英语人>词典>汉英 : 锁骨 的英文翻译,例句
锁骨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
clavicle  ·  collarbone  ·  claviculate  ·  clavicles  ·  clavicalis

cleid- · clid- · collar bone
更多网络例句与锁骨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Clavicle bone is suitable for implant as its density,and for the repair of mandibular defect as its shape.The accurate data of personalized clavicle shape and bone density can be measured through preoperative imaging.It can be used for design of mandibular defects repair and / or tooth plant in the same period with pedicle sternocleidomastoid muscle.


Dependent on the location of the subclavian vein in relation to the clavicle.


Methods 24 albino rabbits were divided into 3 groups randomly: group DHCA (n=8); group DHCA+SCP( n=8) and group DHCA+SCP +L-arg( n=8). Three groups were placed on cardiopulmonary bypassaccording to clinical method, the anonyma and bilateral subclavian arteries of animals in group DHCA+SCP and group DHCA+SCP +L-arg were isolated.


Methods: 37 patients with distal clavicle fracture were treated with three different methods, 1 fixation by AO plate (20 cases), and 2 reconstructed coracoclavicular ligament by using Ethibond 5# suture (8 cases), 3 reconstructed coracoclavicular ligament by using suture anchor (9cases a).

对37例锁骨远端骨折患者分别采用锁骨钩钢板固定;切开复位并用ETHIBOND 5#线穿过喙突固定于锁骨骨折近端以重建喙锁韧带;切开复位后在喙突上置入2枚缝合锚,锚尾端的缝线固定于锁骨骨折近端以重建喙锁韧带三种不同手术方法进行治疗。

The infraclavicular and the AXIS approach can be substitutes for the supraclavicular approach. Considering the relative high incidence of pneumothorax, the infraclavicular approach should be paid more attention.


To systematicallyinvestigate this landmark, we conducted a study in four phases:1 Two blindfolded examiners determined the distance betweenthe tuberosity's medial border and the clavicle's lateral endin 100 dried clavicles and then 2 performed subclavian veincannulation in 20 fresh human cadavers using the tuberosityand the suprasternal notch as landmarks. 3 Three-dimensionalreconstructions of the subclavian artery and vein and surroundingstructures were derived from computed tomography datasets of10 patients. The length of the path of a virtual subclavianvein cannulation with the deltoid tuberosity landmark was measuredbilaterally. 4 In a prospective, randomized trial, subclavianvein cannulation was performed in 60 patients with a standardapproach or with the deltoid tuberosity as landmark.

为系统地研究这个解剖标志,作者将本研究分为四个阶段:1 双盲检查100个干燥的锁骨测量其三角肌粗隆内侧缘至锁骨侧面末端的距离;2 在20具新鲜的尸体上以三角肌粗隆和胸骨上切迹为标志进行锁骨下静脉穿刺;3 利用 CT 所获取的数据资料对10个病人的锁骨下动脉和静脉以及周围结构进行三维重建,测量两侧以三角肌粗隆为标志的虚拟锁骨下静脉置管路径的长度;4 选择60例病人以标准路径或三角肌粗隆为标志进行锁骨下静脉穿刺的前瞻性随机试验研究。

To systematicallyinvestigate this landmark, we conducted a study in four phases:1 Two blindfolded examiners determined the distance betweenthe tuberosity's medial border and the clavicle's lateral endin 100 dried clavicles and then 2 performed subclavian veincannulation in 20 fresh human cadavers using the tuberosityand the suprasternal notch as landmarks. 3 Three-dimensionalreconstructions of the subclavian artery and vein and surroundingstructures were derived from computed tomography datasets of10 patients. The length of the path of a virtual subclavianvein cannulation with the deltoid tuberosity landmark was measuredbilaterally. 4 In a prospective, randomized trial, subclavianvein cannulation was performed in 60 patients with a standardapproach or with the deltoid tuberosity as landmark.

为系统地研究这个解剖标志,作者将本研究分为四个阶段:1 双盲检查100个乾燥的锁骨测量其三角肌粗隆内侧缘至锁骨侧面末端的距离;2 在20具新鲜的尸体上以三角肌粗隆和胸骨上切迹为标志进行锁骨下静脉穿刺;3 利用 CT 所获取的资料资料对10个病人的锁骨下动脉和静脉以及周围结构进行三维重建,测量两侧以三角肌粗隆为标志的虚拟锁骨下静脉置管路径的长度;4 选择60例病人以标准路径或三角肌粗隆为标志进行锁骨下静脉穿刺的前瞻性随机试验研究。

Objective:to investigate the treatment outcome of ao/asif clavicular hook plate in the treatment of acromioclavicular joint dislocation (tossy grade ⅲ)and unstable lateral clavicular fractures (neer type 2).methods: from february 2004 to march 2007,23 patients with unstable lateral clavicular fractures (neer type 2),2 patients with no-union lateral clavicular fractures and 5 patients with acromioclavicular joint dislocation (tossy grade ⅲ) were treated with acromioclavicular hook plate.

