英语人>词典>汉英 : 镰刀状 的英文翻译,例句
镰刀状 的英文翻译、例句


sickle shaped
更多网络例句与镰刀状相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alwa ys clutched in Nerull's skeletal hands is his sablewood staff,Lifecutter,which projects a scythelike blade of scarlet force that has the power to slay any c reature.


This patient has sickle cell anemia, and the depressed end plates are due to infarctions.


In these cases it is an indication of some injury or serious disease such as leukemia or sickle-cell anemia.


Again, the cause may be sickle-cell anemia or some injury.


Curved or sickle - shaped;falcate.


Curved or sickle - shaped;falcate.


Curved or sickle - shaped;falcate.


Results Of 60 cases,55 cases were unilateral,5 cases was bilateral.25 cases of cerebral flax subdural hematomas presented as strip-shaped,10cases presented as little-belt shaped,4 bilateral cases through MRI presented as U-shaped,7 cases of cerebellar tentorium hematomas presented as flakes,5 cases presented as fan-shaped.

结果 60例中发生于单侧55例,双侧5例;大脑镰硬膜下血肿25例表现为条索状,10例呈小带状,发生于两侧4例,MRI表现为双轨征,小脑幕下血肿7例呈片状,5例呈扇形,MRI表现为片带状高信号影,小脑幕并大脑镰硬膜下血肿6例呈&Y&形,3例呈镰刀状

Results Of 60 cases,55 cases were unilateral,5 cases was bilateral.25 cases of cerebral flax subdural hematomas presented as strip-shaped,10cases presented as little-belt shaped,4 bilateral cases through MRI presented as U-shaped,7 cases of cerebellar tentorium hematomas presented as flakes,5 cases presented as fan-shaped.

结果 60例中发生于单侧55例,双侧5例;大脑镰硬膜下血肿25例表现条索状,10例呈小带状,发生于两侧4例,MRI表现为双轨征,小脑幕下血肿7例呈片状,5例呈扇形,MRI表现为片带状高信号影,小脑幕并大脑镰硬膜下血肿6例呈&Y&形,3例呈镰刀状

My favorite insect is the mantis, which was the tentacles filiform, slender chest, two wings that were sickle-shaped forelegs.


更多网络解释与镰刀状相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


mosaic 斑纹状的,镶嵌,镶嵌的 | mow 用镰刀或刈草机割 | mower 割草机

Mallet putter:镰刀型推杆 - 杆头形状呈镰刀状但圆厚笃实的推击杆

Mallet head putt 木槌形棒头的球棒 | Mallet putter 镰刀型推杆 - 杆头形状呈镰刀状但圆厚笃实的推击杆 | man to man offense:盯人进攻法.

sickle-cell anermia:镰刀状细胞贫血病

无规则卷曲 randon coil | 复性 renaturation | 镰刀状细胞贫血病 sickle-cell anermia

sickle shaped:镰刀状的

sickle cell anemia 镰状血球贪血 | sickle shaped 镰刀状的 | sickness 疾病

Crassula falcata:{神刀}

镰刀状叶片肥厚多汁,灰绿色,无叶柄,紧贴茎杆对称生长,排列非常整齐,基神刀(Crassula falcata)是景天科青锁龙属多肉植物. 原产南非东部,在原产地成半灌木状生长,株高可达1米以上. 其镰刀状叶片肥厚多汁,灰绿色,无叶柄,紧贴茎杆对称生长,


fairy ring 仙环 | falcate 镰刀状的 | falciform 镰刀状


falcial 镍的 | falciform 镰刀状的 | falcon 猎鹰


degasser 脱气装置 除气器[剂] | falculate 镰刀状的 | peak form 峰形

heterogomph spinigerous seta:异齿刺状刚毛

06.1770 等齿刺状刚毛 homogomph spinigerous seta | 06.1771 异齿刺状刚毛 heterogomph spinigerous seta | 06.1772 等齿镰刀状刚毛 homogomph falcigerous seta


sickle spanner ==> 镰刀式扳手,镰刀式薄扳手 | sickle-hocked ==> 后肢X状腿 | sickle-type embryotome ==> 镰状碎胎刀