英语人>词典>汉英 : 阿姨 的英文翻译,例句
阿姨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aunt  ·  auntie  ·  aunty  ·  aunts

更多网络例句与阿姨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The apple aunt's family Zhuhai, we have gone to apple aunt first again the family.


On the road, a small accent to the boma on the dialect, and the aunt of the property cotton reason aunt quite happy to go to get a little Bo banner, the banner was later separated from re-hung on the campus of the main road.


YuShiXia aunt's mother is a statue in that please open the back of the bodhisattva light moving town, and aunt invited a geomantic gentleman to looked at her aunt's house, then moving geomancer says something aunt also don't remember, the general idea is house like the orientation have questions, please honor bodhisattva or very be necessary.


We were at Aunty Cora's place that day, Aunty Carol brought their pet rabbit, Lolly along.

话说那天到 Cora 阿姨家去玩… Carol 阿姨把他们家的宠物兔子, Lolly 带来玩。

Aunt and xia aunt is very good friend, when she heard this time also feel very magical, but is the experience of nepheline aunt, aunt have to believe, before moving the husband also don't believe that aunt after the ghost of the said, every day and xia together before aunt in bodhisattva block and a henceforth.


Due to the mother and aunt moving buddhist later went DuLing street (the city by zhengzhou person called jump street, there are many superstitions street selling, the spirit of dedication Buddha shroud, east) asked a master, master, say on the husband of nepheline aunt a friend, a few years ago when swimming, drowning out of her death is him!


Wilbur's friendly mother Franny who teaches frogs to sing and play musical instruments; The family's squid-like butler Lefty; Bud's wife Lucille, who is fond of dancing; Bud's brother Uncle Fritz and his "wife", a hand puppet called Aunt Petunia; Tallulah and Laszlo, who are Uncle Fritz and Aunt Petunia's children; Bud's brother Uncle Joe and his wife Aunt Billie Kellie M.

这个家子的男管家, Lefty,却长得像鱿鱼一样;还有就是巴德的兄弟,弗里茨叔叔,把一个叫矮牵牛阿姨的布偶娃娃唤作老婆;而弗里茨叔叔和矮牵牛阿姨的孩子却是塔露和拉兹洛;这个家族还有巴德的兄弟乔伊叔叔和乔伊叔叔的老婆比莉姑姑;至于双胞胎 spike 和 dimitri 叔叔,他们跟这个家族的关系却不得而知;还有 franny 的兄弟, gaston 叔叔,是个鲁莽蛮勇的人。

Since my daughter tung oil tree hertz four year old of enrollment in preschool, has obtained expensive garden teacher and aunt the meticulous concern and protects, not only changed the disposition, moreover becomes deeply loves has studied, simultaneously also can live together in peace and harmony with the children, this all gives credit to expensive garden teacher and aunt's instructing earnestly, is they uses to like enlightening child's mind, teaches for the child the knowledge, and how teaches the child the personhood, this lets the work which our guardian can feel at ease.


Except the weekend, I generally all own live, because I cannot bearmother''''s verboseness, went home time I can go looked cloud aunt andsmall is small, now cloud aunt looked like initially my mother to lookfor her and I talks openly equally lets me and small smallheart-to-heart talk.


Austrian news agency APA quoted police investigator Gerald Hoebart as saying possible theft was being looked into since the younger woman appeared to have lived off her aunt's pension since the death and used her cashpoint card to withdraw money.

奥地利通讯社APA引用警方调查员Gerald Hoebart的话指出,因为该女子在她阿姨死后,可能一直靠阿姨的养老金生活,还用阿姨的自动取款机的卡到取钱,这些都涉嫌盗窃,此案还在调查中。

更多网络解释与阿姨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


住在天河(milk way)边的仙女的皮肤->奢侈bleak 荒凉的--仅仅是不(b)漏雨(leak)也是荒凉的gaunt 憔悴的,苍白的--鬼(g)阿姨(aunt)的脸色苍白憔悴,考GRE(g)的阿姨/姑姑(aunt)脸色憔悴vaunt 吹牛--五个(v)姑姑/大娘(aunt)在一起吹牛flair 天赋,

my aunt:我的阿姨

I think 我想 | my aunt 我的阿姨 | my grandfather 我的爷爷


"欣宜还说,感谢各界关心和协助,此时,欣怡再次忍不住饮泣,要深呼吸才能讲下去,"我好lucky(幸运),有好多阿姨(auntie)、叔叔(uncle)帮我......我会争气,我会乖,I'll try my best to learn to be a responsible woman(我会努力学习做一个有责任感的人),

auntie:姑妈, 伯母, 舅妈, 阿姨

aunt | 姑妈, 伯母, 舅妈, 阿姨 | auntie | 姑妈, 伯母, 舅妈, 阿姨 | aunty | 姑妈, 伯母, 舅妈, 阿姨


1.今天大姐姐来家里,宁宁很主动地把书房里的玩具都搬出来一起玩. 2.学会叔叔(nuncle )阿姨(aunty),哈哈哈,今天叔叔来,让她叫叔叔,小家伙用英语叫出来,叔叔一个劲地夸奖小朋友好棒/

aunty:姑妈, 伯母, 舅妈, 阿姨

auntie | 姑妈, 伯母, 舅妈, 阿姨 | aunty | 姑妈, 伯母, 舅妈, 阿姨 | aura | 气氛, 气味, (圣象头部的)光环先兆, 预感

Nice Aunty:好阿姨

03. 好妈妈 Great Mom | 04. 好阿姨 Nice Aunty | 05. 李小多分果果 Sharing Fruits and Nuts by Xiaoduo Li


餐厅大厨Sergio Landi曾与米芝莲名厨Camerucci共事,其后开设自己的餐厅,并担任意大利粉名牌百得阿姨(Barilla)的代言人,他的出品可说是质素保证. 款式方面,这里除了有常见的Spaghetti、阔条面及墨鱼面外,另有香港罕见的菠菜Ghocchi,


阿姨快死了有要求-request | 阿姨立刻死了,遗风遗俗-relique | enhance 提高(价格,声望) en-表示向上

auntie:姑妈, 伯母, 舅妈, 阿姨

aunt || 姑妈, 伯母, 舅妈, 阿姨 | auntie || 姑妈, 伯母, 舅妈, 阿姨 | aunty || 姑妈, 伯母, 舅妈, 阿姨