目的:探讨ao/asif锁骨钩钢板治疗锁骨骨折和肩锁关节脱位的疗效。方法:对2004年2月~2007年3月我科收治的30例得到完整随访资料的锁骨骨折和肩锁关节脱位的患者进行回顾性分析,其中,应用锁骨钩钢板治疗的新鲜锁骨外端不稳定骨折23例,陈旧性锁骨外端骨折骨不连患者2例,tossy grade ⅲ度肩锁关节脱位5例。

Methods With surgery method treatment collar bone bone fracture 160 examples, in Cleveland needle steel wire fixed 134 examples, reconstructs the steel plate or in the collar bone steel plate the fixed 11 examples, the bolt after the collar bone and the processus coracoideus fixed 12 examples, in the collar bone hook steel plate the fixed 3 examples, after the technique, makes a follow-up visit the review analysis four in fixed methods the adaptation card, the bone fracture cicatrization time and the complication formation rate.


Basing on the setup of animal model of root avulsion of the brachial plexus, we divided the experimental animal into four groups by the operative method: Group A: one end of the maternal nerve graft was connected with the upper trunk of the healthy side by end-to-side neurorrhaphy, and the other end was sutured to the distal stump of musculocutaneous nerve infraclevicularly by end-to-end neurorrhaphy. Goup B: on the healthy side, the operation was the same, the other end was sutured to the distal end of C〓 by end-to-end neurorrhaphy on the affected side. Group C: the maternal nerve graft bridged the phrenic nerve and infraclevicular musculocutaneous nerve of the affected side by end-to-end neurorrhaphy. Group D: the phrenic nerve was sutured to the distal end of C〓 supraclevicularly by end-to-end neurorrhaphy.


更多网络解释与锁骨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

clavicular air sac:锁骨气囊

"锁骨","clavicle" | "锁骨气囊","clavicular air sac" | "锁骨腱","clavicular tendon"


(1)锁骨(clavicle) 横于颈部和胸部交界处,全长于皮下均可摸到,是重要的骨性标志. 锁骨上面光滑,下面粗糙,形似长骨,但无骨髓腔,可区分为一体两端. 中间部分是锁骨体,内侧2/3凸向前,外侧1/3凸向后. 内侧端粗大,与胸骨柄相关节,

supraclavicular fossa:[锁骨上窝]

锁骨上窝(supraclavicular fossa)(左、右) 为锁骨上方的凹陷部,相当于两肺上叶 肺尖的上部. 锁骨下窝(infraclavicular fossa)(左、右) 为锁骨下方的凹陷部,下界为第3肋骨 下缘. 相当于两肺上叶肺尖的下部. 肩胛上区(suprascapular regl'cm)(左、右) 为肩胛冈以上的区域,

Clavicular tuberculosis:锁骨结核

Clavicular fracture 锁骨骨折 | Clavicular tuberculosis 锁骨结核 | Clavicular tumor; Tumor of clavicle 锁骨肿瘤

clavicular part:锁骨部

锁骨|clavicle | 锁骨部|clavicular part | 锁骨上部|supraclavicular part

Nodi supraclaviculares:锁骨上淋巴结

锁骨 - Clavicula | 锁骨上淋巴结 - Nodi supraclaviculares | 锁骨下动脉 - Arteria subclavia

ansa subclavia caudalis:后锁骨下袢

锁骨下袢 ansa subclavia | 后锁骨下袢 ansa subclavia caudalis | 前锁骨下袢 ansa subclavia cranialis

Musculus subclavius:锁骨下肌

锁骨下动脉 - Arteria subclavia | 锁骨下肌 - Musculus subclavius | 锁骨下静脉 - Vena subclavia

M. subclavius:锁骨下肌

锁骨下动脉 - Arteria subclavia | 锁骨下肌 - M. subclavius | 锁骨下静脉 - Vena subclavia

supraclavicular space:锁骨上间隙

锁骨上神经 supraclavicular nerves | 锁骨上间隙 supraclavicular space | 锁骨上三角 supraclavicular triangle