英语人>词典>汉英 : 阻止物 的英文翻译,例句
阻止物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与阻止物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The structures, functions and anticoagulant mechanisms of anticoagulation factors ACF I and ACF II from the venom of Agkistrodon acutus have been investigated. Both ACF I and ACF II form a 1:1 complex with activated coagulation factor X in a Calcium ion-dependent fashion which prevents the interaction of FXa with other proteins in the coagulation process, therefore ACF I and ACF II have marked anticoagulant activity.

中文摘要:对尖吻蝮蛇毒中抗凝血因子ACF I和ACF II的结构、功能和抗凝机理等进行了深入研究,发现ACF I和ACF II均与活化凝血因子X结合成1:1的复合物,从而阻止了FXa进一步参加凝血过程中反应,因而具有显著的抗凝血活性。

The 20S catalytic core of the 26S proteasome has the shape of a barrel made of four rings which are composed of seven differentαsubunitsα_1-α_7 at two outer rings and seven differentβsubunitsβ_1-β_7 at two inner rings at which the catalytic sites locate. Three of theβsubunits contain proteolyses sites, which are sequestered in the hollow interior of the 20S particle. Substrates enter the 20S through a narrow channel formed by theβsubunits, whose N-termini, depending on their conformation, can either obstruct or allow substrate entry and thus function as a gate. This entry channel is narrow and only permits passage of unfolded, linearized polypeptides.

哺乳动物26S蛋白酶体是由一个20S催化颗粒(catalytic particle,CP)和两个19S调节颗粒(regulatory particle,RP)组成的ATP(adenosine-triphosphate,ATP)依赖性蛋白水解酶复合体。20S CP是26S蛋白酶体的催化核心,它是由4个圆环堆叠形成的桶状复合物,其中两侧外环每个环是由α_1-α_7亚基组成,两个内环每个环是由β_1-β_7亚基组成,4个环的中央形成一个狭窄的内腔。2个β内环形成了20S CP的催化中心空腔,其内壁为催化活性位点所在地;外侧α环中心的孔道是底物到达催化中心空腔的通道,一般被α亚基上的N末端所封闭,阻止胞内非目的靶蛋白进入20S CP内被降解破坏。

Chemical modification of the xylanase with NBS and WRK revealed that trytophan and glutamate/aspartate were essential for the activity. 3.0 mgmL^(-1) birchwood xylan could completely inhibit the inactivation of xylanase by NBS.


Yet when the pledge is damaged by different parties,the relief of the security interest varies as follows:if caused by the debtor, he is deprived of his interest of period;if by the pledgor(the warrantor offering the pledge),who failed to offer additionalp ledge,the liability of infringing the security interest will be imposed on him,besides the deprival of the deb-tor' s interest of period.


The effects of injection temperature on the dispersion phase and mechanical properties of polyoxymethylene/thermoplastic polyurethane elaster blends were investigated.


They discovered that vaccinia produces two proteins right after it infects a cell.


AIM: To observe whether N-Butyl cyancacrylate as filler is able to prevent the recurrence of physeal bridge after operation, and preliminarily investigate the effect of filler in the partial early-closure treatment on the epiphyseal plate.


For example, male-male copulations in locusts can be costly for the mounted male, and this cost may in turn increase selection pressure for males' tendency to release a chemical called panacetylnitrile, which dissuades other males from mounting them, said Bailey.


"For example, male-male copulations in locusts can be costly for the mounted male, and this cost may in turn increase selection pressure for males' tendency to release a chemical called panacetylnitrile, which dissuades other males from mounting them," said Bailey.

贝利说:举例来说,雄性蝉之间的交媾对下位的雄性蝉来说代价沉重,而这种代价可能反过来增加了选择压力,促使雄性蝉倾向于释放一种称为 panacetylnitrile 的化学物,这种化学物会阻止其他雄性蝉爬到自己身上进行交媾。

