英语人>词典>汉英 : 锁子甲 的英文翻译,例句
锁子甲 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
acton  ·  byrnie  ·  hauberk  ·  Acton

chain mail · chain armor · chain acmour
更多网络例句与锁子甲相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Berdiche Axemen receive plenty of training to wield their fearsome two handed axes and are armored appropriately with armor from mail up to heavy brigandine.

Berdiche 斧手受过良好的训练来挥舞这双手斧,他们装备着包括轻盔到重锁子甲的重重防护。

This exhibition consists of 19 beasts skin chain mail braided in stainless steel gaskets and 60 birds chain mails. Among them, the heaviest, a tiger armor, weighs over 200 pounds, and the smallest, a flying bird weighs less than 100 grams.


The costume of Arabic warriors is a hauberk inside and a squama corselet outside,which has a better defence effectiveness.


No I do not think it would be very good to penetrate a chained mail, the I would rather user one like on the Thread: An armour piercing katar .


No I don't think it would be very good to penetrate a chained mail, the I would rather user one like on the Thread: An armour piercing katar .


Let there be one measure of wine throughout our whole realm; and one measure of ale; and one measure of corn, to wit,"the London quarter"; and one width of cloth (whether dyed, or russet, or "halberget"), to wit, two ells within the selvedges; of weights also let it be as of measures.

全国度量衡应当统一。酒类、爱尔啤酒、谷物概以伦敦夸特为单位;衣料长度(无论染布、土布或锁子甲)定为上下两边之间长为二码;衡器亦如量器统一。注: a 、可能是指锁子甲的衬里。

Such helmet was usually put on the chain mail cap which had the soft cotton cloth or gunny cloth inside. In the 12th century, the head and face of round helmet were all covered except a chink at eyes; moreover, face plate was punched with many small holes to breathe.


No I do not think it would be very good to penetrate a chained mail, the I would rather user one like on the Thread: An armour piercing katar .


No I don't think it would be very good to penetrate a chained mail, the I would rather user one like on the Thread: An armour piercing katar .


By magic, each cup of water was forged into a single ring of the mail armor the Circle gave to Calenhad.


更多网络解释与锁子甲相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


就这一问题,我主要介绍以下几种铠甲:锁子甲(chainmail)、钢板锁子甲(platedchainmail)、板甲(Platearmour)、软铠甲(Gambeson)和锁子铠(Brigandine). 三、板甲:板甲早在古希腊和古罗马时期就已经出现,当时主要用来保护前胸和小腿.


byre | 牛栏 | byrnie | 锁子甲,铠甲 | byroad | 间道, 侧道

chain mail:锁子甲

标准重步兵一般配备剑、方盾(Kite Shield)或塔型盾(Tower Shield)、铁盔、锁子甲(chain mail)或鳞甲(scale mail). 有些经过训练的重步兵会携带短弓(Short bow)以便必要时进行远距离攻击. 骑士:通常是由无法继承爵位的贵族子弟为主要来源,

chain mail:(史)锁子甲

4.精选语录 Leonard: Why don't we just figure out where we're going. | chain mail : (史)锁子甲 | linen: 亚麻布

Clothing, protective, chain mail:锁子甲服装,具有保护性的

2434011 Clothing, protective, metallised 防护服,金属化的 | 2434012 Clothing, protective, chain mail 锁子甲服装,具有保护性的 | 2434013 Clothing, protective, non-woven 防护服,非织造的

It's chain mail:[是锁子甲]

Uh,but I just don't think that he's gonna go for a baby in chain-link. [只是我想 他不会赞同 穿锁子衣的娃娃的] | It's chain mail. [是锁子甲] | Whatever. [随便吧]


上层大贵族可能有全身盔,尽管国王詹姆斯4世也只是被提到在装饰过的丝绸外套下用了锁子甲(hauberk)和夹克,以及一顶小圆盔. 骑兵的基本武器是骑士枪,不过在16世纪的两次大战役中国王和贵族都下马作战,站在长枪兵纵队的第一列,

hauberk:锁子甲 (名)

hatred 憎恨; 仇恨; 敌意 (名) | hauberk 锁子甲 (名) | haughtily 傲慢地; 骄傲地 (副)

Dismounted Mailed Knights:下马锁子甲骑士

Highlanders merc 苏格兰高地雇佣兵 | Dismounted Mailed Knights 下马锁子甲骑士 | Jerusalem Knights 耶路撒冷骑士

Chain Armor:锁子甲

Monoprix "不二价"商店(法国的一种专售廉价商品的连锁商店) | chain armor 锁子甲 | lumber core 素材心板, 木芯板