英语人>词典>汉英 : 闲逛 的英文翻译,例句
闲逛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gad  ·  gallivant  ·  loaf  ·  lounge  ·  roam  ·  saunter  ·  stroll  ·  wandering  ·  gadded  ·  loafing  ·  lounging  ·  sauntering  ·  stroam  ·  gads  ·  gallivanted  ·  gallivanting  ·  loafed  ·  loafs  ·  lounged  ·  lounges  ·  roamed  ·  roams  ·  sauntered  ·  saunters  ·  strolled  ·  strolls  ·  bummel  ·  gallivants  ·  lallygag  ·  lallygagged  ·  lallygagging  ·  lallygags  ·  lig  ·  lollygag  ·  lollygagged  ·  lollygagging  ·  lollygags

go about · hang around · idle about · mess about · poke about · run around · potter about · ramble about · ramble over
更多网络例句与闲逛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm more of a freewheeling adventurer preferring to travel in the mountains all by myself.


I am only interested in wandering in an air-conditioned building and thinking about nothing at all !


While wandering around Monash University, you find an amphitheatre .


I ask him, A round moon and moon cake festival, why you still online search this and that ??


Strolling in the opposite direction, toward Attila, I would have no apparent connection to the vehicle.


Axle and I have become close friends, and I have had a great time writing and hanging out with him.

Axle 和我已经成了很亲密的朋友,和他在一起写歌或闲逛真是太棒了。

As the development that the net purchases, on shopping platform gad begins the new interest of one part crowd, the gad on the net resembles shopping daily same, already can goof, can clean out favorite commodity again, and still can get acquainted with a flock of interest to like identical friend.


Is a clear night again, again a person loiters about on the street, don't know how, is to like this kind of felling very much, such time always let me relax very much, is also an again unspeakable relaxed stem in the heart, unrestrained be flee the depressed hour in regard to would thus let out, this to me is a kind of good way, tired by walking seek to add the net cafe to need one night , I like this kind of dissolute and big-hearted and unrestrained life very much, the graduation contain a month, have been very happy, a day, a day, one night of one night wore the kind to spend in do nothing of loiter about, I can not reckon how many at led outside how much clear night, in fine is the second day to go home to sleep soundly after, loiter about nextly in the beginning.


Lily: Well, unless your real self is waiting for you at Antik, I don't see the point in another year of gallivanting around New York.

unless:除非 wait for:等待,等候 gallivant:闲逛除非真正的你在安提等你,我不觉得你在纽约再闲逛一年有什么意义。

Perhaps all societies significantly more advanced than our own have achieved an effective personal immortality and lose the motivation for interstellar gallivanting,which may,for all we know,be a typical urge only of adolescent civilizations.


更多网络解释与闲逛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beat about:四处闲逛

beat about the bush 旁敲侧击 | beat about 四处闲逛 | beat all 意想不到


3) Caution 叮嘱 | 4) Dawdle 闲逛 | 5) Stranger 陌生人


cynic 愤世嫉俗者 | dawdler 闲逛者 | defeatist 失败主义者


dawdler 游手好闲 | dawdling 闲逛的 | dawk 邮政

fooling around:闲逛

fool around with 与不三不四的人鬼混 | fooling around 闲逛 | for all I know 据我所知

wanderingsn.movement from place to place:漫游,闲逛

twinklev.shine with a light that gleams unsteadily闪烁,闪耀 | wanderingsn.movement from place to place漫游,闲逛 | bellowsn.风箱


gallium 镓 | gallivant 闲逛 | gallivorous 食五倍子的


gallium /镓/ | gallivant /与异性闲荡/闲逛/ | gallnut /没食子/五倍子/

go about:从事,着手做;闲逛

glance over 浏览,粗略地阅读 | go about 从事,着手做;闲逛 | go after 追逐,追求;设法得到

to hang about:闲逛

to hang about 闲逛 | a proper way 适当的方式 | e-business 电子商务 /使用因特网的商务运作