This may be explained by follows: First, Decoction Shenkangling can regulate the homeostasis of NEI network and reduce the increased activity of NF-κB to restrain the action of inflammatory-sclerotic media; Second, it can redress the disequilibrium of the ratio of TXA2/PGI2 to reform the hypercoagulable state; Third, it can enhance albumin and reduce cholesterol and triglyceride; Fourth, it can amend the renal damage and protect the function of renal tubule and stroma to prevent the transformation from MCD to FSGS; Last, it can lessen urine protein in AN rats markedly and relieve the side effects of prednisone.4. NF-κB, TXA2 and PGI2, along with the renal pathomorphology and so on can all be the indexes of the diagnosis of Symptom of "Kidney Deficiency and Blood Stasis" and the application of Methods of "Benefiting the kidney and Promoting blood circulation" in TCM.5. The curative effects on AN rats by treatment of integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine with prednisone are much better than using prednisone only. And the curative effects on AN rats by treatment of matching Decoction Shenkangling, having the function of "Benefiting the kidney and Promoting blood circulation", with Prednisone are much better than using Prednisone only.6. When it referred to decreasing urine protein, cholesterol and triglyceride and increasing albumin, Decoction Zhibodihuang excesses Decoction Taohongsiwu. However, when it referred to regulating the disequilibrium of TXA2/PGI2 and meliorating renal lesion, Decoction Taohongsiwu exceeds Decoction Zhibodihuang.7. The curative effects on AN rats by treatment of matching Methods of "Benefiting the kidney and Promoting blood circulation" with Prednisone overmatches using Prednisone matching Method of "Benefiting the kidney" or Method of " Promoting blood circulation" only.

益肾活血中药肾康灵能显著改善AN鼠的肾虚血瘀证的临床表现和实验指标,这可能与中药肾康灵能调理AN鼠机体的NEI网络功能稳态,降低异常升高的NF-κB活性,抑制免疫炎症/硬化介质环节,纠正失衡的TXA2/PGI2,改善AN鼠血液高凝状态,提高AN鼠的血清Alb,降低Ch和TG,减轻AN鼠的肾脏组织病理学变化,保护肾小管-间质功能,阻止MCD向FSGS转化;显著减轻AN鼠的尿蛋白水平以及减轻激素副作用有关。4、NF-κB、 TXB2和6-keto-PGF1α以及肾脏病理形态学改变等,都可作为中医肾虚血瘀证诊断和益肾活血法应用的客观指标。5、中西医结合干预AN鼠疗效优于单纯激素治疗;强的松配合益肾活血中药肾康灵组的综合疗效显著优于单纯强的松组。6、知柏地黄汤组在降低尿蛋白、提高血清Alb、降低Ch和TG疗效上优于桃红四物汤组;桃红四物汤组在纠正失衡的TXA2/PGI2和减轻肾脏病理损害方面优于知柏地黄汤组。7、激素配合益肾活血法干预AN鼠在一定程度上优于激素配合益肾法或活血法。

更多网络解释与阻止物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

阻止某物/某人做某事 can't stop doing sth 禁不住做某事:stop sb/sth from doing sth

11. stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下手中的事情去做另一件事 | stop sb/sth from doing sth 阻止某物/某人做某事 can't stop doing sth 禁不住做某事 | 12. on weekends 在周末

check a list:查点,核对,清算

353checkn. 检查,支票,阻止物; v. 检查,阻止,核对 | 354check a list查点,核对,清算 | 355check price最低价格,限制价格

discourage vt.1:设法阻止,劝阻 2.使泄气,使不想干

◆identification n. 鉴定,验明,认出 | discourage vt. 1.设法阻止,劝阻 2.使泄气,使不想干 | entry n. 1.进入,入场 2.参加比赛的人或物

keep/stop sb. from doing sth:阻止某人做某事

让/保持某人一直做某事 keep sb. doing sth. | 阻止某人做某事 keep/stop sb. from doing sth. | 30 使某人或某物安全,不受威胁 keep someone/something safe from danger

keep sth from:阻止某(物)人做(某事)

stop sth from 阻止某(物)(人)做(某事) | keep sth from 阻止某(物)人做(某事) | discourage sb from 阻止某人做(某事)


当lac阻遏物(repressor)结合在操纵基因上时阻止该操纵子的转录,阻遏物同操纵基因的结合由于诱导物别乳糖同阻遏蛋白的结合而解除其抑制作用. Rutger-Newark的化学教授Babis Kalodimos及其同事利用核磁共振(NMR)波谱来确定蛋白质如何在双螺旋结构的DNA长链上滑动并到达它们的靶位点-- 一段特异的DNA序列.


stayedstructure拉索结构 | stayer逗留者;支撑物;阻止物 | stayline大钳吊绳

stop sth from:阻止某(物)(人)做(某事)

prevent sth from 阻止某物(人)免受 | stop sth from 阻止某(物)(人)做(某事) | keep sth from 阻止某(物)人做(某事)

stop sb/sth from doing sth:阻止某物/某人做某事 can't stop doing sth 禁不住做某事

11. stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下手中的事情去做另一件事 | stop sb/sth from doing sth 阻止某物/某人做某事 can't stop doing sth 禁不住做某事 | 12. on weekends 在周末

stop sb/sth from doing sth:阻止某物/某人做某事

11. stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下手中的事情去做另一件事 | stop sb/sth from doing sth 阻止某物/某人做某事 | can't stop doing sth 禁不住做某事