英语人>词典>汉英 : 闪烁光 的英文翻译,例句
闪烁光 的英文翻译、例句


flare light
更多网络例句与闪烁光相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cases (116 eyes) were treated with Haidinger brush ,afterimage and red flicker as treatment group , and the other 126 cases (126 eyes) were treated with afterimage and red flicker as control group .


The result indicates that the impact of inner-scale on scintillation is important,at the same time the scintillation index varies with the wave length and structure constant of atmospheric.


The system adopt LCD display and Illumination display,LCD with 4 kind of condition display: open,close,increased temperature,and constant temperature display.the function display need to adopt the cycle way,the red light flicker when you increase the temperature.after when you enter the keep temperature,you wil find the blue light flicker.


Results : Five kinds of ERG responses of all subjects but one could be recorded.


The most common cause of moire is the interference between scanning lines and some other periodic structure such as a line pattern or dot pattern in the original scene, a mesh or dot pattern in the camera sensor, or the phosphor dots or other structure in a shadowmask picture tube.


The experimental result which scintillation effect on the BER of lasercom system is given.


As they closed the show with a colorful strobe light effect, they thanked the audience for their support and blessings.


METHODS:By using Vision Monitor visual evoked response imaging system,the standards for five obtained Flash Electroretinogram were recorded on 53 normal subjects (73 eyes),including F-ERG to a weak flash in the dark-adapted eye,F-ERG to a strong flash in the dark-adapted eye,oscillatory potentials,F-ERG to a strong flash in t...

应用法国Metrovision公司生产的Vision Monitor视觉诱发系统检测正常人53例73眼。F-ERG的5个标准反应,包括暗适应25dB弱光刺激时的反应、暗适应0dB强光刺激时的反应、振荡电位、明适应白色标准闪光刺激时的反应和明适应快速重复闪烁光刺激的反应。

METHODS: By using Vision Monitor visual evoked response imaging system, the standards for five obtained Flash Electroretinogram were recorded on 53 normal subjects (73 eyes), including F-ERG to a weak flash in the dark-adapted eye,F-ERG to a strong flash in the dark-adapted eye, oscillatory potentials, F-ERG to a strong flash in the light-adapted eye, and F-ERGs to a rapidly repeated stimulus.

应用法国Metrovision 公司生产的Vision Monitor 视觉诱发系统检测正常人53例73眼。F-ERG的5个标准反应,包括暗适应25dB弱光刺激时的反应、暗适应0dB强光刺激时的反应、振荡电位、明适应白色标准闪光刺激时的反应和明适应快速重复闪烁光刺激的反应。

One blade masks the pulldown while the other blade causes an additional light interruption increasing the flicker frequency to 48 cycles per second - a level that is not objectionable to the viewer at the recommended screen brightness of 16 footlamberts (55 candelas per square meter).


更多网络解释与闪烁光相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

flicker photometer:闪变光度计,闪烁光度计=>交照測光器

flicker phase 闪变相位 | flicker photometer 闪变光度计,闪烁光度计=>交照測光器 | flicker photometry 闪变光度术

flickering light:闪光灯,闪烁光

flickering lamp 闪光灯 | flickering light 闪光灯,闪烁光 | flickering white dwarf 闪变白矮星


"闪烁"(gleam)这个词是他所喜欢用的词......只要他享有瞬间的真知或喜悦,华兹华斯就会使用描述光的语言谈及其经历. 他的伟大的诗篇都涉及被光芒启迪的时刻,在这些诗作中,文字的比喻意义和字面意义合二为一--他所使用的"辉光"(glory)一词具有抽象的现代含义,


joyfulness,高兴,欢喜,快乐 | lambency,巧妙,轻妙,柔光,闪烁 | luminosity,发光,光度,光辉,光明,发光体

flash photolysis:闪烁光解

flash of light 闪光 | flash photolysis 闪烁光解 | flash spectrum 闪光光谱


(2) 闪烁(Scintillation)金刚石的闪烁就是闪光,即当金刚石或者光源、 观察者相对移动时其表面对于白光的反射和闪光. 无色透明、结晶良好的八面体或者曲面体聚形钻石,即使不加切磨也可展露良好的闪烁光.

scintillation counter:闪烁计数器

X光绕射点搜集,随着时间的推移,也由早期以闪烁计数器(scintillation counter) 一次记录一个点及使用许多X-光片(X-rayfilm) 拍下绕射点,每张X光片都要经过显影的步骤;之后进而使用多重金属丝板(multiwire)自动记录每次侦测到的绕射点.

Scattering unbeholden:不为任何人闪烁,光点总是浮空

In a dell of dew, 在滴露的山谷中, | Scattering unbeholden 不为任何人闪烁,光点总是浮空, | Its aerial hue 停于花间草丛

flare light:闪烁光

flare kernel ==> 耀斑核 | flare light ==> 闪烁光 | flare loop ==> 耀斑环

flicker photometry:闪烁量光法

flicker phenomenon 闪烁现象 | flicker photometry 闪烁量光法 | flicker sensation 闪光感觉