


He was a real Arab, from the territories, and even though Glue didn't like dealing with Arabs even from Jaffa or Lydda, sometimes you didn't have a choice.


As far as he was concerned, Arabs from the territories were worse than working with the dirties Jews, the kind of Jew who all of a sudden after eating and drinking off your plate for half a year pulls a copper's ID out of his pocket.


Descriptions of the 1948 war tended to suggest that Palestinians either left their homes voluntarily, selling them to Jews, or were encouraged to leave by other Arabs—rather than, as sometimes happened, being forced out violently. Maps of pre-1948 Palestine sometimes underplayed the extent of Arab habitation, while maps of modern Israel never included the "Green Line", the pre-1967 border; this makes the occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank look as if they were an integral part of Israel.


The stark simplicity of Camus's language, his ability to evoke the physical , the unforgettable descriptions of the funeral vigil, the next morning's procession, and Meursault's daily routines combine with more disturbing aspects—Meursault's lack of normal human emotion, his mindless murder of the Arab, the prosecutor's outrage at the young man's indifference toward his mother's death, his own defiance of the jury and its sense of propriety, as well the improbability of a death sentence for a white man who has killed an Arab in Algeria—to create the great novel of French Algeria.


Sudan has seen not one but two civil wars between its Arab-dominated centre and the non-Arab minorities in its south and west.


All of the villages attacked are non-Arab villages; Arab villages interspersed in the region have largely been left untouched by the GOS and Janjaweed.


The historical meanings of earlier Arab national movement are that: First, the rising of nationalism in Arab world pioneers a new routine different from traditional one; Second, the new conception of constructing country causes Arab people to be separated from formulation of religion / empire, and be immersed in construction onrush in neoteric world; Third, the grown-up of nationalism awakens and changes Arabs traditional idea, and adapts them to the new one of national development; Fourth, the thoughts of nationalism rebuilds Arab nation in the background of new era; Fifth, the babyish Pan-Arabism especially in King Era establishes development contrail of Arab world.


He wrote an article called "We Owe Arabs Nothing" published in a right-wing newspaper. The article stated:"That we admire them for being suicide bombers, limb-amputators, women repressors?"


更多网络解释与阿拉伯人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


against | 相反, 反对, 逆着, 靠着, 倚着 | agal | (阿拉伯人系头巾用的)头巾绳 | agalite | 纤滑石


整体而言,非洲大陆撒哈拉以南主要是黑色人种居住,但撒哈拉以北主要是白肤色的阿拉伯人(Arab)和柏柏人(berber)居住. 在南部非洲还有数百万欧洲白人后裔,所有这些人都自称货真价实的非洲人(Africans).

street arab:野孩子(并非大街上的阿拉伯人)

roll in 就寝(并非卷入) | Street Arab 野孩子(并非大街上的阿拉伯人) | up the river 入狱,在监狱中(并非在河上)


阿拉伯人(Arabian)认为互相站得近表示友好. 所以当一个英国人和一个阿拉伯人谈话时,阿拉伯人会往前移,英国人会往后移. 谈话结束时,他们可能离原来站的地方很远.


然而,在这种音乐中,你却能找到这些祖先们的足迹:犹太人(Jewish)、阿拉伯人( Arabic)、 卡斯蒂利雅人(Castillian)、古安达卢西亚人( ancient Andalusian) 和吉普赛(gypsy),即所有曾到达过安达卢西亚的民族.


araby 马的 | araby 阿拉伯人 | arachain 花生仁蛋白酶

burnoose an Arabian style hooded cloak:(带帽斗篷:尤指阿拉伯人穿着的带帽兜的斗篷)

inappropriate not suitable or fitting to the occasion (不适当的, 不相称... | burnoose an Arabian style hooded cloak (带帽斗篷:尤指阿拉伯人穿着的带帽兜的斗篷) | maraud to raid for plunder (劫掠, 掠夺, 袭...

Look.Appetizers.Is that couscous:看看 开胃菜 是古斯古斯吗 (阿拉伯人的菜 = =)

- Oh, pleasure. - It's not a date.|- 很高兴见到你 - 不是约会 | Look.Appetizers.Is that couscous?|看看 开胃菜 是古斯古斯吗 (阿拉伯人的菜 = =) | yes, please.|是的 请

Medina of Fez:非斯的阿拉伯人聚居区

摩洛哥 MOROCCO | 33. 非斯的阿拉伯人聚居区 Medina of Fez 1981 | 34. 马拉柯什的阿拉伯人聚居区 Medina of Marrakesh 1985

Arabs are the worst of all:阿拉伯人是最差的

But the Arabs,|但是阿拉伯人 | Arabs are the worst of all.|阿拉伯人是最差的 | - I would not have been with them. - None will. They stink.|- 我再也不想跟他们呆在一起 - 一个都不行 他们身上很臭